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Jungle Pyramid

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Created 1 year ago
by Sadoron
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Hello everybody, i finally release my old project with a lot of additions.
Welcome to the jungle pyramid, it seems like an army took place here without any form of respect for the ancient civilisation..
Go inside this monument to learn more about all of this, but don't stay too long and come back.
You are not droped in front of the pyramid cause of the potential danger, so you first have to find a way to the building !

Download link:

-BO2 & BO3 perks
-Shadows mystery box
-Buldable powerswitch
-Multiple secret musics
-Breakable rocks
-Dynamite to Jugg
-Custom zombies skins
-Dogs and crowlers
-Fast travel
-Souboxes and reward
-Defcons system
-Clock puzzle
-Buyable ending
-Buyable max ammo
-Hidden weapons
-Portraits sounds
-Kino der toten basics sounds
-Electric traps
-And other little things


Known issues:
-Sometimes the souls bonus rewards does not spawn.
-Blowing dynamite effect doesn't work.
-Somehow you can get the default_wepon and this cause issues.
-The blowing rocks triggers are weird.
My last desires to improve a bit more the map:
-Add some ziplines
-Set a first box spawn place
-Add multiplayer loading screen
-Add menu sound
-Add more weapons
-Add ending challenges
-Make zombies following players in the shortcuts..

Thanks To :
-El Thunder
-And others
LAST EDIT : 20/02/2024 - I rollbacked the map and fixed perks, the crash game bug (LookupLen>0), the power wich freezed players and other minors bugs.
Last Edit: March 07, 2024, 09:15:31 pm by Sadoron
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nice map
Last Edit: February 19, 2024, 11:34:34 pm by Moderator (Approval)
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Looks like a lot of work
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Oh my God I loved the beta version of this map! It looks so visually pleasing I can't wait to play!

Double Post Merge: March 30, 2024, 04:32:33 am

Wow. This was an adventure. I think I spent about 3-4 hours playing this map and SOMEHOW I figured out everything (besides finding the dynamite for spawn Jug) and I was able to get all the way to the end. I did die before I could beat the map, but I was really tired and was being pretty stupid. I fucking love this map btw, I can't believe what you did with it. It is a stunning looking map, and I can't believe how much detail went into this. It almost felt like the old map called Aztec from World at War, with how huge and confusing it was. I do think that it was a little but hard to figure out what to do most of the time, but in the end I prevailed every time. I do have to say, I feel like you released a version that isn't right. The perk machines were all treyarch, but a lot of them had infinite warfare jingles which confused me. In one of the screenshots of the map you took, you had an inifinite warfare perk where vulture aid was in my game, so I think there's an issue with the perks. I do think that you should add more perks to the map, as there were obviously tons of perks seen 2-3 times in the map, and I feel like with perks such as tomcstone, who's who, deadshot (which you didn't put in but trolled lol), and maybe some custom ones if you know how to do that sorta thing. I don't like how the Galil was like a gun I found on the wall, as the gun for opening the pyramid, and a gun randomly on the ground. Really weird to me. Also a lot of the guns are too weak, the type-25 being a huge one. I also think you should try adding double tap 2.0, as it would make the high rounds much less stressful, since it took me until round 34, with countless downs, to make it to the end. Having so many wall buys appear like 2-3 times was also a bit weird. I think what you could do is add guns that are pack-a-punched already to the wall or hidden in the map, and remove the non-upgraded versions so you can have more room for more guns. I would also suggest removing as many b01 guns as possible so you can have tons of room for whatever custom guns you want. The Spaz was also weird, because I got 2 different varients and they were both called the Spaz-24 when upgraded, but the new one you added behaved completely differently, so the name was strange. Sorry for all of this text, I just felt like you really deserved a full and honest review and feedback for your map and I really adored almost everything about it. I really hope you make more maps or update this one soon!
Edit: The cds were fucking awesome too. I forgot to add that the soul chests, or whatever they were, were invisible for me. I only knew they were there because of the vulture aid noise. ALSO with the default weapon, it was a direct issue with widows wine. It gave you the default weapons and you switched to that gun to throw the grenades for widows.
Edit 2 (lol) After playing again, double tap 2.0 is working I think? I swear the first time I played the map the guns were way worse with double tap. Not sure why it changed,
Last Edit: March 31, 2024, 07:50:25 pm by seanathan
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Oh my God I loved the beta version of this map! It looks so visually pleasing I can't wait to play!

