4 months ago
Is there a possibility of adding the shell rack/holder to shotguns? I want to use the Hauer 77 as an alternate Stakeout model and it seems to be present as a cosmetic feature looking through some gameplay videos. Looks like the Gallo SA12 (SPAS-12) has it already with the heavy_stock option.
5 months ago
Is there an expected timeframe for underwater sounds to be implemented for the rest of the weapon packs? It's also required to make it work on Moon and it's particularly a problem for the Black Ops weapon ports a...
9 months ago
the KS23 shotgun is also only in SIngleplayer
the Model 1887 is only on the motorcycle chase but has uses spaz anims outside that but has a full model made. same with molotovs
KS-23 is already in ...
9 months ago
Is there an expected timeframe for underwater sounds to be implemented for the rest of the weapon packs? It's also required to make it work on Moon and it's particularly a problem for the Black Ops weapon ports as a result. It looks like it's only a matter of editing the sound aliases so...
9 months ago
I also need some help with the AK-47 (which I also checked for the BO II ports and found they also need some updates to the camo mask), for some reason the rear iron sights can't have camo applied to them even when a...
9 months ago