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Messages - FreeCodCinematics

Ahh much better now :D, nice one... Was awful before with white background and all writing black, trying to find stuff was a pain
12 years ago
Lmao just found it but couldn't find it on notepad++, had to look on the topic post again :P.. Looks better on the post, shows up in different colours, on my notepad++ just all one colour
12 years ago
From what i can see, i don't have that either.. Think im going to forget the map and restart a new one.. When i did the proto one's i could find things on the GSC file, but now doing the der one, i can't find anything

Here's my GSC info

Code Snippet
Der Frost / Nazi Zombie Sniperbolt Tutorial Version 2.0
Scripter: Sparks
Tutorial: Sniperbolt

Version 1.0 (9/24/2009 7:51:18 PM)
-- Initial Release Of Source Files

// Tutorial From Sniperbolt!

// Utilities
#include common_scripts\utility;
#include maps\_utility;
#include maps\_zombiemode_utility;
#include maps\_zombiemode_zone_manager;
#include maps\_music;

// DLC3 Utilities
#include maps\dlc3_code;
#include maps\dlc3_teleporter;

level.DLC3 = spawnStruct(); // Leave This Line Or Else It Breaks Everything

// Must Change These To Your Maps
level.DLC3.createArt = maps\createart\nazi_zombie_graveyard_art::main;
level.DLC3.createFX = maps\createfx\nazi_zombie_graveyard_fx::main;
// level.DLC3.myFX = ::preCacheMyFX;



// Variable Containing Helpful Text For Modders -- Don't Remove
level.modderHelpText = [];

// Change Or Tweak All Of These LEVEL.DLC3 Variables Below For Your Level If You Wish

// Edit The Value In Mod.STR For Your Level Introscreen Place
level.DLC3.introString = &"nazi zombie tes";

// Weapons. Pointer function automatically loads weapons used in Der Riese.
level.DLC3.weapons = maps\dlc3_code::include_weapons;

// Power Ups. Pointer function automatically loads power ups used in Der Riese.
level.DLC3.powerUps =  maps\dlc3_code::include_powerups;

// Adjusts how much melee damage a player with the perk will do, needs only be set once. Stock is 1000.
level.DLC3.perk_altMeleeDamage = 1000;

// Adjusts barrier search override. Stock is 400.
level.DLC3.barrierSearchOverride = 400;

// Adjusts power up drop max per round. Stock is 3.
level.DLC3.powerUpDropMax = 3;

// _loadout Variables
level.DLC3.useCoopHeroes = true;

// Bridge Feature
level.DLC3.useBridge = false;

// Hell Hounds
level.DLC3.useHellHounds = true;

// Mixed Rounds
level.DLC3.useMixedRounds = true;

// Magic Boxes -- The Script_Noteworthy Value Names On Purchase Trigger In Radiant
boxArray = [];
boxArray[ boxArray.size ] = "start_chest";
boxArray[ boxArray.size ] = "chest1";
boxArray[ boxArray.size ] = "chest2";
boxArray[ boxArray.size ] = "chest3";
boxArray[ boxArray.size ] = "chest4";
boxArray[ boxArray.size ] = "chest5";
level.DLC3.PandoraBoxes = boxArray;

// Initial Zone(s) -- Zone(s) You Want Activated At Map Start
zones = [];
zones[ zones.size ] = "start_zone";
level.DLC3.initialZones = zones;

// Electricity Switch -- If False Map Will Start With Power On
level.DLC3.useElectricSwitch = true;

// Electric Traps
level.DLC3.useElectricTraps = true;

// _zombiemode_weapons Variables
level.DLC3.usePandoraBoxLight = true;
level.DLC3.useChestPulls = true;
level.DLC3.useChestMoves = true;
level.DLC3.useWeaponSpawn = true;
level.DLC3.useGiveWeapon = true;

// _zombiemode_spawner Varibles
level.DLC3.riserZombiesGoToDoorsFirst = true;
level.DLC3.riserZombiesInActiveZonesOnly = true;
level.DLC3.assureNodes = true;

// _zombiemode_perks Variables
level.DLC3.perksNeedPowerOn = true;

// _zombiemode_devgui Variables
level.DLC3.powerSwitch = true;

level thread DLC3_threadCalls();


level.zone_manager_init_func = ::dlc3_zone_init;
level thread DLC3_threadCalls2();


add_adjacent_zone( "initial_zone", "zone1", "enter_zone1" );
add_adjacent_zone( "zone1", "zone2", "enter_zone2" );
"Name: add_adjacent_zone( <zone_1>, <zone_2>, <flag>, <one_way> )"
"Summary: Sets up adjacent zones."
"MandatoryArg: <zone_1>: Name of first Info_Volume"
"MandatoryArg: <zone_2>: Name of second Info_Volume"
"MandatoryArg: <flag>: Flag to be set to initiate zones"
"OptionalArg: <one_way>: Make <zone_1> adjacent to <zone_2>. Defaults to false."
"Example: add_adjacent_zone( "receiver_zone", "outside_east_zone", "enter_outside_east" );"

// Outside East Door
//add_adjacent_zone( "receiver_zone", "outside_east_zone", "enter_outside_east" );
12 years ago
Tried to do that fog, but no joy haha..

Say's on the WIKI

" To add SetExpFog to your level open up your Map GSC and anywhere after maps\mp\_load::main() add this: "

Been up and down my GSC file and can't find any part with maps\mp\_load::main()....

It's okay now tho, going to put my map on hold for the time being, but hopefully when i start doing it again, ill figure it out  ;D

12 years ago
Ahh cheers mate, trying to get the fog so I can start fixing the lights..

WIP: I've got more pictures and doing a new video of it, so should have a topic up of it later of everything that's been done so far and what's left to do :)

12 years ago
Hey guys,

Does anyone know the best way ( easiest way ) to add fog?..

I've looked at these two ways ( links below ) and im puzzled :(.. It's getting to the point were im getting angry with myself about it now

Night Sky and Progressive Fog

stock way of creating the fog

Many Thanks

12 years ago
Ahh spot on, cheers guys  8) the cross hairs have been driving me mad lol. Hard to get some nice pictures with them in..

12 years ago
Hey guys,

Is there anyway to remove cross hairs from off world at war?.. I would like to take some pictures and also record some parts of my map. At the moment im doing it by adding the noclip, but it leaves me with the cross hairs and doesn't make the pictures/video's look good :(..

I've seen some custom map trailers and some pictures where they haven't got them, is there a command to do it or something?

12 years ago
Some great shots  8).. Love the detail on the map, wish i could gain that on mine  :'(

12 years ago
Yeah i did, i think it might of been my connection tho.. Once i add some more stuff to the map ill repost the topic :)
12 years ago
Very nice!! Love the hammer and gas mask part lol.. Will keep my eye on this map :)

12 years ago
Looking good so far dude... Any detail on the map yet? Size and also what you'r adding to it..

Keep it up

12 years ago
lol, thanks..

Tried to posy in the WIP section for my map but for some reason it wont post?

12 years ago
Hey guys,

Seen the link on ZM so thought id come over and join the forum, show some support.. Bit of a newbie on the mapping, so wont post any video's up lol..

Site looks awesome, great job  8)

If anybody's looking for someone to make maps with, give us a message or post on here :)

xfire - DubzQs

Skype - freecodcinematics
12 years ago
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