
Call of Duty 5: World at War => Downloadable Items for Mappers => Custom Maps, Mods & Tools => Scripts => Topic started by: alaurenc9 on April 13, 2015, 02:36:33 am

Title: Who's Who [Update 5-2-2015]
Post by: alaurenc9 on April 13, 2015, 02:36:33 am
Hello guys
my name is xSanchez78
and today i have something
that i am sure the
zombie community has wanted
for a long time
Today I have for you:

Who's Who

I have spent about a month scripting
this, making sure that the perk is exactly
like black ops 2 die rise, and has no
glitched or bugs. And it is PERFECT!

Perk Features:
   When you die, you save your stock
   ( perks, weapons, and points )
   and respawn to revive a clone.
   When you revive yourself, you get
   your guns, including offhand grenades,
   bouncing betties, and your mule kick
   weapon. You also get every perk back
   except for who's who itself. Also if
   you lost points, you get them back.
   If you dont revive yourself in 45 seconds,
   if you had quick revive in solo mode when
   you died, you automatically revive but
   you dont get quick revive back. If you
   dont, your clone dissapears and you lose
   EVERYTHING. just like black ops 2.

Let's Get Started!


This tutorial does not provide xmodels for you.
It is up to you to export the xmodels, as posting
them in download links is against the UGX Mods
rules. But here is an Easy-To-Follow tutorial: (

Follow that and you will learn how to port xmodels.
The models you need are "bo2_p6_zm_vending_chugabud",
"bo2_p6_zm_vending_chugabud_on", "bo2_t6_wpn_zmb_perk_bottle_whoswho_view",
and "bo2_t6_wpn_zmb_perk_bottle_whoswho_world". The models
in lime may not have the prefix "bo2_" but just look for these
names and when you convert them, make sure they match
or else this tutorial will not work properly.
In mod.csv, be sure to add the following:

Code Snippet


You are probably thinking, what do weapons
have to do with this? Well the weapon
I am talking about is the perk bottle that
you drink when you buy the perk. If you
exported all the models correctly in the first
step, you will have the models needed.
First, go to "root/raw/weapons/sp" and find
"zombie_perk_bottle_jugg". Copy it and rename it
to "zombie_perk_bottle_whoswho". Now open it
with notepad, and find "GunModel". In the next
set of slashes, it should say "zombie_perk_bottle_jugg".
Rename this to "bo2_t6_wpn_zmb_perk_bottle_whoswho_view".
Then find "WorldModel". Next to it, it should say
"zombie_3rd_perk_bottle_jugg". Rename this to
Save & Close. Now you have your weapon file.
Place it in "root/mods/mapname/weapons/sp".
In mod.csv, make sure to add this:

Code Snippet


In radiant, you need to make your own prefab.
First add a trigger_multiple. Add these KVP's
   targetname - audio_bump_trigger
   script_sound - perks_rattle

This will be the trigger where you go prone
and it gives you 25 points. Now add a script_struct.
Give it these KVP's
   targetname - perksacola
   script_sound - mx_whoswho_jingle

This will be the spot where it plays the
perk jingle when it is idle. Now add a
trigger_use. Give it these KVP's:
   targetname - vending_trigger_whoswho

This will be the trigger that the players
use to buy the perk. Now add a script_model
Give it these KVP's
   targetname - vending_whoswho
   model - bo2_p6_zm_vending_chugabud

This will be the actual perk model.
Now just add a clip around your perk
and you should have your perk prefab!
Now here is one more thing you need to do.
Add script_origin's where you want your
player to be able to respawn in who's who
mode. Currently, this does not check for
active zones, so if you place it behind
an opened door, you may end up spawning behind
it. Don't worry, this will be updated at a
later date. Make sure each script_origin
gets this KVP
   targetname - whoswho_spawn_point


You need to get your own perk shader.
These are easy to find. You can probably
find one in the forums, or even be a prick
and steal one from someone's IWD file.
When you get it, make sure when you convert
it that it is called "whoswho_vending_zombies".


Open notepad and save it as "whoswho_animation.atr".
In it, simply type the line "pb_laststand_idle".
Save and and put it in "root/mods/mapname/animtrees".


The sounds are also up to you to get.
The functions for playing sound are already
in the script, you just need to do this:
For the stinger sound, in the alias, make
sure you call it "mx_whoswho_sting", and for
the jingle call it "mx_whoswho_jingle". For
the whos who trance sound that plays in the
backround, you need to make sure it is one long
sound that lasts for 45 seconds, ( because thats
how long whos who mode lasts ) and can be
stopped using the StopSounds() function.
It needs to be called "whoswho_spawn".


Alright, you have done every other step, time for the
last. Scripting. This is the hardest part, there is much to
do. First, copy this script and name it to


Code Snippet
#include maps\_utility; 
#include common_scripts\utility;
#include maps\_zombiemode_utility;
#include maps\_hud_util;
#using_animtree( "whoswho_animation" );

vending_triggers = GetEntArray( "vending_trigger_whoswho", "targetname" );
if( vending_triggers.size < 1 )
PrecacheItem( "zombie_perk_bottle_whoswho" );
PrecacheShader( "whoswho_vending_zombies" );
PrecacheShader( "waypoint_revive" );
PrecacheModel( "bo2_p6_zm_vending_chugabud_on" );
level._effect["whoswho_light"] = loadfx("misc/fx_zombie_cola_on");
array_thread( vending_triggers, ::vending_trigger_think );
array_thread( vending_triggers, maps\_zombiemode_perks::electric_perks_dialog );
level thread turn_whoswho_on();
level thread machine_watcher();
level.whoswho_jingle = 0;

machine = getentarray("vending_whoswho", "targetname");
level waittill("juggernog_on");
for( i = 0; i < machine.size; i++ )
machine[i] setmodel("bo2_p6_zm_vending_chugabud_on");
machine[i] vibrate((0,-100,0), 0.3, 0.4, 3);
machine[i] playsound("perks_power_on");
machine[i] thread maps\_zombiemode_perks::perk_fx( "whoswho_light" );

level notify( "specialty_shades_power_on" );

