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Messages - AwesomePieMan

if i walk through my map sometimes my CoD4 container models dissapear how can i fix this ?
The LOD distance on your models must be too low, open assetmanager and go to your model, there should be some numbers labeled highloddist - lowestloddist.  Those are the number of units away you have to be before it switches the model to a lower LOD, so just increase those numbers.
10 years ago
Still after many played maps the best one !

Note: 100+ maps played


Thanks :D
10 years ago
No i dont ^^

I went down after the easter egg and 2 perk shaders gltiched i cant tell you why
Probably the way I gave perks at the end, sorry about that.
10 years ago
No but he might be able to
Maybe, but I am certainly doing something else for this map.  :D
10 years ago
Didn't work.  :lol:

Spoiler: click to open...

r_flamefx_enable 0 in console.
10 years ago
Can't wait to cook zombies from the inside out, the next update is going to be fun.  Jbird should be announcing it shortly.
10 years ago
I see you are using my five styled teleporters, please give me credit since you used my tutorial/fx/script.
10 years ago
Right off the bat I can see that the variable players does not seem to be defined.  Not sure why it hasn't given you a script error on map startup already.  Also, put the wait in your while loop instead of the if statement.  (I saw both of those things at first glance, so keep that in mind if it does not work instantly.)  Ill look into this more when I get to my desktop.  (Im on a laptop now that cant run w@w for me to test)

Edit: For some reason on my laptop it didn't show the whole code box, ignore what I said about things not being defined.  (I only saw part of it)
10 years ago
It is the same for BO1 as it is for BO2... Fire Sales will not activate until the box is moved. Power does not need to be on to get Fire Sales on either game.

There is rare instances of Fire Sales appearing without the box moving though, like on Moon where they can appear above the biodome or on Origins where you can obtain them by collecting the tank power ups.
Ah, ok, my mistake then.  I still think power on is a good option for firesales on Swan though.
10 years ago
Fire Sale does not require power if im correct, in BO1/2 it wont spawn until the box has been opened up
In BO1 it only spawns after the power is on (if I am remembering correctly).  In BO2 it doesn't spawn until the box has moved.  Either way, its designed to stop you from getting a firesale in the early rounds.  The song easter egg used to spawn a perkbottle, but it was giving me problems, so I switched it to firesale.
10 years ago
I played lorkeep is that map the problem? and if so how do I fix this?

The napalm on that map is the problem, it sets that Dvar on you and sometimes it does not unset it (not sure when those times are exactly but im guessing if the game ends while you are in his radius it happens)  There really is no way for you yourself to fix it, chroma would have to update the map.  Did setting that dvar work like ProGamerzFTW suggested?

10 years ago
did you play lorkeep

Im guessing, the way the lorkeep napalm works is by setting that cleintdvar on the player, instead of using SetBurn().  Im guessing if the game ends when you are near the napalm, the lorkeep one does not unset that dvar causing this problem on all maps.
10 years ago
yea but im not good with portaling lol - but yea i haven't really heard much from people about lag.
I have only heard complaints about lag from people trying to run this map on their toaster (mainly my one friend who runs on a really old laptop). Yes, it should have been portaled, but for the majority of people there aren't lag problems.  (No complaints from testers)

i don't know if you're having the same issue, but i accidentally placed a trigger_use instead of trigger multiple while placing the playable area. check if you did the same, maybe that's why it does it.
Yup, that's exactly what I did, im an idiot xD
10 years ago
So apparently you blocked me on skype even though you wanted to talk maturely, but here i go with some nice criticism (hopefully):
the texture just ends and the floor starts. Maybe add some trim?

you should blend this debris:

realistically speaking, this should be rotated 90 deg.

texture looks a bit stretched

this is the most perfect hallway. maybe change it up a bit, break it up, make it look a bit more natural

decals are a bit stretched

some sort of transition might be needed

smooth this out, you could hurt yourself:

same here:

idk if this is part of the ee

these blockers don't really fit:

might want to change the wood texture to be more random

may need to lightmap this

same here:

this zombie decided it hated me and walked toward the teleporter:

Thees are all valid points (except for the random hand, there is nothing there in Radiant and I cant figure out why it happens, it actually pisses me off a lot, especially because I have no idea how to fix it)  Thanks for sharing, and I will take this all into consideration on my next map.
10 years ago
Problem solved... took it out in the script
Come on dude, I worked so hard on that just to piss people off :D (It seems as if I succeeded with you)  Cant handle the challenge?  Because there is an easy way to deal with him, seems as if you haven't even tried.
10 years ago
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