Hi there I don't know when this will be seen because new account and all that or if you're still updating the map at all. But any way I found a fairly game breaking bug in the start of the map. After you go through the first portal in the ice area and get teleported to the crypt. There is an infinity spot, and not just any infinity spot a round ending, zombie base health unaffected infinity spot. Near the first barricade right next to the breakable wall barricade. If you kill the last round 1 zombie while in the left hand corner while crouching inbetween the barricade and the 750 debris. The round counter will start counting up 1 round every 5 seconds, no zombie spawns, nothing. But after you leave that spot on say round 281 (took around 45 minutes of literally doing anything but playing the game) the game will automatically update you to round 281, except the game still thinks it's round 1 from then on. Meaning you get round 281 amounts of zombies, at round 281 sprinter speed. With drum roll please round 1 health. And it doesn't end there for every round after that the zombies will continue to stay at round 1 health until you die or manually restart the game.
Played around with it for a while and initiated the bug on round 4 (why round 4 you ask? Because you can't make crawlers on round 1 of course) ran the bug til round 24. And commenced the slaughter, abused the OP mauser MC-46 and knifed around 30 zombies (a doublepoints and insta kill helps alot casue y'know round 24, power up drop rate) bought a thompson, made my way to the grave yard saved 1 zombie, got power on, bought jug and quickie, and went into the portal, went to the shangrila place bought speed and a PPSH, and the Desert place, fucked up some snipers, bought PHD cause fuck it I have infinite points basically, made my way around bought all the perks except mule kick (useless perk that one). zombie died, no matter they are still at round 4 health cause reasons. Made a killing off of headshots, camped in the jail cells by double tap, got stuck on the easter egg steps. thought I had to soul chest the gold key and died because, 24 round 4 healthed zombies can still mess you up if you get stuck on a barrel of torches. So yeah. Totally not game breaking at all.