Double Post Merge: March 30, 2024, 04:32:33 am

Wow. This was an adventure. I think I spent about 3-4 hours playing this map and SOMEHOW I figured out everything (besides finding the dynamite for spawn Jug) and I was able to get all the way to the end. I did die before I could beat the map, but I was really tired and was being pretty stupid. I fucking love this map btw, I can't believe what you did with it. It is a stunning looking map, and I can't believe how much detail went into this. It almost felt like the old map called Aztec from World at War, with how huge and confusing it was. I do think that it was a little but hard to figure out what to do most of the time, but in the end I prevailed every time. I do have to say, I feel like you released a version that isn't right. The perk machines were all treyarch, but a lot of them had infinite warfare jingles which confused me. In one of the screenshots of the map you took, you had an inifinite warfare perk where vulture aid was in my game, so I think there's an issue with the perks. I do think that you should add more perks to the map, as there were obviously tons of perks seen 2-3 times in the map, and I feel like with perks such as tomcstone, who's who, deadshot (which you didn't put in but trolled lol), and maybe some custom ones if you know how to do that sorta thing. I don't like how the Galil was like a gun I found on the wall, as the gun for opening the pyramid, and a gun randomly on the ground. Really weird to me. Also a lot of the guns are too weak, the type-25 being a huge one. I also think you should try adding double tap 2.0, as it would make the high rounds much less stressful, since it took me until round 34, with countless downs, to make it to the end. Having so many wall buys appear like 2-3 times was also a bit weird. I think what you could do is add guns that are pack-a-punched already to the wall or hidden in the map, and remove the non-upgraded versions so you can have more room for more guns. I would also suggest removing as many b01 guns as possible so you can have tons of room for whatever custom guns you want. The Spaz was also weird, because I got 2 different varients and they were both called the Spaz-24 when upgraded, but the new one you added behaved completely differently, so the name was strange. Sorry for all of this text, I just felt like you really deserved a full and honest review and feedback for your map and I really adored almost everything about it. I really hope you make more maps or update this one soon!
Edit: The cds were fucking awesome too. I forgot to add that the soul chests, or whatever they were, were invisible for me. I only knew they were there because of the vulture aid noise. ALSO with the default weapon, it was a direct issue with widows wine. It gave you the default weapons and you switched to that gun to throw the grenades for widows.
Edit 2 (lol) After playing again, double tap 2.0 is working I think? I swear the first time I played the map the guns were way worse with double tap. Not sure why it changed,
Hey seanathan ! What a detailed review, i thanks you for the time you spent to write it. I already got some of your suggestions but not all. I profit of your comment to answer to everybody who are asking:
Thanks to everybody who played my map, it was a very old project and i'm realy glad you enjoy it guys !
I spent something like a month full time around february to finish the project, i remind you guys, this is my first map on any COD and i was almost learning everything in the same time. So yes i had some problems that i couldn't fix :/
When i finnaly released my map the 16th of february i thougt almost evrything was working, but a fuc**** error made me crazy during a week ( the crash game bug (LookupLen>0)) Today i still don't know exactly what induced this error, to remove it i had to rollback the map with BO2 & BO3 perks instead of the Candy perks, also i had to remove carpenters and some of my windows to made it to work. I repeat: one week to figure it out (yeah i'm a noob xD). The bug come when you're playing so really difficult to understand.
- There are the double tap 2.0 and the others Bo2&3 perks instead of the Bo1 ones, but as i said there was tha candys before the issue. Idk why you feel it was not the case of your first try.
- I still have problems with deadshot, it freeze player when he takes it -_-, so because of that and because this perks is trah i placed it in the ravine :P
- I absoluty don't know how to add more perks, i followed Shipuden's tutos to made my map and he doesn't explain how to do it, but the idea is good.
-The weapon progression is still disjointed i have to admit, i did not test enough the map to balance it better, all of your ideas are good. I can tell i also had issues when adding weapons, i normally wanted way more custom weapons but i got dumb and missed a "," somewhere in a .csv -_- so i was stuck. I think i also created the weapon_default issue because of the weapon pack, i added wheird things in the box like bowie, grenades and others.
If i correcly added more weapons in the map, i think i still keeped the bo1 basics weapons, cause there are really bad and make the box less broken, that force the player to spend more money and stay more on the map before the endgame.
