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[BO1] Grief Mode

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Created 8 years ago
by jbird
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Requires game_mod to play:

Power is already on
No walking zombies
No special rounds
No Thundergun, Crossbow, VR11, Wave Gun, Gersches, or Monkeys in the box
No mule kick (except for Moon)
Default 90 FOV (with FOV slider)
Player dialog disabled
CDC and CIA player models (chosen randomly at the start of each match; everyone is the same model)
CDC and CIA revive waypoints
Shooting players slows them down and knifing them pushes them
Upgraded weapons slow people down slightly longer
Upgraded knife and ballistic knife pushes people farther
Added FX when you grief an enemy
Grenades do 25 damage to enemies
Mines, flopper flops, Scavenger explosions, and Matroyshka dolls do 50 damage to enemies
Enemy mines are destroyable
Flopper negates enemy explosive damage
Slowdown turrets - target enemy players, and instead of damaging them they slow them down
Slowdown turrets - infite damage to zombies
Gain 10 points when you grief an enemy that is damaged
Gain 10%  of your current points when an enemy bleeds out
Gain 5% of an enemy's points if you grief them
Quick revive disabled
Removed all powerups except for Fire Sale
Fire Sale - makes traps cost 10 points
Added powerdowns - negative powerups that don't effect the player that picks them up
Punishment Points - lose 100-1000 points
Clip Unload (Max Ammo) - unloads the clip on your current weapon
Infinite Kill (Intsa Kill) - half damage for 30 seconds
Half Points (Double Points) - half points for 30 seconds
Death Walk (Carptener) - move slower for 30 seconds
Custom powerdown HUD shaders
If all players down, the round restarts: respawn with your weapons back and two additional grenades and mines (if bought), amount of zombies in the round resets, amount of powerups that can be earned in the round resets, and amount of points from barriers resets
Kar98k and Upgraded Kar98k - 3x damage
Scoped Kar98k - 2x damage
Olympia and Upgraded Olympia - 1.5x damage
BAR - 1.5x headshot damage
Dragunov - 1.33x damage
Famas and Upgraded Famas - double reserve ammo
Spectre and Upgraded Spectra - double reserve ammo
M16 - one extra clip
PM63 - one extra clip
On classic maps, the wall weapons are in the box
Box can be re-used again quicker
Box weapons go away twice as fast
Double Tap - 1.5x damage with non explosive weapons
Deadshot - double headshot damage with non explosive weapons
Multiple players can buy the same perk at the same time
Zombies are equally attracted to all players
Songs disabled


Default gamemode is Free-for-all Grief
How to choose a new gamemode (only host can change):
Go to Settings - Game - Gamemode
Then restart (recommend binding "fast_restart" in config file)

Normal Grief

Everyone is on their own team
Players bleedout after 1 second
All players have the same model

2 teams
Unlimited zombies
Unlimited powerups
Zombies have 2000 health (about round 17-18 health)
Zombies have .5 second spawn delay
Best of 5 rounds (first team to win 3 rounds wins the game)
Initially start with 10000 points
On every new round, you get 5000 points if you have less than 5000 points
Win a round by getting all enemies down
When only one team is alive, the new round will automatically start and you get a point
If both teams die at same time (headstomp for example), then no one gets a point and the round number will not increase (play the round over)

2 teams
Unlimited zombies
No Mans Land style rounds (round automatically increases after 30 seconds)
Auto revive after 15 seconds
First team to 250 kills wins
At round 30, game will automatically end and team with most kills wins


Kino Der Toten:
Teleporter is permamently linked, just have to wait for cooldown after each use

No teleporters
All 6 spawns in the first room are active
The first room door is already open
Traps are already assembled
Pack-a-punch door is now a 1500 point door
Pack-a-punch machine is always open
All zombies will die on a floor if they are on a floor that is not occupied by any players
Added a half second delay between being able to use the elevator again due to players being unable to enter or exit the elevator if it keeps getting called

Removed lander intro
Landers disabled
Centrifuge goes off more frequently
Centrifuge does 225 damage to players
Jug area, flopper area, and stakeout area are already open
Pack-a-punch door is a 1500 point door that you open from where you launch the rocket

Call of the Dead:
George's health is 250,000 (always has solo health)
George drops a Perk Bottle and Fire Sale
Wunderwaffe is in box and can be upgraded
Removed zombie spawn delay at the beginning
Flinger kills zombies

Pack-a-punch stairs are always open
The geyser in the first room is already open
Spikes kill zombies
Spikes do 50 damage to players
Multiple napalm and shrieker zombies can spawn each round
Napalm fire now does 25 damage to players

Start off at the moon
No no mans land
First room door is opened
PES suit and hacker disabled
Won't die in low gravity zones
Removed random bounces from when in low gravity zones
Windows are not destroyable

Nacht der Untoten:
All doors are open

Door separating the first rooms is open
BAR door is open
BAR + Bipod is replaced by BAR (and costs 1800 points)

Shi No Numa:
Both first room doors are open
Zipline costs 750 points, and will kill players if they touch it while it's moving

