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Messages - artsergo

over this function - addnotetrack_customdialog.
I saw her use in the standard maps (the missions) but probably this - addnotetrack_customdialog need include something else for working because in my example isn't working for - addnotetrack_customdialog.

7 years ago
You will need a function to actually tell your ai to do dialog.
Check ber3_util.gsc and look for "say_dialog" and "is_active_ai" functions and paste them both into your mapname anim gsc

Level.scr_sound ["sarge"] ["speaker1234"] = "speaker1234";
Level.sarge say_dialog( "sarge", "speaker1234", true ,true,false);
There is also a function called play_generic_facial( sound, looktarget)
If you pass the player as looktarget it will face the player then say the dialog with lip sync.

Edited to add
Another working example with addnotetrack_customdialog thats closer to what your trying to do.

I No all understand a little.
Can you write a simple such code how it might look like full code, please.
Just there are moments you mentioned in your post, I have never seen and I'm confused)

Thanks you
7 years ago
Hi.  :)

Advise me please.
as i think that i have problem with soundaliases. I see many forums and other sites about this topic but it's no helped me, and I do not understand.

This is example how i want to do:

Such moment.  :)
I want to make a dialogue for my allies actors. the like code examples working in all standart maps named_anim.gsc
into CoDWaW (SP):


Code Snippet
load.scr_anim[nameactor_from_radiant_named][animname] ="%ch_named_actor_animation_(form_xanim_folder) ";
load.scr_sound[nameactor_from_radiant_named][animname] = "name_sound_from_soundaliases";

and i write so code for dialogue (animation + sound):

//////////// in main gsc i insort:

Code Snippet
#include maps\_anim;
#include maps\_utility;
#include common_scripts\utility;


flag_init( "player_spawns_soldier" );
flag_init( "sgt_reaches_trigger" );
flag_init( "soldier_reaches_trigger" );

thread heroes();

//wait for soldier to reach his trigger after spawn
flag_wait( "soldier_reaches_trigger" );

heroes() {

flag_wait( "player_spawns_soldier" );

//we have to wait a small instance so game recognizes ai existance
wait 0.15;

level.chernov = getent( "pvt. Chernov", "targetname" );
level.chernov.animname = "intro_cher";

flag_wait( "soldier_reaches_trigger" );

//wait a bit for seargant to be alive in game
wait 0.15;

level.Reznov = getent( "sgt. Reznov", "targetname" );
level.Reznov.animname = "intro_rez";


//////////// and this code insort to my map _anim.gsc :

#include maps\_anim;
#include maps\_utility;
#include common_scripts\utility;

main() {


////////////////////////////////////////////// this code /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

//lets wait for sargeant to reach his trigger
flag_wait( "sgt_reaches_trigger" );

//wait for a bit so it looks like they regroup
wait 0.75;

level.scr_anim["Reznov"]["intro_rez"] = %ch_seelow1_reznov_runandcaugh;
addNotetrack_dialogue( "reznov", "Ber3_INT_000A_REZN", "intro_rez_01", "Ber3_INT_000A_REZN" );
level.scr_anim["chernov"]["intro_cher"] = %ch_seelow1_intro_chernov;
addNotetrack_dialogue( "chernov", "Ber3_IGD_028A_CHER_A", "intro_chern_01", "Ber3_IGD_028A_CHER_A" );

wait 0.15; //pause2



level.scr_sound["Reznov"]["intro_rez_01"] = "See1_INT_011A_REZN01";
level.scr_sound["Reznov"]["intro_rez_02"] = "See1_INT_013A_REZN02";

wait 0.2; //pause

level.scr_sound["chernov"]["intro_chern_01"] = "Ber3_IGD_028A_CHER_A";

wait 0.2; //pause

level.scr_sound["Reznov"]["intro_rez_03"] = "See1_IGD_148A_REZN03";
level.scr_sound["Reznov"]["intro_rez_04"] = "See1_IGD_149A_REZN04";
level.scr_sound["Reznov"]["intro_rez_05"] = "See1_IGD_300A_REZN05";
level.scr_sound["Reznov"]["intro_rez_06"] = "See1_IGD_058A_REZN06";


but still this code don't working.  :(
CoDWaW doesn't show any errors when loading this map .

the map starting complite and i walking in the map and Chernov and Reznov spawning - ok,
but they don't talking both  :(

Help, what could be the problem, at least understanding of the causes.
code like as a "self playsound (....);" - no interest because then actor speech without animation lips

7 years ago
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