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Need to make first map downloadable

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Created 8 years ago
by TheBottleCap
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Hey everyone, so you probably don't know who I am, because I am pretty new here, and I've always wanted to make my own map, so I did.  Basically it is a hotel map, nothing to complicated but it's pretty cool, but heres the problem, I need to make my map downloadable for other. I know there is UGX map Installation Creator, and I got it but the instructions are kinda confusing to me, and I also need to know if there is a special way I need to compile my map (check more stuff than usual). That's my problem basically, and I might seem stupid, but I'm still a beginner and I just want others to play my map. Also, if you do help, don't think I wont give youy big props when it releases.  ;)

Double Post Merge: October 18, 2016, 11:51:40 pm
Nvm I figured it out, alot easier than I thought
Last Edit: October 18, 2016, 11:51:41 pm by TheBottleCap
Marked as best answer by TheBottleCap 8 years ago
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Why are u reading this? Its a waste of time.
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Okay its pretty easy if you follow these steps:

1. Go to C:\Users\jbavd_000\AppData\Local\Activision\CoDWaW\mods
2. Find your map and copy it
3. Create a zip of it
4. Open UGX Installation Creator
5. Press on the "Open..." button when you are in the UGX Installtion Creator
6. If it got loaded than you are be able to click on the button "Generate" so click it xD
7. Wait until it's finished and you got your .exe so people can Install your map
8. Create an account on a website to put files in it and create links to give people like dropbox
9. Put the link on a website so people can download it
10. Enjoy :)

I hope this helped ^^ If you have more question or dont understand something about it then feel free to add me on skype/steam ;)

Btw welcome to ugx, Im new here too  ::)

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