Der Riese:
Both first room doors are open
All teleporters are linked
Pack-a-punch is open
A powerup drops at the beginning of a match
Everytime you teleport, you are guaranteed a powerup AND dog spawns

After a round restart, players can no longer get a red screen
With keyboard and mouse, players stop moving and have to repress move keys when a player respawns
Lines show up on screen with certain weapons on CDC and CIA player models
If you hold a grenade and kill yourself while next to every other alive player, they will all die too (if you are not next to all alive players, then other players will be effected normally)
Five - round restart will respawn players on the war room level if they die near the elevator on the top floor
Moon - round restart will respawn players at no mans land if the last player alive dies as soon as they are launched by a launch pad

Add Meat powerup
Change Death Walk powerdown model
Moon - remove wave gun attachment from zap guns
8 player support
Add various other gamemodes (if 8 player becomes possible)

Version 1.2 Changes:
Added CIA and CDC revive waypoints
Default gamemode is Free-for-all Grief
How to choose a new gamemode (only host can change):
Go to Settings - Game - Gamemode
Then restart (recommend binding "fast_restart" in config file)
Normal Grief
Everyone is on their own team
Players bleedout after 1 second
All players have the same model
2 teams
Unlimited zombies
Unlimited powerups
Zombies have 2000 health (about round 17-18 health)
Zombies have .5 second spawn delay
Best of 5 rounds (first team to win 3 rounds wins the game)
Win a round by getting all enemies down
When only one team is alive, the new round will automatically start and you get a point
If both teams die at same time (headstomp for example), then no one gets a point and the round number will not increase (play the round over)
2 teams
Unlimited zombies
No Mans Land style rounds (round automatically increases after 30 seconds)
Auto revive after 15 seconds
First team to 250 kills wins
At round 30, game will automatically end and team with most kills wins

Version 1.1 Changes:
Fixed trap effects showing while spectating if died by trap
Added CDC and CIA player models
Added FX when you grief an enemy
Added red FX for powerdowns
Removed Wave Gun from the box on Moon
Removed FOV changes from teleporting on Der Riese and Kino and from ziplines on COTD
Powerdown HUD now only shows for players being effected by the powerdown
Upgraded wall weapon ammo now only costs 2500 points
Reduced amount of time slowed down for when shot by an enemy player
Reduced amount of distance moved when knifed by a player with an upgraded knife while crouching
Kino Der Toten and Ascension - slowdown turrets will no longer target the player that purchases them
Verruckt - BAR + Bipod is replaced by BAR (and costs 1800 points)
Ascension - removed lander intro
Ascension - Centrifuge now does 225 damage to players
Call of the Dead - George drops a Perk Bottle and Fire Sale
Shangri-La - spikes now do 50 damage to players
Shangri-La - multiple napalm and shrieker zombies can spawn each round
Shangri-La - napalm fire now does 25 damage to players
Double Tap - 1.5x damage with non explosive weapons
Deadshot - double headshot damage
Half Damage now works properly
Punishment Points - now uses Blood Money model instead of Nuke model
Punishment Points - now lose 100-1000 points instead of 100-2500 points
Quick Revive removed completely
Removed weapons now do not show when the box is spinning
Kar98k and Upgraded Kar98k - 3x damage
Scoped Kar98k - 2x damage
Olympia and Upgraded Olympia - 1.5x damage
BAR - 1.5x headshot damage
Dragunov - 1.33x damage
Famas and Upgraded Famas - double reserve ammo
Spectre and Upgraded Spectra - double reserve ammo
M16 - one extra clip
PM63 - one extra clip

Treyarch - creating original grief
Utamia - helping me export BO2 grief models and testing
xSanchez78 - help with revive waypoint script
DKA_Masta - testing
WARDOGSK93 - testing

My old topic got locked so I had to make a new one.

Add me on steam if you wish to play with me: jbirdjustin

Version 1.2
Last Edit: November 05, 2016, 09:32:35 pm by jbird
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First off, this is amazing in and of itself, to bad it will never reach full potential as it will be impossible to really play with randos. Either way this is a great start to what potential future grief mods may hold for us.
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Location: usUnited States
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Version 1.2 is out!

Version 1.2 Changes:
Added CIA and CDC revive waypoints
Default gamemode is Free-for-all Grief
How to choose a new gamemode (only host can change):
Go to Settings - Game - Gamemode
Then restart (recommend binding "fast_restart" in config file)
Normal Grief
Everyone is on their own team
Players bleedout after 1 second
All players have the same model
2 teams
Unlimited zombies
Unlimited powerups
Zombies have 2000 health (about round 17-18 health)
Zombies have .5 second spawn delay
Best of 5 rounds (first team to win 3 rounds wins the game)
Win a round by getting all enemies down
When only one team is alive, the new round will automatically start and you get a point
If both teams die at same time (headstomp for example), then no one gets a point and the round number will not increase (play the round over)
2 teams
Unlimited zombies
No Mans Land style rounds (round automatically increases after 30 seconds)
Auto revive after 15 seconds
First team to 250 kills wins
At round 30, game will automatically end and team with most kills wins

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