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You'd create a mod, put all the files you want to change into your local mod folder, edit your .zone file to reflect the files you're looking to mod.

Past this, you just need to know where to look to find these things, I guess the max zombies a round is in _zm.gsc. Have fun.

Thank you for the help! Going to try this after uni today.
8 years ago
Trying to get into the whole scripting side of it, and kinda know the basics of Python.

Anyway looking to change some of the current values on the default BO3 maps that come with the game/season pass. Looking to change the zombies that spawn per round, amount to spawn at once, quicken the round timer (reduce the wait inbetween rounds) and so on, but confused as to how to do this.

Most tutorials etc seem to use the usermaps folder, but I assume this is just for maps we've created. How would I go about doing this for the current maps and uploading it to the Workshop? Downloaded a mod similar earlier and it was only 9kb.

Thanks for any help, and please do realize that we all have to start somewhere. I do appreciate any and all help, thanks again.
8 years ago
Wow, spent 2 hours on this map. It's truly incredible. Some of the best mapping I've ever seen, probably the literal best at that. Unfortunately I didn't complete the map, I got to that panel in the spawn room, but everything kept saying "system no initialized". I looked around for ages, but just gave up and did a last stand in the PAP room. Lots of interesting mechanics that I really enjoyed. Not to mention weapons you don't normally see
10/10 gonna be posting my gameplay on YouTubes sometime soon.
Thanks for the map :]

Spent like 3 hours playing and did the same. Eventually found out today that all you have to do is knife the light above the panel, and do the same for the rest of them. Was very salty this morning but went back and completed it.
8 years ago
Loved the map, small, fun and not too hard. Only two problems I had were the Deadshot area. Being in that zone only seemed to activate the spawner in that area, making it very easy to just camp that wall with 1 spawn of zombies. Secondly, PaP seems to not have any pathing there for zombies for me.

Great map though !
8 years ago
Think EE has glitched out on me. Used the panel that gets revealed in spawn which should unlock the panel to pay for unlocking the plane but it's not done anything. I used the panel in spawn, got 1 line of text printed on screen and the plane/power panel say the system is not initialized.
8 years ago
Yes finally the release of the map !
8 years ago
Can't wait for this! Also my preference would be to keep the Doors to the outside closed and maybe have them as a buyable or unlockable EE ending ?
8 years ago
Hey guys does anyone know where the end-game is? I can't seem to find it :P

Think about the possible ways of escaping Rust. I found the end game pretty easily.

Literally, just think of all the ways/routes that you can get out of Rust and you'll find the ending.
8 years ago
good map but i couldnt find all of the slurm cans and i shot every single one of them

Edit: i couldnt find all of the slurm cans can u help out with that

Did you get the one behind the Suicide machine ? That one was the last for me and took a lil while.
8 years ago
Loved the map! Bought ending on Round 20 and found all the cans. Also, pretty sure I found the unfound EE. Was playing around on the map after completing it and found it, involves the number 5000. Don't want to give anything away but snapped this screenshot as proof. Lastly, I don't see how you can get the EE thing without some way of breaching the map if that makes sense? Trying not to give too much away haha.
8 years ago
Okay so I played the map again, this time with sound. Did every shootable etc that I could find, activated all 3 songs and unlocked every one of the galaxy doors apart from 1. Had all perks and for the life of me couldn't find that last thing to trigger the final galaxy door. Did the wheel barrows, shootables, crows, rats and so on. Went around the map and no noise seemed to come from anywhere? Any chance of looking into this?

Also as stated before, the 100k point ending still does nothing.  Thanks :).
8 years ago
Ah, never played Exo Zombies, but I know exactly what you're on about, hopping into a game now!
8 years ago
In addition to my previous post, I completed all challenges, all soulboxes, found the 4 teddy's and 3 gnomes but couldn't find the last part to the table weapon (don't want to give it away). Gonna take a guess and say the last part is to do with the keys ? Managed to find 2/3 keys but couldn't find any after that.
8 years ago
Love the map, played the original one with the Doctor Who EE. Found 4 teddy's and 3 gnomes, they're pretty hidden but can be found if you look hard enough.
8 years ago
Just played it for about an hour. First thoughts, it does seem like a good map. A LOT of time has been put into creating the map and detailing it. It's also an absolutely massive map.

For me personally, it's decent but I just lost interest after getting to about round 15 due to the map being 'too' big for my liking. Found myself running round more than I did killing zombies. Also seemed to spend most of my time trying to get back to different areas.

Managed to do both the Knife Teddy's and the Archery Target kinda EE's and got 1 rat, but apart from that I simply couldn't find anything and kinda just gave up. Also the rocks in the outside area constantly glitch out for me and disappear.

Lastly, I purchased the 100k point ending and nothing seemed to happen. Took the points and the game just continued as normal.

Not trying to trash the map, I genuinely think it's one of the most detailed maps and can tell you've put a lot of time into it. For me personally though, it's just too large and I kinda gave up. Props to you for creating such a good map though! Don't let me put you off.
8 years ago
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