self SetCursorHint( "HINT_NOICON" );
self UseTriggerRequireLookAt();
level waittill( "specialty_shades_power_on" );
perk_hum = spawn("script_origin", self.origin);
perk_hum playloopsound("perks_machine_loop");
self thread maps\_zombiemode_perks::check_player_has_perk( "specialty_shades" );
self setHintString( "Press & hold &&1 to buy Who's Who [Cost: 2000]" );
for( ;; )
self waittill( "trigger", player );
index = maps\_zombiemode_weapons::get_player_index(player);
cost = 2000;
if (player maps\_laststand::player_is_in_laststand() )
if(player in_revive_trigger())
if( player isThrowingGrenade() )
wait( 0.1 );
if( player isSwitchingWeapons() )
if ( player HasPerk( "specialty_shades" ) )
self playsound("deny");
player thread maps\_zombiemode_perks::play_no_money_perk_dialog();
if ( player.score < cost )
self playsound("deny");
player thread maps\_zombiemode_perks::play_no_money_perk_dialog();
sound = "bottle_dispense3d";
player achievement_notify( "perk_used" );
playsoundatposition(sound, self.origin);
player maps\_zombiemode_score::minus_to_player_score( cost );
self thread play_vendor_stings();
gun = player perk_give_bottle_begin();
player.is_drinking = 1;
player waittill_any( "fake_death", "death", "player_downed", "weapon_change_complete" );
player perk_give_bottle_end( gun );
player.is_drinking = undefined;
if ( player maps\_laststand::player_is_in_laststand() )
player SetPerk( "specialty_shades" );
player thread perk_vo();
player setblur( 4, 0.1 );
player setblur(0, 0.1);
player perk_hud_create();
bbPrint( "zombie_uses: playername %s playerscore %d round %d cost %d name %s x %f y %f z %f type perk", player.playername, player.score, level.round_number, cost, "specialty_shades", self.origin );
player thread maps\_zombiemode_perks::perk_think( "specialty_shades" );


if ( !IsDefined( self.perk_hud ) )
self.perk_hud = [];
hud = create_simple_hud( self );
hud.foreground = true;
hud.sort = 1;
hud.hidewheninmenu = false;
hud.alignX = "left";
hud.alignY = "bottom";
hud.horzAlign = "left";
hud.vertAlign = "bottom";
hud.x = self.perk_hud.size * 30;
hud.y = hud.y - 70;
hud.alpha = 1;
hud SetShader( "whoswho_vending_zombies", 24, 24 );
self.perk_hud[ "specialty_shades" ] = hud;

self DisableOffhandWeapons();
self DisableWeaponCycling();
self AllowLean( false );
self AllowAds( false );
self AllowSprint( false );
self AllowProne( false );
self AllowMelee( false );
wait( 0.05 );
if ( self GetStance() == "prone" )
self SetStance( "crouch" );
gun = self GetCurrentWeapon();
self GiveWeapon( "zombie_perk_bottle_whoswho" );
self SwitchToWeapon( "zombie_perk_bottle_whoswho" );
return gun;

perk_give_bottle_end( gun )
assert( gun != "zombie_perk_bottle_doubletap" );
assert( gun != "zombie_perk_bottle_revive" );
assert( gun != "zombie_perk_bottle_jugg" );
assert( gun != "zombie_perk_bottle_sleight" );
assert( gun != "zombie_perk_bottle_whoswho" );
assert( gun != "syrette" );
self EnableOffhandWeapons();
self EnableWeaponCycling();
self AllowLean( true );
self AllowAds( true );
self AllowSprint( true );
self AllowProne( true );
self AllowMelee( true );
if ( self maps\_laststand::player_is_in_laststand() )
self TakeWeapon("zombie_perk_bottle_whoswho");
if ( gun != "none" && gun != "mine_bouncing_betty" )
self SwitchToWeapon( gun );
primaryWeapons = self GetWeaponsListPrimaries();
if( IsDefined( primaryWeapons ) && primaryWeapons.size > 0 )
self SwitchToWeapon( primaryWeapons[0] );
self TakeWeapon("zombie_perk_bottle_whoswho");

self endon("death");
self endon("disconnect");
index = maps\_zombiemode_weapons::get_player_index(self);
if(!isdefined (level.player_is_speaking))
level.player_is_speaking = 0;
player_index = "plr_" + index + "_";
self maps\_zombiemode_spawner::do_player_playdialog(player_index, "vox_perk_jugga_0", 0.25);

level thread machine_watcher_factory();

level waittill("specialty_shades_power_on");
temp_machines = getstructarray("perksacola", "targetname");
for (x = 0; x < temp_machines.size; x++)
if (temp_machines[x].script_sound == "mx_whoswho_jingle")
temp_machines[x] thread perks_a_cola_jingle();


if(!IsDefined (level.whoswho_jingle))
level.whoswho_jingle = 0;
if(!IsDefined (level.eggs))
level.eggs = 0;
if (level.eggs == 0)
if(level.whoswho_jingle == 0 )
level.whoswho_jingle = 1;
temp_org_whoswho_s = spawn("script_origin", self.origin);
temp_org_whoswho_s playsound ("mx_whoswho_sting", "sound_done");
temp_org_whoswho_s waittill("sound_done");
level.whoswho_jingle = 0;
temp_org_whoswho_s delete();

self thread maps\_zombiemode_perks::play_random_broken_sounds();
self.perk_jingle_playing = 0;
if (!IsDefined (level.eggs))
level.eggs = 0;
if(randomint(100) < 15 && level.eggs == 0)
level notify ("jingle_playing");
playsoundatposition ("electrical_surge", self.origin);
if(level.whoswho_jingle == 0)
level.whoswho_jingle = 1;
temp_org_whoswho = spawn("script_origin", self.origin);
temp_org_whoswho playsound (self.script_sound, "sound_done");
temp_org_whoswho waittill("sound_done");
level.whoswho_jingle = 0;
temp_org_whoswho delete();
self thread maps\_zombiemode_perks::play_random_broken_sounds();

self.inwhoswho = true;
self EnableInvulnerability();
self.stats["downs"] = self.downs;
dvarName = "player" + self GetEntityNumber() + "downs";
setdvar( dvarName, self.downs );
stock = self whoswho_take_player_weapons();
self freeze_screen();
origin = self getorigin();
angles = ( 0, self getplayerangles()[1], 0 );
body = self spawn_whoswho_body( origin, angles );
self thread respawn_whoswho( origin, angles );
self thread whoswho_bleedout_delay( body, stock, origin, angles );
self thread waittill_whoswho_end( body, stock, origin, angles );
self DisableInvulnerability();

self AllowProne( false );
self AllowStand( false );
self AllowLean( false );
self AllowJump( false );
self AllowCrouch( true );
self SetStance( "crouch" );
self DisableOffhandWeapons();
self DisableWeaponCycling();
self.ignoreme = true;
self SetClientDvar( "cg_hudDamageIconTime", "0" );
while( !self IsOnGround() )
wait 0.0001;
self freezeControls(true);
wait 5;
self freezeControls(false);
self EnableOffhandWeapons();
self EnableWeaponCycling();
self AllowProne( true );
self AllowStand( true );
self AllowLean( true );
self AllowJump( true );
self AllowCrouch( true );
self SetStance( "stand" );
self.ignoreme = false;
self SetClientDvar( "cg_hudDamageIconTime", "1500" );

