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Messages - Cryptic

Add jc.jedi on skype. It's an old account but whatever lol.
9 years ago
That's an interesting map idea, I'd be willing to help you out with the scripting aspect. I'm familiar (but not incredibly experienced) in GSC, but I have a fairly solid programming background. Send me a message if you're interested.
9 years ago
I like the concept, although imo, the menu text should be a fluent colour (such as white) rather than Red and Yellow. Very cool though.
9 years ago
Very nice, I like the way you have the lighting and shadows setup in the map.
9 years ago
To be honest, if you want a gaming computer, don't get a laptop. You should either buy a desktop or buy the parts and make a custom build (like what I did). I don't just say this because desktop's are generally more powerful, but when you build your own you save money and if any component ever fails, you can simply buy a replacement rather than have to go buy a new computer. Just my thoughts.
9 years ago

I'm fairly new to this community, however I have a fair bit of background in programming and recently started getting into gsc. I scripted this more as an introduction for myself to gsc, but I thought somebody might find it useful if they wanted to implement it into their own map. If you have any improvements to the script or any suggestions, feel free to send them to me as I always wish to improve.


I personally like to write most of my custom script in my own gsc rather than populating the mapname gsc. I called mine "_welcome/gsc" and I placed it in the maps folder. You don't need to do this and you can just as easily call this as a function in the mapname gsc, but I personally find this messy.

In the gsc you've just created, paste the code below;

Code Snippet
#include common_scripts\utility;
#include maps\_utility;
#include maps\_zombiemode_utility;
#include maps\_hud_util;
level.welcome   = self createText("Welcome to my map.", "center", "top", "center", "top", (0, 1, 1), -1, 75, 3.5, 1);
wait 3;
self moveElem(level.welcome, 5, 1000, 70); // replace 5 with the time in seconds it takes for the text to move

//==   Generic Functions   ==

createText(text, xalign, yalign, halign, valign, colour, x, y, fsize, alpha)
customText = create_simple_hud();
customText.alignX = xalign;
customText.alignY = yalign;
customText.horzAlign = halign;
customText.vertAlign = valign;
customText.x      = x;
customText.y      = y;
customText.foreground = 5;
customText.fontscale  = fsize;
customText.alpha = alpha;
customText.color = colour;

customText SetText(text);

return customText;

moveElem(elem, time, x, y)
elem moveOverTime(time);
elem.x = x;
elem.y = y;

The above is for if you are inserting your code into your own gsc. If you'd rather just use the mapname gsc, use the code below into your mapname gsc instead;

Code Snippet
createText(text, xalign, yalign, halign, valign, colour, x, y, fsize, alpha)
customText = create_simple_hud();
customText.alignX = xalign;
customText.alignY = yalign;
customText.horzAlign = halign;
customText.vertAlign = valign;
customText.x      = x;
customText.y      = y;
customText.foreground = 5;
customText.fontscale  = fsize;
customText.alpha = alpha;
customText.color = colour;

customText SetText(text);

return customText;

moveElem(elem, time, x, y)
elem moveOverTime(time);
elem.x = x;
elem.y = y;

Lastly, we must make sure that our gsc / method is called upon, or nothing will happen with the map is started. To do this (regardless if we use a custom gsc or a method in the mapname gsc), we must go into the mapname gsc and insert the following line after "maps\_zombiemode::main();".

If using a custom gsc
Code Snippet
maps\_welcome::main(); // replace _welcome with the name of your custom gsc file

If using a method in the mapname gsc
Code Snippet
        level.welcome   = self createText("Welcome to my map.", "center", "top", "center", "top", (0, 1, 1), -1, 75, 3.5, 1);
wait 3;
self moveElem(level.welcome, 5, 1000, 70); // replace 5 with the time in seconds it takes for the text to move

You should be set. You will most likely want to change some of these, such as the text created on the screen, the duration of the text sliding off the screen, the font size, etc.
9 years ago
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