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Messages - Croomer555

Thanks man! I'll be sure to look at what you said when I load up radiant again. I've been taking a break recently from mapping but I'm ready to start back, now that I have help with this issue. Thank you for the help :)
7 years ago
I was having a problem making sure that the texture on the arch of my doorframe lined up properly with the texture of the wall. I usually resolve this issue by clicking "Lmap" in surface inspector, but on certain doorways, they turn out looking like this:
7 years ago
Compile your patch
7 years ago
Will BO1 radiant every be available to the public, I personally like BO1 for zombies better than any other COD game. I feel it has so many differences which set it apart from BO3 and WAW, and no matter how much changing of BO3 or WAW one does, it'll never quite capture the overall feel that BO1 presented during every gameplay.
7 years ago
PROBLEM SOLVED. This occurred because I was using my TV instead of my monitor (my monitor hadn't come in yet so I had to use my tv). I had ordered both my desktop, and my monitor, and my monitor came in a few days later.

Thanks to all who took the time to read this and I hope this helps someone with a problem similar to mine in the future.

Good luck everyone.   :)
7 years ago
So I just got a new computer and I took one map file and renamed it to a new map I made in script placer. The 3D view is fine but whenever I move the 2D gird it's all white. Any suggestions???

Double Post Merge: February 26, 2017, 03:10:59 pm
It was working fine on my old laptop, even the same exact .map file and mod tools download. The only thing that's changed is really the components of my computer.

This is really far-fetched, but could it be possible that using newer CPU's and GPU's could somehow make it incompatible with a program that's many years old? I know very little but I'm just trying to throw something out there...

Please help because I cannot continue until this issue is resolved.

(Also this problem occurs with every map, not just the one in the picture).

Have a good day :)
7 years ago
I'm trying to make blender work for cod waw. I've downloaded version 2.59 and this add on:
All of the info I'm getting on how to do this is from here:
After following the steps, I get stuck when adding the new add on. I can never find the old version of the add on to delete, and overwriting it doesn't seem to help either.

Any help would be appreciated, I've tried running it as Administrator but that doesn't work either. Blender and Maya are the only software's I'm aware of that allow you to make models and export to WAW. I was also wondering if Blender will work for BO3, if I invest a lot of time into Blender so close to BO3 mod tools release, I would hope they'd be compatible Blender also.

Double Post Merge: September 07, 2016, 09:50:44 pm
URL fix:
8 years ago
If using my perks - co-op / solo only perks are already supported

I am using your perks. I took the script of Revive  in zombiemode_perks.gsc and modified a little. I was wondering if this script would work for disabling my perk in co-op. Also, would this work for giving the host a clip size a multiplier of 1.5 for every gun.
8 years ago
That's a dvar for the host only. You can set it locally but you'll still reload at the normal amount.

How would I word so that I would reload at 1.5 the amount? Thanks for the response. :)

Double Post Merge: June 11, 2016, 03:52:31 pm
How would I word so that I would reload at 1.5 the amount? Thanks for the response. :)

Nevermind I understand now. So now I was wondering, could I make the perk unobtainable on co-op modes?
8 years ago
For the clip size I already told you in chat. lol

It's a dvar: 

Code Snippet

OK thank you, but if its a dvar where would I write the script. Thank for the help I'll try to make not as painful as possible.
Also, would this work:
if( self hasperk("specialty_recon"))
   player_clipSizeMultiplier 1.5

Double Post Merge: June 10, 2016, 11:15:31 pm
OK thank you, but if its a dvar where would I write the script. Thank for the help I'll try to make not as painful as possible.
Also, would this work:
if( self hasperk("specialty_recon"))
   player_clipSizeMultiplier 1.5

Well I heard this was wrong in the chat so....... I don't know what I'd put, am I off by a lot?
8 years ago
I wanted help with scripting a perk that would multiply your clip and max ammo size by 1.5. I don't know exactly what zombiemodes I would have to edit. I'm not asking anyone to script this for me, I just would like some help getting started. I have almost no scripting experience but I assume this won't be that difficult.
8 years ago
You're missing the xmodel and weaponfiles. You had to have compiled them in either your mod or raw in order for it to not throw errors such as that.

I have both for all three weapons, I was 110 percent sure this was going to work, but know I have no idea whats going on.
8 years ago
Copy paste weaponfile from raw/weapons/sp add _upgraded to its name then you edit this weaponfile to your liking i.e. name, damage and make sure to change the FX for flash.

You have to also update your scripts to do both include_weapon and add_zombie_weapon for the new weapon.

Ok, I got the pack a punch working, I was able to make the DP28 upgrade-able and its great. But I followed the same advice for upgrading bo1 weapons and now I get these three green errors: I don't really think they affect anything but now they don't appear in the mystery box. They did before I made upgrade-able versions so I don't know what I did wrong. I made sure for the BO1 weapons to add the non-upgrade-able and upgrade-able versions for all three to both zombiemode weapons and dlc3_code.
8 years ago
I need to know how to make the pack a punch version of some guns (like the DP28.) A lot of multiplayer guns that were never in zombies don't have upgraded versions and I need to know how to make them.
8 years ago
The guns are not in zombiemode.csv

They are in dlc3.csv

Harry, how much fx is in your perks, I've taken so much out and it still isn't enough. Your perks are the only thing I have installed for my map.
8 years ago
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