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Messages - ecoin123

make sure the targetname of the trigger is zombie_vending and you have the scripts placed for turning it on
I have everything set up, maybe something is wrong but as far as I have checked and made sure of it it is all okay and I'm still getting that error.
7 years ago
Hello, I have made a custom perk and everything goes great except for when I try to actually buy the custom perk and it says "Power needs to be turned on" when it is on. Help?

Double Post Merge: March 02, 2017, 03:24:01 am
Edit: I have something new, it only has the little hand icon and I can't pick it up?
7 years ago
Hello! I am making a custom perk and I have everything set up except the perk shaders and I have no clue how to add them in, is there any particular way to add them in? If there is a way to add them in I would appreciate the help, thanks!

Double Post Merge: March 01, 2017, 01:51:02 am
Nevermind, I figured it out! Thanks!
7 years ago
Code Snippet

flag_wait( "all_players_connected" );
players = Get_Players();
players[i] thread extra_bleedout_perk();

if(self hasperk("perk_specialty"))// <- change that
while(!( self maps\_laststand::player_is_in_laststand() ))
wait .1;
wait .3;//be sure anything else modifying it happens first
self.bleedout_time += 30; //change 30 to extra second you wish to use
wait .1;

Code Snippet
level thread 
from the main/init of the script your using this in (best to be _zombiemode_perks.gsc) and change the specialty to the one your perk is using

Thank you so much!
7 years ago
Hi there! I am relatively new to modding and me and my friends are trying to make a zombie map for World at War and its going great so far! Hopefully to be released at the end of this week! But, there is one thing holding us back and it is a perk idea that we wanted, I was wondering if someone could help me out in the scripting of a perk that would increase the time of bleedout in zombies, now I would take care of the models and name and etc. I just need help with the scripting portion of it, thank you very much!
7 years ago
Hello everyone! I am just getting into World at War custom zombies and me and a couple of friends are making a map, and my friend had an idea that I thought was great. 1. Is there any way I could make a perk that once picked up the zombies movement is slowed down? 2. If unfortunately there isn't a way for the previous question  maybe there is a way to have it so you pick up a perk and what it does is when you shoot a zombie it shoots the arms off instantly. Thank you! I really hope there is a way for one of my questions!  :D
7 years ago
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