waittill_whoswho_end( body, stock, origin, angles )
self thread whoswho_cleanup_on_disconnect( body );
self thread whoswho_cleanup_on_perkrebuy( body );
self thread whoswho_cleanup_on_spectating( body );
body waittill( "delete_trigger", was_revived );
if( was_revived )
body notify( "whoswho_player_revived" );
self thread whoswho_end( true, stock, origin, angles );
body.waypointWhi notify( "waypoint_destroy" );
body.waypointWhi destroy();
body.waypointYel destroy();
body.revivetrigger delete();
body delete();

whoswho_cleanup_on_disconnect( body )
body endon( "delete_trigger" );
self waittill( "disconnect" );
self thread whoswho_end( false, undefined, undefined, undefined );
body notify( "whoswho_player_revived" );
body notify( "delete_trigger", false );

whoswho_cleanup_on_perkrebuy( body )
body endon( "delete_trigger" );
while( !self hasPerk( "specialty_shades" ) )
wait 0.1;
self thread whoswho_end( false, undefined, undefined, undefined );
body notify( "whoswho_player_revived" );
body notify( "delete_trigger", false );

whoswho_cleanup_on_spectating( body )
body endon( "delete_trigger" );
while( self.sessionstate == "playing" )
wait 0.1;
self thread whoswho_end( false, undefined, undefined, undefined );
body notify( "whoswho_player_revived" );
body notify( "delete_trigger", false );

death_score = self.score;
perks = [];
perks[0] = "specialty_armorvest";
perks[1] = "specialty_fastreload";
perks[2] = "specialty_rof";
perks[3] = "specialty_quickrevive";
perks[4] = "specialty_detectexplosive";
perks[5] = "specialty_longersprint";
perks[6] = "specialty_bulletaccuracy";
perks[7] = "specialty_extraammo";
perks[8] = "specialty_reconnaissance";
perks[9] = "specialty_boost";
perks[10] = "specialty_ordinance";
SavePerks = [];
for( p = 0; p < perks.size; p++ )
SavePerks[perks[p]] = false;
if (self hasPerk(perks[p]))
SavePerks[perks[p]] = true;
self maps\_laststand::laststand_take_player_weapons();
self notify( "whoswho_death" );
stuff = [];
stuff[ "score" ] = death_score;
stuff[ "weapList" ] = self.weaponInventory;
stuff[ "lastGun" ] = self.lastActiveWeapon;
stuff[ "ammo" ] = self.weaponAmmo;
stuff[ "perks" ] = SavePerks;
return stuff;

spawn_whoswho_body( origin, angles )
player_model = spawn( "script_model", origin );
player_model.angles = angles;
switch( self.model )
case "char_usa_marine_polonsky_zomb":
player_model setModel( "char_usa_marine_polonsky_zomb" );

case "char_rus_guard_chernova_zomb":
player_model setModel( "char_rus_guard_chernova_zomb" );

case "char_jap_impinf_officer_body_zomb":
player_model setModel( "char_jap_impinf_officer_body_zomb" );
player_model.headModel = "char_jap_impinf_officer_head";
player_model attach( player_model.headModel, "", true );
player_model.hatModel = "char_jap_impinf_officer_hat_zomb";
player_model attach( player_model.hatModel );

case "char_ger_ansel_body_zomb":
player_model setModel( "char_ger_ansel_body_zomb" );
player_model.headModel = "char_ger_ansel_head_zomb";
player_model attach( player_model.headModel, "", true );
player_model.hatModel = "char_ger_waffen_officercap1_zomb";
player_model attach( player_model.hatModel );

player_model setModel( "char_usa_marine_polonsky_zomb" );
player_model attach( getWeaponModel( "zombie_colt" ), "tag_weapon_right" );
player_model UseAnimTree( #animtree );
player_model SetAnim( %pb_laststand_idle );
player_model.not_a_player = true;
player_model.owner = self;
player_model thread maps\_laststand::revive_trigger_spawn();
player_model.waypointYel = newHudElem();
player_model.waypointYel.x = origin[0];
player_model.waypointYel.y = origin[1];
player_model.waypointYel.z = origin[2] + 30;
player_model.waypointYel.sort = 20;
player_model.waypointYel.alpha = 1;
player_model.waypointYel setWaypoint( true, "waypoint_revive" );
player_model.waypointYel.color = ( 1, 1, 0 );
player_model.waypointYel fadeovertime( 45 / 1.25 );
player_model.waypointYel.color = ( 1, 0, 0 );
player_model.waypointWhi = newHudElem();
player_model.waypointWhi.x = origin[0];
player_model.waypointWhi.y = origin[1];
player_model.waypointWhi.z = origin[2] + 30;
player_model.waypointWhi.sort = 21;
player_model.waypointWhi.alpha = 0;
player_model.waypointWhi setWaypoint( true, "waypoint_revive" );
player_model.waypointWhi.color = ( 1, 1, 1 );
player_model.waypointWhi thread hide_show_think( player_model );
return player_model;

hide_show_think( body )
self endon( "waypoint_destroy" );
while( 1 )
if( isDefined( body.revivetrigger ) && isDefined( body.revivetrigger.beingRevived ) && body.revivetrigger.beingRevived )
self.alpha = 1;
self.alpha = 0;
wait 0.05;

respawn_whoswho( origin, angles )
spawn_points = getEntArray( "whoswho_spawn_point", "targetname" );
valid_points = get_valid_points( spawn_points );
if( valid_points.size == 0 )
spawn_point = getstructarray( "initial_spawn_points", "targetname" )[0];
spawn_point = get_array_of_closest( origin, valid_points )[0];
self setorigin( spawn_point.origin );
self setplayerangles( spawn_point.angles );
self GiveWeapon( "zombie_colt" );
self SetWeaponAmmoClip( "zombie_colt", 8 );
self SetWeaponAmmoStock( "zombie_colt", 32 );
self SwitchToWeapon( "zombie_colt" );
self GiveWeapon( "stielhandgranate" );
self SetWeaponAmmoClip( "stielhandgranate", 2 );
self SwitchToOffhand( "stielhandgranate" );
self VisionSetNaked( "r_poisonFX_debug_enable", 1 );
self setClientDvar( "r_poisonFX_debug_enable", 1 );
self setClientDvar( "cg_fovScale", 1.2 );
self.maxhealth = 100; = 100;
self playsound( "whoswho_spawn" );

