Forget my last post, this map has some problems.
The MAP is outstanding. It looks great and it feels great to move around in. I like how you combined bits of Five, Ascension and Moon but still made it feel new. The addition of the soul boxes is great, I so far found three of them but I'm guessing there is four and I can't wait to find out if I get rewarded for filling all of them up. The round change sound, which you took from moon, is amazing it fits the COD:Z Cold War Era tone of the map.
However, you have custom characters that still look like Ultimus (Tank, Takeo, Nikolai & Edward). Richtofen sounds like a woman for some reason. The starting room, while looking great, only has two windows which is a huge disadvantage if you play with more than two players, they get flooded too which makes the map feel very clunky at times. I do like how you spawn in these cute little baby teleporters though that's pretty neat. The door prices need to be slashed a bit though or get rid of some them because it just makes the game progress slower when you finally get to the ascension teleporter and have 500 points. The ramp that goes down to the power area has a few chunks in it that get in my way and prevent me from moving forward which can spoil an entire run. The soul box in the power room needs to be moved for sure. Me and my friend found it and were confused as to why it costed 500. Why not just get rid of the door? I already paid for the power room and you're making pay again for a small chunk of it that feels awkward and is a death wish to camp in so you can get your souls because the only reason we survived an entire round 9 worth of zombies and a OP panzer is because I had Mustang & Sally with PHD (thank you for PHD by the way I can't live without it). That's also where I wasted my Mustang & Sally ammo because my counter was stuck on my PPSH.
The ammo counter bugs out so that if I have a M1911 and a Galil, when I switch to my Galil, it still shows me my M1911 counter which is not good because I can't keep track of how many mags I should save for the Panzer which leads me to the next point which is, the Panzer.
I appreciate the fact that you added the Panszer into this map and it should be kept in but something is wrong with it, it's too unfair. You have to realize that WaW is a bit restricted compatred to BO2 and BO3. The health is too high or you shouldn't more than one or you need to make a bigger spawn gap because I had a panzer round three times in a row.
This map is an 8.5/10