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Steam Installation Location

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Created 8 years ago
by Call_Me_Taco
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Date Registered: 31 July 2015
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Since my last topic got pretty much 0 help, i will go into more depth of my problem. I use a computer with my family of 4 (including me) and Steam was installed on a different account. Would that be the reason why I can not install mods for WaW Zombies? To make this simple, I use account Potato and Steam was installed on account Banana, Cod WaW was also installed on account Banana. If someone says to completely uninstall Steam and then reinstall Steam then I would need to be given reason(s) as to why because i have multiple games installed that would take nearly 1 or 2 days to reinstall. Now for the weird part of my problem, I have no mods installed but one, Nacht Reimagined. I have no idea why only that mod works and none of the others. I have had CoD WaW Zombies work before, but that was before I had to format my computer after my moron brother downloaded shit that gave me viruses/malware. So, would I have to completely reinstall Steam on account Potato in order to fix this?

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