Relly nice map and idea i liked but its kinda to easy since they spawn just from one side and not at all at box side of map .Also idk is it just me but alote of zombies just stuck at grass area they just chill there ofc they die after some time and respawn but its annoying later when alot...
6 years ago
that port is broken or somthing u cant aim with desert also its to small should be bigger i think
that knife is to op insta kill untill round 7 its to much idk i didnt check in futher rounds but 7 is to much should decrease that
and i didnt see that freez gun in box
that knife is to op insta kill untill round 7 its to much idk i didnt check in futher rounds but 7 is to much should decrease that
and i didnt see that freez gun in box
7 years ago
Nice i like you decide to expand mod to all maps
Keep up with good work
Keep up with good work

7 years ago
Is it release near ?
7 years ago
Are you planing to keep bo1 pap camo or there will be some custom pap camo?
8 years ago
Looking good
8 years ago