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Topics - OPL

So yes iam having that problem with the ugx_modder_help.gsc causing errors trying to load the map (EVEN THOUGH I HAVENT HAD A UGX MAP FOR ABOUT 3 MONTHS  :'( ) i understand you have to go in and edit the blockers and teleport.gscs but for the life of me i can not edit them with out getting a syntax error or cause more issues.

i mainly asking someone to so me a proper before and after of how to get rid of these functions in the gscs without causing more problems.

that or send me the gscs over skype but i would like to learn first (do that if all else fails)
9 years ago
So i just noticed that my weather in my map has been missing every since i added easy fx into my gsc and i was wondering if there was a solution for this.

(GSC Setup ) Only Way i could get the FX to Work  :poker:

9 years ago
Hey all !
so iam having an issue in my map with my door triggers not actually appearing in game, they dont open any new zone and they sometimes show if i recompile but not consistently, attached is the KVPs of the triggers, doors, and script strut, i dont understand why these new ones wont work but my gate ones will :(


script strut
9 years ago
Project. GaZ.
Progress @ 20%
Hello Everyone!
My name is OPL and today i wanted to share a little bit of the progress on my first planned release map. Its pretty much a corner store station combined with my families old farm that i use to live at and i thought it would be fun to make it a zombies map! Again this is in the pretty early stages so ill try to update this at least once every week or two!

A Brief Summary of the map layout.
Main Road / Entrance
Players Start on the main road in front of the main gate to the property. There you will find Quick Revive and a Melee Weapon or Wall Weapon. From there is a pathway which leads to the gas station.

Gas Station / Corner Store
Here is where the first big open area of the map will be, located here is the power, another perk, and a wall weapon.
the corner store will have the primary box spawn (behind a buy able door) and buildable.
This area connects to three different areas ( Barn and Outer buildings , Farmhouse, Fields)

Here will be numerous buildings (butchers building, mechanics shop) to explore, here will have a side quest for a weapon / perk,

Here will be a larger house with many rooms to explore and secret passageways as well as a underground bunker.

Similar to tranzit as it will be a complex area to navigate zombies coming from all directions. buildable and side quest is planned for here.

Abandoned building
(possible church / settler post)
Main area of Easter egg again not a lot of details until the main parts of the map are finished.

Additional Area is planned for endgame.


WaW Perks
Black ops 1 Perks
Solo revive
Black Ops Weapons

Planned Features
MW3 Weapons
Pack a Punched Weapons (Need help making these as i lack the tools) 
Easter Egg (Need to learn how to script this)
Side Quests (Need to learn how to script this)
Thundergun (need script / permission to use)
Wonder weapons
Luna Lander

Current bugs issues
Only one weapon slot, trying to fix this atm.


Spoiler: click to open...

Starting the gas station (IF anyone has pump models that would be awesome !)

If anyone could help with some issues or provide assistance with scripting / easter egg ill take all the help i can get.

I have a much bigger project in production at the moment so this map may have some test features.

Contact info
Thank You Everyone !
10 years ago
Hey guys !
So i was adding in weapons into my map and noticed that when i bought the weapon off the wall i lost access to my pistol and could not switch back to it. This happens with both stock waw wall weapons and my ported weapons as well.

It also seems to have disabled my mule kick as well making it so you only carry 1 weapon max.

Can i get any help with this ?
10 years ago
Hey everyone!
So i decided to try to add the scavenger to my UGX V1.0 modded map.
I got the gun into the game with its sounds and animations, but the gun doesn't do any damage :(.
When i shoot the gun nothing actully fires. i get the shot sound and the explosion sound but thats it.

For more info iam using the BO 1 weapons of CFG factory.
10 years ago
Hello Everyone !
My name is OPL and i run the 1Percentlegit Youtube channel that is partnered with TGN.
I've stepped away from Youtube for about a year now  :poker: and i am starting to get back into making content again !

Until BO 3 is coming out i've been focused on custom zombies and i find playing alone is pretty boring  :'( !
So i am looking branch out and play with other content creators and make videos !  :D

If you would be interested you can send me a message on here or on any of my other forms of social media. 

Youtube :
Twitter : (instant response)

10 years ago
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