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Messages - kitos

is posible make a power areas like infity warfare zombies?
7 years ago
and how can I do danger yellow lights?

that the yellow lights are spinning in a circle?
7 years ago
and i think the other code at the bottom of mapname.gsc
7 years ago
the function I put in zombiemode.gsc ? or in mapname.gsc?
7 years ago
hey guys how can i do when the player stay in one area spawn in other area?
7 years ago
hi how can I do when a player stay in one area spawn to other area?

like this map
7 years ago
how can I do a tomahawk easter egg like alcatraz? ugx mod standalone?
7 years ago
Hey guys how can I do jump pads like bo3 in cod waw? and how can i do when I stay In one areago to other? is like teleporter but without fx only go intsly to the other area

help me please
7 years ago
can i do this in call of duty wolrd at war?
7 years ago
can I put in waw? the archive is for bo3 i need to put in world at war pls the scripts of bo3 cant use in waw
7 years ago
hi guys one question,

how can I make a plataform when you stay in the plataform you jump in to other area? like moon map? is posible?

but only you need to stay in plataform and after you jump in to other point

can you help me please?

7 years ago
Error bad token "¡" when I start the map and one  think I do it copy and paste the other scripts only tjat I do is change the mames of the funnctions and variables it works 100%^^
7 years ago
Code Snippet

Code Snippet
soul_door = getentarray( "soul_door", "targetname" );

for( i=0 ; i<soul_door.size ; i++ )
if( isDefined(soul_door[i].script_flag) && !IsDefined( level.flag[soul_door[i].script_flag] ) )
flag_init( soul_door[i].script_flag );

level thread zombie_soul_start();
trig = getent( "soul_trig", "targetname" );

zombies = getaiarray( "axis" );
for( i=0 ; i<zombies.size ; i++ )
if( !isdefined( zombies[i].soul_zombie ) )
zombies[i].soul_zombie = true;
zombies[i] thread soul_watch( trig );

wait 0.5;
self waittill( "death", attacker );

if( !isdefined( trig ) )

if( isdefined(attacker) && !isplayer( attacker ) )

if( self istouching( trig ) )
trig thread add_soul_to_door(self.origin);
if( !isdefined( self.souls ) )
self.souls = 0;

fx_pos = getstruct( "soul_fx_pos", "targetname" );
fx_tag = spawn( "script_model", death_origin+(0,0,30) );
fx_tag setmodel( "tag_origin" );
playfxontag( level._effect[ "YOUR_SOUL_FX" ], fx_tag, "tag_origin" ); // SOUL FX
fx_tag moveto( fx_pos.origin, 2, 1, 0 );
wait 2;
fx_tag delete();
playsoundatposition( "SOUL_ADDING_SOUND", fx_pos.origin ); // SOUND WHEN A SOUL GETS ADDED

if( self.souls == 25 )
level thread open_special_door();
self delete();
soul_door = getentarray( "soul_door", "targetname" );

for( i=0 ; i<soul_door.size ; i++ )
soul_door[i] notsolid();
soul_door[i] connectpaths();
soul_door[i] moveto( (soul_door[i].origin+soul_door[i].script_vector), 2, 0.5, 0.5 );

if( isdefined( soul_door[i].script_flag ) )
flag_set( soul_door[i].script_flag );

hi guys how can I make more  doors with same funtion? I try but dont know :(
7 years ago
ty man it makes fx make ray when the zombie close to the door
With that I think more than enough

7 years ago
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