get_valid_points( spawn_points )
points = [];
for( i = 0; i < spawn_points.size; i++ )
if( !check_point_in_playable_area( spawn_points[i].origin ) )
if( !check_point_in_active_zone( spawn_points[i].origin ) )
if( !bullettracepassed( spawn_points[i].origin + ( 20, 20, 0 ), spawn_points[i].origin - ( 20, 20, 0 ), true, undefined ) )
if( !bullettracepassed( spawn_points[i].origin + ( -20, -20, 0 ), spawn_points[i].origin - ( -20, -20, 0 ), true, undefined ) )
if( !bullettracepassed( spawn_points[i].origin + ( -20, 20, 0 ), spawn_points[i].origin - ( 20, -20, 0 ), true, undefined ) )
if( !bullettracepassed( spawn_points[i].origin + ( 20, -20, 0 ), spawn_points[i].origin - ( -20, 20, 0 ), true, undefined ) )
points[ points.size ] = spawn_points[i];
return points;

whoswho_bleedout_delay( body, stock, origin, angles )
body endon( "whoswho_player_revived" );
self endon( "disconnect" );
time = 45;
while( time > 0 )
time -= 1;
wait( 1 );
while( body.revivetrigger.BeingRevived == 1 )
wait( 0.1 );
body notify( "delete_trigger", false );
if( stock[ "perks" ][ "specialty_quickrevive" ] && get_players().size == 1 )
stock[ "perks" ][ "specialty_quickrevive" ] = false;
self thread whoswho_end( true, stock, origin, angles );
self thread whoswho_end( false, stock, origin, angles );

whoswho_end( save_stock, stock, origin, angles )
self VisionSetNaked( "zombie_factory", 1 );
self.inwhoswho = undefined;
self setClientDvar( "r_poisonFX_debug_enable", 0 );
self setClientDvar( "cg_fovScale", 1 );
self StopSounds();
if( save_stock )
if( self maps\_laststand::player_is_in_laststand() )
self thread maps\_laststand::revive_success( self, true );
wait 0.1;
self EnableInvulnerability();
self setorigin( origin );
self setplayerangles( angles );
self thread whoswho_give_stock( stock );
wait 1;
self DisableInvulnerability();

whoswho_give_stock( stock )
death_score = stock[ "score" ];
self.weaponInventory = stock[ "weapList" ];
self.lastActiveWeapon = stock[ "lastGun" ];
self.weaponAmmo = stock[ "ammo" ];
SavePerks = stock[ "perks" ];
if( self.score < death_score )
self maps\_zombiemode_score::add_to_player_score( int( death_score - self.score ) );
self maps\_laststand::laststand_giveback_player_weapons();
perks = GetArrayKeys( SavePerks );
for( p = 0; p < perks.size; p++ )
if( SavePerks[perks[p]] )
self give_perk( perks[p] );

give_perk( perk )
if( self hasPerk( perk ) )
switch( perk )
case "specialty_armorvest":
self setPerk( "specialty_armorvest" );
self maps\_zombiemode_perks::perk_hud_create( "specialty_armorvest" );
self thread maps\_zombiemode_perks::perk_think( "specialty_armorvest" );
self.maxhealth = 285; = 285;

case "specialty_fastreload":
self setPerk( "specialty_fastreload" );
self maps\_zombiemode_perks::perk_hud_create( "specialty_fastreload" );
self thread maps\_zombiemode_perks::perk_think( "specialty_fastreload" );

case "specialty_rof":
self setPerk( "specialty_rof" );
self maps\_zombiemode_perks::perk_hud_create( "specialty_rof" );
self thread maps\_zombiemode_perks::perk_think( "specialty_rof" );

case "specialty_quickrevive":
self setPerk( "specialty_quickrevive" );
self maps\_zombiemode_perks::perk_hud_create( "specialty_quickrevive" );
self thread maps\_zombiemode_perks::perk_think( "specialty_quickrevive" );


Now for some customization.
Find the function "respawn_whoswho()"
in it, find this code:

Code Snippet
	self GiveWeapon( "zombie_colt" );
self SetWeaponAmmoClip( "zombie_colt", 8 );
self SetWeaponAmmoStock( "zombie_colt", 32 );
self SwitchToWeapon( "zombie_colt" );
self GiveWeapon( "stielhandgranate" );
self SetWeaponAmmoClip( "stielhandgranate", 2 );
self SwitchToOffhand( "stielhandgranate" );

This is the part that gives you
the weapons and grenades that you get
when you respawn in who's who. You
may want to change which gun or
grenade you want to give back on
repspawn and how much ammo you get.
Now find this function "whoswho_end()"
In this find this line

Code Snippet
	self VisionSetNaked( "zombie_factory", 1 );

This is the vision that resets after
you exit whos who mode. It is set to
the default der riese vision, but if
you have custom vision, you may want
to change that here. Now find this
function "whoswho_take_player_weapons()"
In it find this code

Code Snippet
	perks = [];
perks[0] = "specialty_armorvest";
perks[1] = "specialty_fastreload";
perks[2] = "specialty_rof";
perks[3] = "specialty_quickrevive";
perks[4] = "specialty_detectexplosive";
perks[5] = "specialty_longersprint";
perks[6] = "specialty_bulletaccuracy";
perks[7] = "specialty_extraammo";
perks[8] = "specialty_reconnaissance";
perks[9] = "specialty_boost";
perks[10] = "specialty_ordinance";

These are the perks that you want
Who's Who to be able to save. You need
to make sure you include all the
perks you want to be saved, and
exclude the ones you want to be lost.
As you can see Who's Who ( specialty_shades )
is not included because you are not able
to save whos who. Now find this
function at the bottom "give_perk()".
Find this

Code Snippet
	switch( perk )
case "specialty_armorvest":
self setPerk( "specialty_armorvest" );
self maps\_zombiemode_perks::perk_hud_create( "specialty_armorvest" );
self thread maps\_zombiemode_perks::perk_think( "specialty_armorvest" );
self.maxhealth = 285; = 285;

case "specialty_fastreload":
self setPerk( "specialty_fastreload" );
self maps\_zombiemode_perks::perk_hud_create( "specialty_fastreload" );
self thread maps\_zombiemode_perks::perk_think( "specialty_fastreload" );

case "specialty_rof":
self setPerk( "specialty_rof" );
self maps\_zombiemode_perks::perk_hud_create( "specialty_rof" );
self thread maps\_zombiemode_perks::perk_think( "specialty_rof" );

case "specialty_quickrevive":
self setPerk( "specialty_quickrevive" );
self maps\_zombiemode_perks::perk_hud_create( "specialty_quickrevive" );
self thread maps\_zombiemode_perks::perk_think( "specialty_quickrevive" );


