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Messages - Dundy

I still check most mapping sites regularly..
Just started a private project in WaW again myself aldo not for zombies...not really my thing O:-)
Hope your doing okay haven't seen you after Red line.
6 years ago
That's a awesome looking map Huruman 👍❤

6 years ago
Know my mp maps arn,t the best ones but a map made in a couple of hours wow it takes me weeks..months to build a map lol...
8 years ago
Holy sh#$ this map looks better with every update...awesome...
8 years ago
Shame the model doesn't work like the truck model very much would had looked great in my mp_Arnhem map. I too am looking for some old vehicles.
8 years ago
So as i understand you have a .XMODEL_EXPORT file and a .XMODEL_BIN file and a file called images with the tif files.
These files should be in model_export file. So the path should be  C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Black Ops III\model_export\vehicle_ger_motorcycle_bmw_static.
Best to do is put files in correct file and remove all from APE and make new file.

Btw I,am Dutch too so if you want pm me.
8 years ago
Shouldn't the bin file be in modelexport file see that you're bin file is in a file called x-models..
8 years ago
Did a test and this is what found out. It's  possible to duplicate model. I copied the bin file and renamed it. Opened up ape and searched for renamed model then added new texture. Did it to a brick wall model a broken part model. Thing is texture doesn't match up. Not shure if this can be fixed must do more testing.
8 years ago
That would be great always lived you're maps and learned alot from previous surce files..
8 years ago
Looks awesome. Love the  light and ambiance. Any change of you doing a tutorial on how to make a map look like that. That's not only putting a sun and some fog in a map..Thanks in advance.
8 years ago
I used to have the same issue, but solved it. First make new gdt in APE, call it like mp_yourmapname, then create a new asset, name it mp_yourmap_ssi and set its type to ssi and leave the gdt like it is then hit ok. 

use these settings and your lighting should be okay-ish?



Double Post Merge: November 20, 2016, 09:22:10 am
So i went into APE and set these search settings.

Then selected all the skybox materials one by one. they where all red so i saved them all one by one. just for fun i save everything shown in pic models,materials etc...

Then for the hell of it i opened up radiant and started adding the default ssi and wt%# they almost all worked.

Think it,s the materials that did the trick..but just in case save all...


  • default_sunset
  • default_morning
  • default_day
  • zm_factory

Don,t work for me.

  • mp_sector
  • mp_sector_override
  • default_night

Hope this helps some of the people that have black skyboxes.
8 years ago
You could lower the stops of the skybox SSI in APE.
8 years ago
I want to add a cod2  Bren gun into my map. But don,t have cod2  atm. Is there anybody that can give me the model so I can get it into bo3. Thanks in advance  Dundy.
8 years ago
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