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Messages - Kramillion

Starting after round 10 when there are more zombies in the map the game starts freezing for a couple seconds at a time, giving whoever else is connected "connection interrupted". Seems to clear up when we kill zombies faster. Both my friend and I had this issue regardless of which of us was host. My pc is lower end but his is much better. What could be the cause of this and is there anything I can do to fix it? We tried lowering the graphics settings in game to no avail.
This issue does not happen when I play the map solo.
3 years ago
Starting after round 10 when there are more zombies in the map the game starts freezing for a couple seconds at a time, giving whoever else is connected "connection interrupted". Seems to clear up when we kill zombies faster. Both my friend and I had this issue regardless of which of us was host. My pc is lower end but his is much better. What could be the cause of this and is there anything I can do to fix it? We tried lowering the graphics settings in game to no avail.
3 years ago
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