I don't think the buyable ending amount is correct. In the script it looks like the buyable ending should be 50k points but in game it shows 25k. When I change that it doesn't reflect in game either. I'm not sure if I'm doing it right or not. I know this is an old thread bu...
I don't think the buyable ending amount is correct. In the script it looks like the buyable ending should be 50k points but in game it shows 25k. When I change that it doesn't reflect in game either. I'm not sure if I'm doing it right or not. I know this is an old thread bu...
2 years ago
I know this is a pretty old thread, but does anyone have any ideas as to why the fuse isn't spawning with the prefab? I got the switch and the panel but the fuse is missing

2 years ago
Thank you. Yes, I haven't had time to fix it. sorry!! play my new map! Helltower! regards!
Your new map has the exact same revive bug this map has. You arent able to revive downed players, making it impossible to...
4 years ago
Map crashes on start, can't do anything to fix it. Turned specular map off and turned texture settings to high from ultra. Neither worked.
4 years ago
So i tried this map in coop and when my friend died i couldn't revive him and he couldn't die from staying down as well... so basically coop is unplayable on this map
Ive had this problem in other map and ...
4 years ago
For the love man.. please dont put ads on your downloads. Its totally fucked now because of it. Luckily if you just copy the mediafire link at the end of the url that works.
Edit: Just got the chance of playing, I lag insanely bad whenever a zombie hits me. I never have problems with this...
Edit: Just got the chance of playing, I lag insanely bad whenever a zombie hits me. I never have problems with this...
4 years ago