This is how who's who gives back
your perks. Make sure that all the
perks you listed in "whoswho_take_player_weapons()"
have their own case in this list,
and that they properly giveback
the perk. Finally, find this
function "spawn_whoswho_body()".
In it find this

Code Snippet
	switch( self.model )
case "char_usa_marine_polonsky_zomb":
player_model setModel( "char_usa_marine_polonsky_zomb" );

case "char_rus_guard_chernova_zomb":
player_model setModel( "char_rus_guard_chernova_zomb" );

case "char_jap_impinf_officer_body_zomb":
player_model setModel( "char_jap_impinf_officer_body_zomb" );
player_model.headModel = "char_jap_impinf_officer_head";
player_model attach( player_model.headModel, "", true );
player_model.hatModel = "char_jap_impinf_officer_hat_zomb";
player_model attach( player_model.hatModel );

case "char_ger_ansel_body_zomb":
player_model setModel( "char_ger_ansel_body_zomb" );
player_model.headModel = "char_ger_ansel_head_zomb";
player_model attach( player_model.headModel, "", true );
player_model.hatModel = "char_ger_waffen_officercap1_zomb";
player_model attach( player_model.hatModel );

player_model setModel( "char_usa_marine_polonsky_zomb" );

This is how the clone that spawns
for you to revive in who's who mode
is the same model as you being the
original player. This already supports
the default der riese characters, but
if you have custom ones, you need to
make sure and include them or else
your clone won't look like you in who's
who mode. If you need any help with
this, just PM me, and i will help you.
Now for editing other scripts.
Go into "_zombiemode.gsc".
In "main()", call "maps\_zombiemode_perks_whoswho::init();"
under this
Code Snippet

Find this function

Under this
Code Snippet
	players = get_players();
count = 0;
for( i = 0; i < players.size; i++ )
if( players[i] == self || players[i].is_zombie || players[i] maps\_laststand::player_is_in_laststand() || players[i].sessionstate == "spectator" )

Add this
Code Snippet
	if( self hasPerk( "specialty_shades" ) && !isDefined( self.inwhoswho ) )
self thread maps\_zombiemode_perks_whoswho::PlayerWhosWho();

Save & Close.
Now go into "_zombiemode_perks.gsc"
find the function "perk_think()"
replace this

Code Snippet
self waittill_any( "fake_death", "death", "player_downed" );


Code Snippet
self waittill_any( "fake_death", "death", "player_downed", "whoswho_death" );

Also if you have other perk scripts
that have the perk_think() function
make sure you repeat the same process
in those scripts too. Save & Close.
Now go into "_laststand.gsc".
Find the "laststand_clean_up_on_disconnect()" function.
Replace the whole function with this:

Code Snippet
laststand_clean_up_on_disconnect( playerBeingRevived, reviverGun )
reviveTrigger = playerBeingRevived.revivetrigger;

if( isDefined( playerBeingRevived.not_a_player ) )
player = playerBeingRevived.owner;
player = playerBeingRevived;
player waittill("disconnect");

if( isdefined( reviveTrigger ) )
reviveTrigger delete();

if( isdefined( self.reviveProgressBar ) )
self.reviveProgressBar destroyElem();

if( isdefined( self.reviveTextHud ) )
self.reviveTextHud destroy();

self revive_give_back_weapons( reviverGun );

Now find the "revive_trigger_think()" function.
replace this

Code Snippet
			if ( revive_success )
self thread revive_success( reviver );

With this:

Code Snippet
			if ( revive_success )
self thread revive_success( reviver, false );

Now find the "revive_do_revive()" function.
Find this

Code Snippet
	playerBeingRevived.revive_hud setText( &"GAME_PLAYER_IS_REVIVING_YOU", self );
playerBeingRevived revive_hud_show_n_fade( 3.0 );

and replace it with this

Code Snippet
	if( isDefined( playerBeingRevived.not_a_player ) )
playerBeingRevived.owner.revive_hud setText( &"GAME_PLAYER_IS_REVIVING_YOU", self );
playerBeingRevived.owner revive_hud_show_n_fade( 3.0 );
playerBeingRevived.revive_hud setText( &"GAME_PLAYER_IS_REVIVING_YOU", self );
playerBeingRevived revive_hud_show_n_fade( 3.0 );

Find this

Code Snippet
playerBeingRevived startrevive( self );

and replace it with this

Code Snippet
	if( !isDefined( playerBeingRevived.not_a_player ) )
playerBeingRevived startrevive( self );

find this

Code Snippet
	if ( !revived )
playerBeingRevived stoprevive( self );

and replace it with this

Code Snippet
	if ( !revived )
if( !isDefined( playerBeingRevived.not_a_player ) )
playerBeingRevived stoprevive( self );

Now find this "revive_success()" function.
Replace it with this:

Code Snippet
revive_success( reviver, whoswho_revive )
if( isDefined( self.not_a_player ) )
self notify( "delete_trigger", true );
if( !whoswho_revive )
self notify ( "player_revived", reviver );
self notify ( "player_revived", undefined );
self reviveplayer();

if( !whoswho_revive )
//CODER_MOD: TOMMYK 06/26/2008 - For coop scoreboards
//stat tracking
reviver.stats["revives"] = reviver.revives;

// CODER MOD: TOMMY K - 07/30/08
reviver thread maps\_arcademode::arcadeMode_player_revive();

//CODER_MOD: Jay (6/17/2008): callback to revive challenge
if( isdefined( level.missionCallbacks ) )
maps\_challenges_coop::doMissionCallback( "playerRevived", reviver );

setClientSysState("lsm", "0", self); // Notify client last stand ended.

self.revivetrigger delete();
self.revivetrigger = undefined;

if( !whoswho_revive )
self laststand_giveback_player_weapons();

self.ignoreme = false;

if( !whoswho_revive )
self thread say_revived_vo();


Now you are done scripting!

Your Done!

Make sure you follow each step carefully.
The only thing that is missing is sounds.
I dont have them yet, but they will come
in a later update. Watch for updates.
The title will show if i have made an update
on the specific date and everything. If you need help
just comment or PM. I only had one hour to write
this topic so problems may occur. Make sure you call
everything in your mod builder and add everything
as i said into mod.csv. This has been tested, but you
may get errors because i quickly scripted the perk
machine logic so that you wouldnt have to add it to
your _zombiemode_perks.gsc like i did. I may have made some
small syntax errors there so just let me know.
Thanks everyone, please credit me, and peace!

Here are some images:
Spoiler: click to open...




