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Messages - swardfist

Now, I don't want to come off as an elitist, but I know a thing or two about computers and how things work. I know that people put ALOT of time and effort into these maps, and to have the UGX mod the way it is, almost like its own section of the game, is unreal. But there's one thing I don't see a lot of. Weapon skins! Some of the "professional" (if you will,) maps done by experienced mappers have custom guns and custom weapons. I know that there is the MOTD, moving, glowing like camo in the UGX mod, but I'm talking about straight camo and skin mods. Many players, including myself, are fascinated by small details, like camos and skins. This may not go for everyone, but I would enjoy just playing stock maps with some interesting camos. Not a fanboy, but I remember when the ZM skin pack was released, and I had a blast with how it all looked. From what I've read, this game engine is a pain in the ass,  but I think if there was an application that allows users to draw and animate their own skins, some people who may not be the best programmers, or mappers, could really show off what they can do. You can also have contests or polls that help pick the skins/camos for the next "big map"

Again, I'm not a wizard on these types of situations, but I kind of know how things work. Take it as you will, but I think making skinning easier would help the community grow and expand to different types of people. I just hope that more people will be able to join the community and see the wonders of UCC.
10 years ago
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