-The map has the maxiumum number of separated area.
-The spas name is weird, but the skin of the 2 shotguns are really different, IRL there are differents spas :P, i may will remove the basic one.
- The soulboxes are intentionnaly invisible, because there are where every perks are outside the pyramid. You can hear a sound near those wich stop when the boxes are full.
Even if your comment is encouraging, i'm not going to fix and tweak stuffs before some time, cause it is really (like really) time consumming. I promise i will do it one day.
I thanks you one more time for your comment, and if you want to help don't hesitate to PM me on discord.
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Hey seanathan ! What a detailed review, i thanks you for the time you spent to write it. I already got some of your suggestions but not all. I profit of your comment to answer to everybody who are asking:
Thanks to everybody who played my map, it was a very old project and i'm realy glad you enjoy it guys !
I spent something like a month full time around february to finish the project, i remind you guys, this is my first map on any COD and i was almost learning everything in the same time. So yes i had some problems that i couldn't fix :/
When i finnaly released my map the 16th of february i thougt almost evrything was working, but a fuc**** error made me crazy during a week ( the crash game bug (LookupLen>0)) Today i still don't know exactly what induced this error, to remove it i had to rollback the map with BO2 & BO3 perks instead of the Candy perks, also i had to remove carpenters and some of my windows to made it to work. I repeat: one week to figure it out (yeah i'm a noob xD). The bug come when you're playing so really difficult to understand.
- There are the double tap 2.0 and the others Bo2&3 perks instead of the Bo1 ones, but as i said there was tha candys before the issue. Idk why you feel it was not the case of your first try.
- I still have problems with deadshot, it freeze player when he takes it -_-, so because of that and because this perks is trah i placed it in the ravine :P
- I absoluty don't know how to add more perks, i followed Shipuden's tutos to made my map and he doesn't explain how to do it, but the idea is good.
-The weapon progression is still disjointed i have to admit, i did not test enough the map to balance it better, all of your ideas are good. I can tell i also had issues when adding weapons, i normally wanted way more custom weapons but i got dumb and missed a "," somewhere in a .csv -_- so i was stuck. I think i also created the weapon_default issue because of the weapon pack, i added wheird things in the box like bowie, grenades and others.
If i correcly added more weapons in the map, i think i still keeped the bo1 basics weapons, cause there are really bad and make the box less broken, that force the player to spend more money and stay more on the map before the endgame.
-The map has the maxiumum number of separated area.
-The spas name is weird, but the skin of the 2 shotguns are really different, IRL there are differents spas :P, i may will remove the basic one.
- The soulboxes are intentionnaly invisible, because there are where every perks are outside the pyramid. You can hear a sound near those wich stop when the boxes are full.
Even if your comment is encouraging, i'm not going to fix and tweak stuffs before some time, cause it is really (like really) time consumming. I promise i will do it one day.
I thanks you one more time for your comment, and if you want to help don't hesitate to PM me on discord.
Yo! Awesome response, I'm happy you took time with your reply. I know how stressful it is to do mapping, I got almost nowhere after like 2 weeks with B03. All I did was add like 20 perks and customized like 110 guns, but mapping wise, I knew next to nothing. I'd love to continue that though, and maybe even do some in b01 if it's similar enough, as I like the gameplay in b01 FAR more. Anyways, My critiques were hardly your fault, as I have no idea how hard or easy it is to edit guns, perk files, etc in b01, so take what I say with a pinch of salt. If you can edit guns through Radiant, I could help you with balancing custom guns so you don't have to have any b01 guns in the map. But I don't really see the modded guns have different stats in people's maps, so I have no clue if it's possible to edit them without going through a lot. Your map is probably my favorite custom b01 map too, and PLEASE keep making maps when you have the time and motivation, because I have not had that much fun exploring a map in such a long time. I really want to make a map with tons of secrets as well, so maybe you could help me with some of the coding you used if I go to b01 ever. I will add you on discord this week at some point for sure!

Double Post Merge: April 02, 2024, 03:14:09 am
For a first map with little to no modding knowledge as well? This is absolutely mind blowing
Last Edit: April 02, 2024, 03:14:09 am by seanathan

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