Here are some videos ( made by gamer9294 and Alessof )

Update 4-19-2015

Who's who repsawn now checks for playable area,
active zones ( so you dont repsawn behind doors,
and make sure all of your zones in your map have
a "script_noteworthy" of "player_zone" for the script
to be able to define all the zones and check them ),
and if you placed them inside the floor or wall, they
will be avoided ( so you dont get stuck ). I also have
updated some of the tutorial, so it is easier to use.

Update 4-21-2015

If you are in who's who mode and you rebuy who's
who, you automatically leave who's who mode and
loose everything. If you somehow end up spectating
your clone dissapears and you again loose everything.
I have also fixed the bug where it only saved one perk.

Update 5-2-2015

Edited the tutorial to where it says what to change in
_laststand.gsc instead of making you replace it all for
those who have custom stuff in their _laststand.gsc already.
Also added places in the script that support sound if
you chose to add it, and a new section in the tut called
"sound" to give you info on what to call the sounds
and important stuff like that.
Title: Re: Who's Who
Post by: GerardS0406 on April 13, 2015, 04:48:02 am
For all the stuff you do for the community, you should definitely be rewarded for you work like this ;) Thx for the share
Title: Re: Who's Who
Post by: MrDunlop4 on April 13, 2015, 10:26:09 am
You tested in Solo and Coop ??
Title: Re: Who's Who
Post by: Bwc66930 on April 13, 2015, 01:13:12 pm
Very good, don't know if it's stolen  :troll: lol jk

Will be using this, thanks for it
Title: Re: Who's Who
Post by: MZslayer11 on April 13, 2015, 02:56:17 pm
Nice, clean and easy to understand tutorial. Great work, thanks for sharing  ;)
Title: Re: Who's Who
Post by: Dust on April 13, 2015, 04:06:46 pm
A couple problems I noticed testing it in my test map is. If you go down in whos who, and you restart the game or go down again and have it restart that way, you will still have the blurry vision until you buy the perk and go down then revive yourself. Also, after reviving myself I still had whos who on me, it did not take it from me.
Title: Re: Who's Who
Post by: alaurenc9 on April 13, 2015, 09:12:01 pm
oh i know why. Because when you die it notifies the player "whoswho_death". You need to add that to your _zombiemode_perks.gsc pek_think() function in the waittill_any function. Sorry i forgot to add that, but you need to put that there otherwise you don't lose perks. I will update this in the tutoiral later today. But for the blurry vision, that is a dvar that needs to be reset. I dont really know how to script that, but ill look into fixing that later.
Title: Re: Who's Who
Post by: lilrifa on April 14, 2015, 02:59:39 am
Nice work! I'll totally be using this!
Title: Re: Who's Who
Post by: Gabrielle on April 14, 2015, 04:03:24 pm
Somebody can make a video of it?
Good job mate, still hate WIW a lot  :lol:
Title: Re: Who's Who
Post by: MidgetBlaster on April 18, 2015, 03:46:42 am
For some reason every time I die with whos who and revive myself it never saves any perks execpt for vulture aid
Title: Re: Who's Who [Update 4-21-2015]
Post by: alaurenc9 on April 21, 2015, 09:39:05 pm
For some reason every time I die with whos who and revive myself it never saves any perks execpt for vulture aid

Title: Re: Who's Who [Update 4-21-2015]
Post by: vinnyz500 on April 21, 2015, 10:31:48 pm
It would be great if you made a short video so people know what their getting into  ;)
Title: Re: Who's Who [Update 4-21-2015]
Post by: alaurenc9 on April 22, 2015, 02:45:59 am
It would be great if you made a short video so people know what their getting into  ;)

Unfortunately i dont have a youtube channel. i wouldlike itifsomeone did that for me but i cant do it myself
Title: Re: Who's Who [Update 4-21-2015]
Post by: MidgetBlaster on April 22, 2015, 04:59:06 pm

I still have a issue with my quick revive not working afterwards. Everything else is fixed though
Title: Re: Who's Who [Update 4-21-2015]
Post by: MZslayer11 on April 24, 2015, 01:26:15 am
Unfortunately i dont have a youtube channel. i wouldlike itifsomeone did that for me but i cant do it myself

I could upload it if you send it to me. I barely post anything so you gonna wanna link it in your topic so people actually see it lol. PM me if your interested.
Title: Re: Who's Who [Update 4-21-2015]
Post by: MidgetBlaster on April 24, 2015, 04:22:37 am
nvm I got quick revive to work, just can't see my clone when I am in whos who
Title: Re: Who's Who [Update 4-21-2015]
Post by: alaurenc9 on April 24, 2015, 04:03:55 pm
Are your players thestandard waw zombie players?
Did you try adding precachemodel() for all of the models?
Does your switch function match?
Title: Re: Who's Who [Update 4-21-2015]
Post by: Utamia on April 30, 2015, 12:56:37 pm
My friend and I have done the same for black ops, for our mod war room survival. ( it started progress around last year I think and has been done for a few weeks we're just polishing it at this point.
Title: Re: Who's Who [Update 4-21-2015]
Post by: whippytrout on May 01, 2015, 01:05:30 am
Thanks man this is awesome!! I got it all working great. The only thing I cant figure out is how to play the "who's who" looping sound when you are actually in who's who. I got the stinger sound working when you purchase the perk though.

If you know where to add the looping sound code I'll have a 100% working who's who perk.  :D  :nyan:
Title: Re: Who's Who [Update 4-21-2015]
Post by: smasher248 on May 01, 2015, 11:05:45 am
can u please tell us what needs to be done in _laststand.gsc cause i have some stuff in there for other perks that i would like to keep
Title: Re: Who's Who [Update 4-21-2015]
Post by: arceus on May 01, 2015, 11:10:58 am
can u please tell us what needs to be done in _laststand.gsc cause i have some stuff in there for other perks that i would like to keep
it seems to be just this function
Code Snippet
revive_success( reviver, whoswho_revive )
if( isDefined( self.not_a_player ) )
self notify( "delete_trigger", true );
if( !whoswho_revive )
self notify ( "player_revived", reviver );
self notify ( "player_revived", undefined );
self reviveplayer();

if( !whoswho_revive )
//CODER_MOD: TOMMYK 06/26/2008 - For coop scoreboards
//stat tracking
reviver.stats["revives"] = reviver.revives;

// CODER MOD: TOMMY K - 07/30/08
reviver thread maps\_arcademode::arcadeMode_player_revive();

//CODER_MOD: Jay (6/17/2008): callback to revive challenge
if( isdefined( level.missionCallbacks ) )
maps\_challenges_coop::doMissionCallback( "playerRevived", reviver );

setClientSysState("lsm", "0", self); // Notify client last stand ended.

self.revivetrigger delete();
self.revivetrigger = undefined;

if( !whoswho_revive )
self laststand_giveback_player_weapons();

self.ignoreme = false;

if( !whoswho_revive )
self thread say_revived_vo();

Title: Re: Who's Who [Update 4-21-2015]
Post by: Utamia on May 01, 2015, 12:43:05 pm
Thanks man this is awesome!! I got it all working great. The only thing I cant figure out is how to play the "who's who" looping sound when you are actually in who's who. I got the stinger sound working when you purchase the perk though.

