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Messages - Deer2014

Haha...  :D
I found the dl link and... I copy the ..\raw\xmodel folder.
This is a Worldmodel for blundergat, but not correct (I think), missing material file, so Asset Viewer or TomBmx Xmodel utils can't show me.

Or I can not use it. :(

6 years ago
For blundergat?  ::)
I was looking for it, but unsuccessful.  :'(
6 years ago
I had included the weapon in dlc3_code.gsc and in _zombiemode_weapons.gsc.

Code Snippet
	//BO Blundergat
add_zombie_weapon( "blundergat", &"blundergat_3000", 3000, "vox_shotgun", 6 );
add_zombie_weapon( "blundergat_upgraded", &"blundergat_3000", 3000, "vox_shotgun", 6 );

Code Snippet
	include_weapon( "blundergat" );
include_weapon( "blundergat_upgraded", false );

Code Snippet

and I have only viewmodel in the xmodel folder (from the downloaded blundergat v1.1 pack):
Code Snippet

No some errors while building mod.

I tried. When I type GIVE ALL during a game, I got all weapons and engraved Blundergat weapon only.
6 years ago

Can someone help me? I downloaded Blundergat v1.1 from CGFactory (by MrDunlop4).
I want it to be available in the magic box, but unfortunately, there is no world model  :( (maybe it is necessary to be able to choose a weapon from the magic box).
Can anyone make available to me the complete Blundergat weapon files?  :)

Thank you very much.
6 years ago
Yeahhhhh... :D

I copy and overwrite all files from MOD Tools v1.0-1.4 ..\raw\materials and ..\raw\material_properties
The problem is solved.  ;) ::) Teddy bear is texturized.

I think, that zombie_ factory_ bearpile material file was corrupt.

@codmoddd1234: Thanks for the guidance. :)

Thank you everyone for your help
6 years ago
I checked Sniperbolt's chest prefab and it uses zombie_factory_bearpile xmodel:

Code Snippet
// entity 9
"script_noteworthy" "chest1_rubble"
"angles" "0 223.5 0"
"origin" "107.1 -6.1 -498.5"
"model" "zombie_factory_bearpile"
"classname" "script_model"

and I checked this xmodel with Tom_Bmx Xmodel Utils, and this xmodel uses these materials:

Now, I have no idea I how to fix it.  :'(
I can not believe this is kidding me.
Any idea, please? :(

6 years ago
The MOD Tools (v1.4) and the game (v1.7) up to date.

The treasure chest yesterday is correct, but now isn't. I have no idea what happened.  :(
I think the teddy bear xmodel is incorrect for some reason.
But the question is I how fix it.  :-\
6 years ago
Hi guys,

I would like to ask for help.

So, I used Sniperbolt's treasure chest, but now missing texture for the teddy bear in game. In the Radiant is this correct, but in the game isn't. I try placed another prefab (original treasure_chest), the problem is same.

The IWI files belonging to the teddy bear are in place (..\raw\images\):

What is the problem with this?
Does anyone have any idea?


6 years ago
Hi guys,

I tried the above "no cost" script modification and I get the script compile error (syntax error).
I found the cause of the problem. On line 5 the less equal relation signal is wrong.

Wrong script detail:
Code Snippet
if(isDefined(self.script_noteworthy) && self.script_noteworthy == "electric_door")
flag_wait( "electricity_on" );
else if(isDefined(self.targetname) && self.targetname == "key_door" && (!isDefined(self.zombie_cost) || self.zombie_cost =< 0))


Correct script detail:
Code Snippet
if(isDefined(self.script_noteworthy) && self.script_noteworthy == "electric_door")
flag_wait( "electricity_on" );
else if(isDefined(self.targetname) && self.targetname == "key_door" && (!isDefined(self.zombie_cost) || self.zombie_cost <= 0))

6 years ago
Ohh, I was careless. :-\
Thanks BluntStuffy.  ;)

6 years ago
Guys, does anybody work random key position?

I have a door, the door trigger kvp is:
targetname -> key_door

I have 5 script model (keys), the kvp of 5 script model:
targetname -> door_key

the script init() variables:
Code Snippet
level.useRandomKeyLocations = true;
level.numberOfKeysInWorld = 5;
level.numberOfKeysRequiredGlobal = 1;
level.distanceFromKey = 55;

The mapname.gsc:
Code Snippet
level thread maps\key_door::init();

In the game I can see the 5 keys, I picking up one, then script delete all and open the door.
But I just want to see 1 key in different locations each game. Is possible? What did I ruin it?

Can anyone help me?
6 years ago
I can't load my map into Radiant, when I open the map file. The Windows hourglass displayed.
I tried in system adminstrator and compatibility mode, but not working.  :(
I tried with Launcher and without Launcher, not working.
I tried load other map, not working (Windows hourglass waiting), not working.

Windows 10 64bit.

What can I do?
Can somebody help me?
6 years ago
I can't load map into Radiant, when I open the map file. The Windows hourglass displayed. I tried in system adminstrator and compatibility mode, but not working.
I tried with Launcher and without Launcher. Windows 10 64bit.

Can somebody help me?
6 years ago

I need a debug help.

I use UGX Mod V1.0.4. When I load the map, de menu is displayed, but
when I launch my map I get an Unhandled Exception Caught every single time, but I don't know what is wrong.
CODWAW is freeze.

How can I find out what may be causing the errors? Debug, or something Log...
I have no idea. :(

Can someone help me with this??
8 years ago
Thx. I'll try it. :)
8 years ago
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