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Topics - Screiße

Guys, please suggest me some fps games. There is no game to play :(
GPU: ATI HD 4600
CPU: Intel Pentium g620
RAM: 12 GB
8 years ago
What did I do wrong? Can you guys fix it?
Its boost jump
Code Snippet

#include maps\_utility;
#include common_scripts\utility;
#include maps\_zombiemode_utility;

level thread on_player_connect();

level waittill( "connecting", player );
player thread fly_away();

if( GetDvar("fly_key") == 1 )
return true;
return false;

wait 2;

// self setClientDvar( "activeaction", "vstr 17;" );
// self setClientDvar( "17", "bind2 space vstr 19" );
// self setClientDvar( "19", "toggle fly_key  0 1" );

self.enable_land_sound = false;
self.boost_left = 100;

if( !self IsOnGround() && self.boost_left > 0 )
self.boost_added = 0;
while( self.boost_added < 1 && !self IsOnGround() )
if( self UseButtonPressed() )
self AllowMelee(false);
self.is_flying_jetpack = true;
self PlaySound("boost");
angles = self getplayerangles();
angles = (0,angles[1],0);

if( self.boost_left >= 10 )
self.loop_value = 6;
else if( self.boost_left < 10 && self.boost_left >= 5 )
self.loop_value = 2;
else if( self.boost_left < 5 && self.boost_left > 0 )
self.loop_value = 1;

if( IsDefined(self.loop_value) && self.boost_left > 0 )
Earthquake( 0.22, .9, self.origin, 850 );

if( self.boost_left < 10 )
self.boost_left = 0;
self.boost_left -= 10;
direction = AnglesToUp(angles) * 750;
self thread land();
for(l = 0; l < self.loop_value; l++)
self SetVelocity( self getVelocity() + direction );
wait .1;
self.enable_land_sound = true;
while( !self isOnGround() )
wait .05;
wait .1;
wait .1;
8 years ago
Can you guys make a basic double jump script?

Double Post Merge: June 10, 2016, 11:10:52 pm
Oh, I didnt saw scripting help sub forum.
8 years ago
Here is mine;
8 years ago
I'am trying to open regedit but it ALWAYS says "This app can't run on your PC/To find a version for your PC, check with the software publisher". Guys, please help me there is no fix on google :(
8 years ago
From 4K video. For the lazies :P

You don't have to resize.

Double Post Merge: June 06, 2016, 04:29:35 pm
In game:
8 years ago
Because this one looks legit. But of course everyone has different opinions. Please share your opinions.

Double Post Merge: June 05, 2016, 10:53:46 am
What about forum background image contest?
8 years ago
How can I change main menu video? Where is it located at?
8 years ago
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