If you know where to add the looping sound code I'll have a 100% working who's who perk.  :D  :nyan:

just add it when you spawn into whos mode. you'd have to use a local sound for it though so other people can't hear it and i'm not sure if those work with loops. i would just make a big sound file that has around 60 seconds of sound to give the 45 second bleedout and the timer pause on revive some time before the sound file ends.
Title: Re: Who's Who [Update 4-21-2015]
Post by: alaurenc9 on May 01, 2015, 04:09:35 pm
My friend and I have done the same for black ops, for our mod war room survival. ( it started progress around last year I think and has been done for a few weeks we're just polishing it at this point.
Yeah i know i got to round 43 on that mod. Can ibecome a part of that mod? I can help you script alot because i am making a modforkino  der  toten.
Thanks man this is awesome!! I got it all working great. The only thing I cant figure out is how to play the "who's who" looping sound when you are actually in who's who. I got the stinger sound working when you purchase the perk though.

If you know where to add the looping sound code I'll have a 100% working who's who perk.  :D  :nyan:
Ill do that when i get home today
can u please tell us what needs to be done in _laststand.gsc cause i have some stuff in there for other perks that i would like to keep
it seems to be just this function
Code Snippet
revive_success( reviver, whoswho_revive )
if( isDefined( self.not_a_player ) )
self notify( "delete_trigger", true );
if( !whoswho_revive )
self notify ( "player_revived", reviver );
self notify ( "player_revived", undefined );
self reviveplayer();

if( !whoswho_revive )
//CODER_MOD: TOMMYK 06/26/2008 - For coop scoreboards
//stat tracking
reviver.stats["revives"] = reviver.revives;

// CODER MOD: TOMMY K - 07/30/08
reviver thread maps\_arcademode::arcadeMode_player_revive();

//CODER_MOD: Jay (6/17/2008): callback to revive challenge
if( isdefined( level.missionCallbacks ) )
maps\_challenges_coop::doMissionCallback( "playerRevived", reviver );

setClientSysState("lsm", "0", self); // Notify client last stand ended.

self.revivetrigger delete();
self.revivetrigger = undefined;

if( !whoswho_revive )
self laststand_giveback_player_weapons();

self.ignoreme = false;

if( !whoswho_revive )
self thread say_revived_vo();

Yeah thats some ofit but there is more.
Ill add that later, maybe later today
Title: Re: Who's Who [Update 5-2-2015]
Post by: jasonpage260 on May 02, 2015, 06:54:46 pm
i need help scriping the whos who its not working for me can some one help me
Title: Re: Who's Who [Update 5-2-2015]
Post by: alaurenc9 on May 03, 2015, 12:34:05 am
i need help scriping the whos who its not working for me can some one help me

Sure, what do you need help on
Title: Re: Who's Who [Update 5-2-2015]
Post by: jasonpage260 on May 03, 2015, 11:17:36 pm
well i did everything you said to do but their is something wrong are there other stuff i have to do i did send a texts from google to you from [email protected] but i said can i see your file it will help me or post some pics of it on your page
Title: Re: Who's Who [Update 5-2-2015]
Post by: jasonpage260 on May 25, 2015, 01:06:52 am
hi i have been having problems with the whoswho perk sound i have been trying to get the whoswho sound working but its not working for me  but i even try taking out the sound and put the sound back in but its still not working and if i put sound,vending_sfx,, in the builder do every thing i get over 1600 sfx sounds can u help...
Title: Re: Who's Who [Update 5-2-2015]
Post by: alaurenc9 on May 26, 2015, 05:48:49 pm
First of all, make sure that the sound is the waw converted format, not just a normal .wav sound. Also make sure you did the soundalias correctly. And if you hit the sound limit, that means you need to take out other sounds.
Title: Re: Who's Who [Update 5-2-2015]
Post by: damonmbk on July 19, 2015, 10:39:26 am
Hey, I followed this to the letter but I have a issue where the perk shader wont show up. I can buy the perk but I don't have a drinking animation it just gives me it, I cant sprint or ADS until I buy a different perk or weapon. The perk is given to me and then works.

I had the same issue a long time ago with bamskaters perks where if I didnt place his patch it has the same outcome.

Please help!

Title: Re: Who's Who [Update 5-2-2015]
Post by: Harry Bo21 on July 20, 2015, 04:33:11 am
usually happens if theres a problem loading the weapon file for the bottle

Did you port the models?
Did you name them the same as the OP says to?
Did you include them in your mod.csv?
Checked the weaponfile for errors?
Checked your weaponfile is named the same as he states?
Have you just tried using a different bottle? ( A default one )
Title: Re: Who's Who [Update 5-2-2015]
Post by: damonmbk on July 20, 2015, 07:34:28 am
usually happens if theres a problem loading the weapon file for the bottle

Did you port the models?
Did you name them the same as the OP says to?
Did you include them in your mod.csv?
Checked the weaponfile for errors?
Checked your weaponfile is named the same as he states?
Have you just tried using a different bottle? ( A default one )

I have used the weapon file I created on a different perk machine and it works fine. I've loaded up a fresh map and used the same scripting and it results in the same issue. Driving me nuts.

Title: Re: Who's Who [Update 5-2-2015]
Post by: Harry Bo21 on July 20, 2015, 08:30:57 pm
the file he gave has the whos who bottle name in it

if you havent created that model, it wont work, because its asking for a model that you havent got

Just use one of the other bottles, but youll also need to go change the call to the bottle in the script, as again itll still be trying to load the whos who file
Title: Re: Who's Who [Update 5-2-2015]
Post by: damonmbk on July 22, 2015, 01:19:50 pm
the file he gave has the whos who bottle name in it

if you havent created that model, it wont work, because its asking for a model that you havent got

Just use one of the other bottles, but youll also need to go change the call to the bottle in the script, as again itll still be trying to load the whos who file

I think you misunderstood me, I have created the weapon file with the models I exported and it works fine with other perk machines when renamed to "zombie_perk_bottle_revive" just not with the WhosWho machine. I even took a default bottle file and renamed it "zombie_perk_bottle_whoswho" and it still wont work. I did a fresh install of WAW and the modtools thinking I may have broken files and still no joy. Here a video showing the issue I have.

