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Messages - Rex7x

In relation with T4M extension for Cod WaW, in which cases or why reasons the creator of a map must notify that it must be played in T4M? ???
7 years ago
Maybe It would be possible this happen for this reason?

7 years ago
Thanks!!  :) It works. I just did what you said me, copy the _zombiemode_dogs.gsc to my mapname/maps, and check it on the Build Mod display box. Then, when I'm going to load the map again, it showed another text message that said me: Could not find script 'animscripts/dog_init'. I should solve it the same way? ???  but there isn't a animscripts folder in my mods/mapname.
7 years ago
Code Snippet
iwmap 4
"000_Global" flags  active
"The Map" flags
// entity 0
"spawnflags" "1024"
"waterdirection " "80"
"classname" "worldspawn"
"northyaw" "225"
"skyboxmodel" "skybox_pel1"

Actually, it's solve. I deleted the map and created a new one with Script Placer Z, and the warning disapeared when I opened my new test map on Radiant.

Now, when I'm going to load the map, it appears the error Could not find script 'maps/_zombiemode_dogs'  ???, but i have this code on the "Build Mod" section:
Code Snippet
// Zombie Mode Stuff

7 years ago
I get the error "ParseEntity: { not found. GetLastError() = 0 An Unrecoverable Error has occured when I open my .map in Radiant" Someone who knows how to solve it?

Also I try to solve it finding the #QNAN #IND on my map_source/ archive, but I'm not sure if I'm doing it well :-[

7 years ago
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