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Topics - NaviLlicious

Hello, I've been searching high and low but I can't find an answer to this, there are tutorials that tell you how to add already existing voice lines from official zombie maps but what I'm trying to do is add custom voice lines for characters and easter egg steps. What I'm looking for is a tutorial that explains how to create new soundaliases that will trigger from the specific character when easter egg steps are completed, soundaliases that trigger as responses to other characters when they say something and possibly a list of already existing sound aliases that trigger when doing specific things (getting headshots, streaks, knife kills etc), I figure you could just use an already existing set of voice lines from an official map as a reference for that last point but it never seems like the soundalias files contain all the lines from the official maps and you end up with a lot missing and I can not find a tutorial that tells you how to make new voice line aliases that the game will trigger when doing specific things. On top of that using already existing voice line sets won't include references to easter egg steps to my knowledge so there's not much to go off of when looking to have a character say something when completing a step.
If anyone could point me in the right direction that would be appreciated!
1 year ago
I have done this before but I guess I forgot a step, I made two images for the sub layer scroll section and erased everything on orniment silver dark and silver soft, I converted soft back to an iwi and moved It to my images folder and opened assman, made a new material labeled orniment_silver_dark, In the color map I have the file selected and In the sub layer scroll section I have placed my files and converted everything but In my map the camo Is just a bright white and a shiny silver on some of the parts. I can't remember what else to do and I am seeing some posts talking about silver_etching and I applying It to the weapon and from what I remember last time I did this I copied the material_properties file for silver_etching and copied It over to my images folder but never actual applied It to my gun and the scrolling camo still worked
9 years ago
I am trying to port a character model from BO2 and make It a zombie model and I am also trying to make some of the marine raider models zombies for my map, I got the models In and working as zombies but whenever you shoot off the limbs they revert back to the original zombie models, for the marine raiders I have setup the character file with the gibs and the xmodelaliases, not sure what I am doing wrong exactly under there, and for the BO2 model It didn't have any gibbed models so how do I disable gibbing for these character models?
10 years ago
Alright so I was asking about this a long time ago and still am having the same problem, I have followed the tutorial word for word but whenever I go into the game the staminup machine Is where I put the phd machine prefab and It asks to press F to buy PHD and the place where I put the staminup machine prefab Is double tap and has the broken hand icon, also staminup Is not In the wunderfizz rotation, and the phd machine Is where I put the deadshot machine prefab and asks to buy deadshot, so basically the machines are not going to the proper prefab but the scripts for the prefabs work like they should and staminup Is not "In the map" and by that I mean the prefab for It Is double tap with a broken hand icon and It does not show up In the wunderfizz machine. Anyone know what's wrong and how to fix this issue? I put the latest copy of the patch.ff In my mapname folder under my local files along with all the IWD's and I followed the tutorials for the scripting parts, everything except most the black ops perks work and as far as I know mule kick works as It should
10 years ago
Alright so you know how on Origins If you get the golden shovel you can get the perk bottles from dig sites and they allow the player to hold one more perk? I'm assuming those perk bottles qualify as power-up drops so I was wondering how to replicate that In world at war excluding the dig mechanic, what I am asking for Is does anyone know of a way to allow a player to unlock more than 4 perk slots If they pick up a power-up?
10 years ago
Alright I'm seeing some videos where people are rotating around their model freely but when I try rotating I can only rotate around the top of the model and not freely If that makes any sense, I tried looking up ways to fix that and all I saw was to reset the camera rotation settings which didn't work for me, this Is making It extremely difficult to try to make animations because I can't get a front/back view of the model but only a top and bottom view I am using maya 2012
10 years ago
So I wan't to have multiple sky boxes for different area's of the map, you can select the sky box as a model and use that but when you go In game you don't actually see the sky box so I was wondering If It's even possible to have multiple sky boxes that just surround specific parts of the map?
10 years ago
I tried adding a custom HUD but with any image I use I have this problem how would I realign the image so It fits and doesn't look all gammy? I didn't change the size of the image or anything, It's like this with any image I use
10 years ago
Hey guys I am trying to get an elevator to work like Die Rise but It seems like the script Is skipping the part where It tells the elevator to go up so It just keeps going down, I kept trying to play with It but can't seem to get It to go both up and down this Is the script
Code Snippet
#include common_scripts\utility; 
#include maps\_utility;
#include maps\_zombiemode_utility;

level.elevator = getentarray("dierisevator", "targetname");
level. speed = 10;
level.down = -200;
level.up = 200;
thread elevator_think();

thread go_down();
wait 10;
thread go_up();
wait 10;
thread elevator_think();

for( i = 0; i < level.elevator.size; i++ )
flag_wait( "electricity_on" );
level.elevator[i] movez (level.down, level.speed);

for( i = 0; i < level.elevator.size; i++ )
flag_wait( "electricity_on" );
level.elevator movez (level.up, level.speed);
10 years ago
Was wondering how I would make the zombies respawn when a player walks to far away from the zombies like on Mob of the Dead, I have an elevator and a teleporter setup but when the player uses one of them It puts them In an area the zombies can't get to unless they respawn
10 years ago
I have been trying to port some models and I get everything done up to the point where I gotta convert the model In asset manager then I get an error "model has one or more surfaces which exceed TRI_VERT_RATIO aborting..." for every model I have attempted so far I have been getting this error, I am using maya 2012 with the CoD 5 tool
10 years ago
alright so im trying to add a custom sound i downloaded from the internet so i figured id just set the weapons.csv path for the m1911 to the sound i put into the sound_assets folder and convert it yada yada is there something else i need to do to make the custom sound work?
11 years ago
so i changed the dialogue path in dlc3_vox.csv and have it in my mod converted and everything but whenever i pick up the gun to see if it works dempsey talks instead of the audio i put in?
11 years ago
Title says it all i have been looking for a tutorial but the only one ive seen is on customcod and i cant get on that site for some reason i would appreciate it if someone could direct me to a tutorial?
11 years ago
title says it all just wondering if i can change character voices and announcer voice in my zombie map
11 years ago
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