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Topics - bonse2000

WROTE BSP LEAKFILE: C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\nazi_zombie_plateia.lin


finding triangle windings...
assigning primary lights...
splitting windings into lightable areas...
coalescing coincident windings...
removing occluded winding fragments...
ERROR: Texture repeats too many times.
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 54 at 333 -936 8
ERROR: Texture repeats too many times.
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 54 at 309 -935 8
ERROR: Texture repeats too many times.
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 54 at 130 -891 8
ERROR: Texture repeats too many times.
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 54 at 107 -881 8
ERROR: Texture repeats too many times.
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 54 at 74 -861 8
finding sun shadow casters...
splitting large windings...
merging into concave windings...
fixing t-junctions...
tethering holes to their concave windings...
building lightmap groups...
assigning lightmaps...
finding index mapping and snapping vertices...
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -222 -15 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -202 -9 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -215 23 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -201 28 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -212 53 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -196 56 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -208 81 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -191 80 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -203 104 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -185 102 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -197 124 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -179 121 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -190 141 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -172 137 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -185 157 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -182 -20 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -167 -20 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -177 7 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -162 148 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -162 10 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -171 33 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -155 33 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -165 56 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -149 55 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -158 78 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -141 76 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -151 97 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -150 -33 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -134 95 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -144 115 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -135 -29 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -141 -10 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -126 112 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -138 133 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -127 -8 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -133 12 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -118 126 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -118 12 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -125 33 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -109 31 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -117 52 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -118 -45 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -101 51 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -109 71 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -108 -27 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -103 -47 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -93 69 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -101 90 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -94 -27 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -98 -9 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -94 110 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -84 87 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -84 -9 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -89 10 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -87 -62 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -80 107 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -74 8 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -79 28 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -75 -60 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -77 -44 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -64 26 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -70 46 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -64 -45 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -66 -29 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -55 44 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -61 65 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -62 -76 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -53 -30 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -56 -13 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -46 63 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -54 86 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -49 -79 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -50 -62 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -42 -14 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -46 4 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -38 82 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -37 -64 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -38 -49 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -32 3 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -35 22 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -37 -94 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -21 20 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -26 40 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -26 -51 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -27 -34 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -25 -94 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -25 -81 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -11 39 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -17 62 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -14 -36 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -16 -18 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -14 -110 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -14 -83 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -13 -68 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 75 at -1 -134 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -0 58 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -3 -20 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -4 -1 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -2 -96 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -4 -113 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -2 -70 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at -1 -49 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at 9 -3 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at 7 17 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at 9 -91 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at 8 -40 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 75 at 14 -137 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at 8 -53 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at 8 -102 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 75 at 23 -166 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at 17 39 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at 20 15 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at 19 -89 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at 23 -79 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at 23 -42 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at 23 -24 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 75 at 32 -98 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at 32 31 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at 31 -76 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at 35 -64 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at 35 -25 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at 35 -6 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 75 at 40 -164 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 75 at 47 -181 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at 48 -8 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at 47 15 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at 46 -63 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at 48 -49 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 75 at 60 -129 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 75 at 54 -93 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at 58 -46 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at 62 -33 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at 61 7 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 75 at 63 -185 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 75 at 66 -64 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 75 at 69 -204 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at 74 -32 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at 76 -13 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 75 at 83 -155 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 75 at 79 -128 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 75 at 83 -206 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 75 at 89 -221 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 75 at 85 -61 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 75 at 93 -98 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 112 at 86 -13 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 75 at 94 -35 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 75 at 103 -180 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 75 at 101 -155 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 75 at 101 -227 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 75 at 106 -245 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 75 at 115 -127 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 75 at 110 -98 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 75 at 114 -44 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 75 at 121 -204 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 75 at 120 -180 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 75 at 122 -64 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 75 at 117 -247 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 75 at 120 -266 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 75 at 135 -155 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 75 at 132 -128 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 75 at 134 -264 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 75 at 130 -281 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 75 at 136 -226 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 75 at 137 -205 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 75 at 136 -72 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 75 at 145 -93 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 75 at 142 -288 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_grass_pebblemoss_blend_noscorch' is partially floating or needs to be aligned
In map C:\Users\hristina\Desktop\Call of Duty World at War\map_source\ on entity 0 brush 75 at 149 -248 8
ERROR: surface 'okinawa_terrain_gr
4 years ago
script runtime error (see console for details) unknown item 'napalmblob'

please help
4 years ago
getting the error "unknown item "zombie_colt". Please help! I'm also new to map making.
4 years ago
Arguments passed to linker:
  -nopause -language english -moddir bonse bonse

4 years ago
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