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Messages - Mckay

lol that music
10 years ago
Wow this map looks amazing man! You have great talent, best detailing I have seen in a map in a while!
10 years ago
Started this map in Jan 2013, so about a year ago. And before that I used to map for mp for about a year. So when I started this map I had one year experience. The major concept of the map is done, just waiting for 1.1 :)
10 years ago
Haven't worked on my map in months, and I feel like I have lost all my knowledge to what has to be done with the map. Anyway from what I can recall, this map is on the verge of completion.

Things to do:
- Portal the damn thing. This part I have been holding off since I started working on it in January, I'll get to it eventually.

- Install 1.1, I cannot wait!

- Fix some things that will eventually come to memory after I open radiant again.

Thanks to all who are being patient
10 years ago
Damn this looks awesome!
10 years ago
This mod needs to be released now!!  :o Awesome job
11 years ago
Haven't worked on this map radiant-wise in a while, been waiting for ugx 1.1 :D
However, scripting wise, I have been playing around with it a bit.

My map, if players want, requires them to search and find several items and to build, or repair things just like in bo2 zombies. But, in my map, since I am a VERY basic scriptor, once the item has been found and added to the trigger, it happens as soon as the player presses F. I want it to function the way it does in bo2, where the player will have the parts, and when they are at the build able table the player does the knuckle crack animation and there is a hud bar there for about 5 seconds for the part to be completely added. I'm not sure how to script that at all. So i am asking for someone's help for anyone who could make this possible.

Here's my current script:
Code Snippet
#include maps\_utility;
#include common_scripts\utility;
#include maps\_zombiemode_utility;

// TO DO: Try to add where when player holds down F at the repair trig, there will be a progress bar for 5 seconds.

level.teleporter_repaired = false;
trig = getEnt("teletrig","targetname");
mainframe_disable_trig = getEnt("kino_mainframe_trigger","targetname");
mainframe_disable_trig trigger_off();
mainframe_disable_trig thread mainframe_disable_trig(mainframe_disable_trig);

thread toolbox_locations();

trig setHintString("This teleporter seems to be damaged!");
trig setCursorHint("HINT_NOICON");
trig UseTriggerRequireLookat();
trig setHintString("Press &&1 to repair the teleporter!");
trig waittill("trigger");
trig delete();
iPrintLn("Teleporter has been repaired!");
level.teleporter_repaired = true;

locations = getEntArray("possible_toolbox_spot","targetname");
spot = randomint(locations.size);
cspot = locations[spot];
locations[i] hide();
locations[i].trig = getEnt(locations[i].target, "targetname");
locations[i].trig disable_trigger();
locations[i].trig setCursorHint("HINT_NOICON");
locations[i].trig UseTriggerRequireLookat();
cspot thread teleporter_toolbox_location_wait();

player = undefined;
self.trig enable_trigger();
self show();
self.trig SetHintString("Press &&1 to pick up the Tool Box!");
self.trig waittill("trigger", player);
self.trig disable_trigger();
self delete();
self playsound("grab");
iPrintLn(player.playername + " found the Tool Box!");

thread mainframe_trig_activate();
wait 0.5;
if(level.teleporter_repaired == true)
self trigger_on();

Once I can get a completed script, I can then add it to the rest of my other ones.
Thanks to whomever helps. :D
11 years ago
We're being as conservative as possible. Remember, we have to make this all work with Comosea  :lol:
I spent a considerable amount of time last week consolidating and optimizing our assets, so it will be the best it can be when it's finally finished. :)

Great, that's good to hear! :D Can't wait
11 years ago
Looks cool and very creepy. All of these new custom materials will make my map go crazy with limits, can't wait for that!.  ::) Just gonna have to wait for the mod, and see how I can compromise with my map. As for the new mystery box, not sure how I'm going to fit it in my map.  :o
11 years ago
Everything works well, except when I set power to be turned on to true, it gives me the hintstring, but it doesn't let me play the music after flipping the power on. Not sure if it's map related scripts that is the problem, or there's a small error in the jukebox scripts.
11 years ago
Five days to come up with some kind of idea. I want to enter, hopefully I can come up with something soon.
11 years ago
Looks good! I'm glad you were encouraged to post your work here :)

Someone tell me if this should be in the Manager.

11 years ago
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