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(Any Zombie Map) "Keep me Perky" Challenge/Tactic

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Created 9 years ago
by the42project
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The "Keep me perky" challenge/tactic is a good one, it helps you keep your perks 99% of the fight, basically; what it is, is that; You've ALWAYS got to have enough to buy your main perks, there are 3 ways (Modes) of doing this:
There's the challenge way, where you've got to have double the cost of a perk you want to get, so say you want "Juggernog", you'll need 5,000 points to buy it, so if you go down, you can get it back with the leftover points! This way is harder, way harder, properly best to do it once you have way too much points, when in the high rounds.
The 2nd, much easier way, is: you buy your perks, but once you do that; you need to get at least have enough to buy them back at ALL cost, so say you want the box and you got the 3 WaW perks, you have 6,000 points. You can't get the box, till you have either: low ammo OR 7,950 points, see what I mean!?

There are other rules however!
If you chose the Tactic (Mode 1), you can only get these perks (Pack-A-Punch and Perk Drops are allowed):
WaW maps: Juggernog, Quick Revive, Speed Cola. (Solo on BO1: 6,000 points for perks, 12,000 points to PAP. Multiplayer on WaW and BO1: 7,000 points to buy all perks, 12,000 points to PAP. Solo on WaW (you won't be needing QR): 4,000 for perks, 9,000 for PAP.)
Ascension - Moon [<-- OMG Ascension TO Moon!! {0}_{O}: Juggernog (J), Quick Revive (QR), Speed Cola (SC), PhD Flopper. (Solo: 8,000 points for perks, 13,000 for PAP. Multiplayer: 9,000 for perks, 14,000 for PAP.)
Mob of The Dead: J, QR, SC, Electric Cherry. (Same as above)
Buried: J, QR, SC, Vulture Aid Elixir. (Solo: 9,000 for perks, 14,000 for PAP. Multiplayer:
10,000 for perks 15,000 for PAP.)
Town, Trans***: QR, J, SC, Tombstone, Stamin-Up, Double Tap (Go in order, use the tombstone glitch! Solo: 12,000 for perks, 17,000 for PAP. Multiplayer: 13,000 for perks, 18,000 for PAP)
For custom maps: use the main 3 WaW perks (aka J, QR, SC,) and add either: a custom perk or PhD, Stamin-Up, Vulture Aid, Deadshot or Tombstone! If there's only the original 4 perks, just use: J, QR, SC! It may seem like a lot of points this, but it ain't, it really makes you worship every point and when you have to much, this helps!
Other BO2 maps: J, QR, SC.
Trust me, it keeps you alive!

If you chose the Challenge (Mode 2): just choose your 4 favourite perks in the map!
For the Challenge and Custom Maps: you are going to need some calculation, adding and timing skills, but you can always use a real/online calculator, also; if you are doing the Challenge: you are going to times the points by "2" (e.g Say you're playing Solo on Moon and your favourite perks on Moon are: J, QR, SC and Mule Kick, you'll need to add the points up, so: J + QR + SC = 6,000. Mule Kick = 4,000 , so 4,000 + 6,000 equals 10,000, times that by "2", 10,000 x 2 = 20,000, so I need 20,000 for perks and 25,000 for PAP! If I go down I can get them all again instantly!) hence the word "Challenge" and "Tactic" and the usage of your Favourite perks.

But if you want the Hardest Challenge, aka The 3rd Mode:
You have to follow the same perks as "Mode 1" but times the cost of things by "2", (e.g   Ascension, you need 19,000 for perks, 24,000 for PAP, etc!) it's a really helpful Challenge, but it is rough!

If you still don't understand it, feel free to ask me anything about this Tactic/Challenge, I WILL awnser! I hope you enjoy it! Enjoy! -42

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