Damon. (
Title: Re: Who's Who [Update 5-2-2015]
Post by: damonmbk on July 25, 2015, 11:06:38 am
I think you misunderstood me, I have created the weapon file with the models I exported and it works fine with other perk machines when renamed to "zombie_perk_bottle_revive" just not with the WhosWho machine. I even took a default bottle file and renamed it "zombie_perk_bottle_whoswho" and it still wont work. I did a fresh install of WAW and the modtools thinking I may have broken files and still no joy. Here a video showing the issue I have.

Damon. (

I got this fixed by changing this line, i would of never figured this out if it wasn't for a friend.

 self GiveWeapon( "zombie_perk_bottle_whoswho" );
 self SwitchToWeapon( "zombie_perk_bottle_whoswho" );


 self GiveWeapon( "zombie_perk_bottle_revive" );
 self SwitchToWeapon( "zombie_perk_bottle_revive" );

got it using the revive bottle even tho my ported whos who bottle models work within ANY other perk machine weapon file.
Title: Re: Who's Who [Update 5-2-2015]
Post by: Harry Bo21 on August 01, 2015, 08:03:33 am
is it "precached"?

Code Snippet
PrecacheItem( "zombie_perk_bottle_whoswho" );

prior to zombiemode::main()?

should go in the init function way at the top

and the script itself called under the regular perk script in _zombiemode.gsc

if done "after" the game loop starts, it wont load it
Title: Re: Who's Who [Update 5-2-2015]
Post by: damonmbk on September 10, 2015, 01:45:39 pm
is it "precached"?

Code Snippet
PrecacheItem( "zombie_perk_bottle_whoswho" );

prior to zombiemode::main()?

should go in the init function way at the top

and the script itself called under the regular perk script in _zombiemode.gsc

if done "after" the game loop starts, it wont load it

Thanks, I got it sorted!

One issue I'm having now is getting my bamskaters perks working with this. anyone able to help?

I enter whoswho and keep my none native perks i.e bamskater perks. The originals like quickrevive/jugg/double tap/speed work fine.

Title: Re: Who's Who [Update 5-2-2015]
Post by: alaurenc9 on September 10, 2015, 11:48:07 pm
if you read the tutorial properly, you will see that you must list all the perks out that will be saved yourself. Then you must list out scripts to make them give back properly. Anyways just to give a heads up, a major update is coming to my who's who. Keep and eye out ;)
Title: Re: Who's Who [Update 5-2-2015]
Post by: alaurenc9 on September 18, 2015, 10:55:19 pm
Question to the viewers of the UGX mods forums:

Does anyone still want to see my updated whos who? I know HarryBo21 has already made his own and alot of people are going to download that, but does anyone still want me to release mine? mine has been bettered in every way possible. So let me know people pf the community what you think.
Title: Re: Who\'s Who [Update 5-2-2015]
Post by: jasonpage260 on September 18, 2015, 11:26:40 pm
yes I think you should release it ;). and anyways I don't think everyone will use Harry bo21 perks

Double Post Merge: September 19, 2015, 02:25:58 pm
I'm also still using your who's who's perk and I would like to update it with your new stuff
Title: Re: Who's Who [Update 5-2-2015]
Post by: alaurenc9 on September 26, 2015, 03:01:25 am
yes I think you should release it ;). and anyways I don't think everyone will use Harry bo21 perks

Double Post Merge: September 19, 2015, 02:25:58 pm
I'm also still using your who's who's perk and I would like to update it with your new stuff

ok thanks. well this new release will include the following:

#1: proper vision and a little work around to get the whos who mask overlay
#2: all sounds played properly ( pop sounds, client scripted 2d sounds, etc. )
#3: actual bo2 script, including respawn system and all the neat features in it
#4: the choice of using a script model or an actually ai for the whos who clone ( ai will have a full tutorial on how to make a spawner for it and avoid the ai limit, as well as all the overrides needed for it to be ignored in other scripts )

Just a note: i do know how bo2 made the clone glow orange or whatever, and can also confirm that it cannot be done in WaW. Same with the system for muffling all the sound to where everything is really quiet, that system was not implemented until bo1, so nothing i can do there.
Title: Re: Who's Who [Update 5-2-2015]
Post by: jasonpage260 on September 26, 2015, 04:45:38 pm
sounds good can't wait to try it out :D :D
Title: Re: Who's Who [Update 5-2-2015]
Post by: nikfar1 on July 27, 2016, 08:45:34 pm
hi alaurenc9 and thanks for great tutorial
I followed everything that you said and this perk works fine but after revive , I dont have bo1 perks shader(bam_bo_mod_bo1_perks_standalone)but orginal perks and electric cherry show up


please help
Title: Re: Who's Who [Update 5-2-2015]
Post by: alaurenc9 on July 27, 2016, 09:10:37 pm
hi alaurenc9 and thanks for great tutorial
I followed everything that you said and this perk works fine but after revive , I dont have bo1 perks shader(bam_bo_mod_bo1_perks_standalone)but orginal perks and electric cherry show up


please help
I've literally forgotten everything about this perk because the whos who I use is the actual BO2 script now. You should probably use harry's perks instead.
Title: Re: Who's Who [Update 5-2-2015]
Post by: OdoHd on August 12, 2016, 07:59:14 am
Question to the viewers of the UGX mods forums:

Does anyone still want to see my updated whos who? I know HarryBo21 has already made his own and alot of people are going to download that, but does anyone still want me to release mine? mine has been bettered in every way possible. So let me know people pf the community what you think.
Ya buddy
Title: Re: Who's Who [Update 5-2-2015]
Post by: Tim Smith on August 12, 2016, 08:02:00 am
Ya buddy
I've literally forgotten everything about this perk because the whos who I use is the actual BO2 script now. You should probably use harry's perks instead.
Go be ignorant somewhere else...
Title: Re: Who's Who [Update 5-2-2015]
Post by: mariorox81 on April 24, 2019, 01:28:16 am
Is this the version that's included in the Der Riese mod? If so, it crashes when I go down, regardless of how much other stuff I have. It plays the song, and then the console says it caught an unhandled exception.
Title: Re: Who's Who [Update 5-2-2015]
Post by: mariorox81 on April 25, 2019, 08:22:20 pm
Is this the version that's included in the Der Riese mod? If so, it crashes when I go down, regardless of how much other stuff I have. It plays the song, and then the console says it caught an unhandled exception.
Slight addendum to that: it only crashed when I played the game in 4K. Everything lower did fine, so maybe it's a VRAM issue?