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Messages - qbm1

Just add upgraded like this to the end. smg_burst_upgraded
7 years ago
Sorry last one I've got it working but opens after one of the triggers is pressed when theirs 4 to press  :'(
8 years ago
Im getting this error when trying to compile  ??? ERR(0) scripts/zm/zm_five.gsc (58,6) : syntax error, unexpected TOKEN USING, expecting TOKEN SEMICOLON : #using
8 years ago
Oh, my bad, was on phone, just copied your text. I think your issue is the usings slash has to be like this:
Code Snippet
#using scripts\zm\Trigger_door;

fixed in op. The way I had it was just for zone files.

Hahaha looking at the code now it's stands out so much as being wrong but it's still saying no available. So must be the kvp's is there any particular trigger type I need to use or kvp's for them or the script model. Don't know how I'm finding it so hard when I've followed everything lol
8 years ago
Just getting an error after that

  ^1SCRIPT ERROR: No generated data for 'scripts/zm/zm_five.gsc'

Linker will now terminate.

Linker summary:

There were no errors or warnings.


^1#using scripts
^1ERR(0) scripts/zm/zm_five.gsc (58,14)  : syntax error, unexpected TOKEN_IDENTIFIER, expecting TOKEN_FILENAME : #using scripts
8 years ago
Did you call or thread the function openDoor anywhere? Those were just two functions. They won't run by themselves, unless an auto exec was added to the script. Easiest to call or from main and add a using fit that script.

how and where would i add that sorry. Thanks for your help guess we all have to learn somewhere
8 years ago
Anytime that happens, the script is not running, or the kvps are wrong, or get ent is being used when you have multiple of a kvp.
Right so ive used your cleaned up version and put scriptparsetree,scripts/zm/Trigger_door.gsc in my zone folder and  your script in scripts/zm/Trigger_door.gsc. is that right? Then my triggers targetname's as trigger and target as door.
target name of the script brush model as door. Something is wrong but i can't figure out what sorry im new ish to modding
8 years ago
What am i doing wrong all my trigger are set and linked to the door but still say not available  :-[
8 years ago
Thanks that some what works. Except the elevator still starts at the bottom and goes down under the map but the doors work right now ;)
8 years ago
I don't think it's that easy tbh mate. Give it a play see if you can figure it out, if you have time  :)
8 years ago
Right so I'll describe it so it will be the first door which I'll use for a trigger for sound and prefab model to quickly trigger for two seconds the room which is full of candles and Satanic bits. Need to quickly flash a model prefab of someone hanging from the roof then returning to the room minus the model prefab. Hope this makes sense I can set it up to show if that helps was wondering if it was possible before I put the idea into action if you get me so I'm not wasting my time. Sorry if it's not that clear or helpful but hopefully I've got across the idea.
8 years ago
That's as close as i got to having the lift go top to bottom  :'(  Any advancements on this please

Code Snippet
// ZombieKid164's buyable elevator
#using scripts\zm\_zm_score;
#using scripts\shared\flag_shared;

function init()

//Things you can edit below \/
level.elevator_cost = undefined; // Change this to change the cost of the elevator. Leave it undefined to make it free.
level.elevate_height = 250 * 2; //This is how far the elevator will travel down.
level.elevator_transition_time = 10; //How long it will take for the elevator travel.
level.elevator_cooldown_time = 10; // Cooldown time of the elevator.
//Things you can edit above /\

level.elevator_trigger = GetEnt( "elevator_trigger", "targetname" );
level.elevator_trigger_bottom = GetEnt( "elevator_trigger_bottom", "targetname" );
level.elevator_trigger_outside_top = GetEnt( "elevator_trigger_outside_top", "targetname");
level.elevator_model = GetEnt( "elevator", "targetname" );
level.elevator_bottom_door_model = GetEnt("bottom_door", "targetname" );
level.elevator_top_door_model = GetEnt("top_door", "targetname" );

function main()
level endon( "intermission" );
thread top_door_open();
level.elevator_trigger_top SetHintString( "" );

if( isDefined(level.elevator_cost) )
level.elevator_trigger SetHintString( "Hold ^3&&1^7 to Use Elevator [Cost: "+level.elevator_cost+"]" );
level.elevator_trigger waittill( "trigger", player );
if( isDefined(level.elevator_cost) && player.score >= level.elevator_cost )
player zm_score::minus_to_player_score( level.elevator_cost );
else if( isDefined( level.elevator_cost ) && player.score < level.elevator_cost )
level.elevator_trigger SetHintString( "You do not have enough money." );
level.elevator_trigger SetHintString( "Hold ^3&&1^7 to Use Elevator [Cost: "+level.elevator_cost+"]" );
level.elevator_trigger SetHintString( "Hold ^3&&1^7 to Use Elevator" );
level.elevator_trigger waittill( "trigger", player );
level.elevator_trigger SetHintString( "" );

thread top_door_close();
thread elevator_fall( level.elevate_height, level.elevator_transition_time );
wait( level.elevator_transition_time );
thread bottom_door_open();
level.elevator_trigger_bottom SetHintString( "Elevator is cooling down." );
wait( level.elevator_cooldown_time );

if( isDefined(level.elevator_cost) )
level.elevator_trigger_bottom SetHintString( "Hold ^3&&1^7 to Use Elevator [Cost: "+level.elevator_cost+"]" );
level.elevator_trigger_bottom waittill( "trigger", player );
if( isDefined(level.elevator_cost) && player.score >= level.elevator_cost )
player zm_score::minus_to_player_score( level.elevator_cost );
else if( isDefined( level.elevator_cost ) && player.score < level.elevator_cost )
level.elevator_trigger_bottom SetHintString( "You do not have enough money." );
level.elevator_trigger_bottom SetHintString( "Hold ^3&&1^7 to Use Elevator [Cost: "+level.elevator_cost+"]" );
level.elevator_trigger_bottom SetHintString( "Hold ^3&&1^7 to Use Elevator" );
level.elevator_trigger_bottom waittill( "trigger", player );
level.elevator_trigger_bottom SetHintString( "" );
level.elevator_trigger_bottom SetHintString( "" );
thread top_door_close();
thread elevator_rise( level.elevate_height, level.elevator_transition_time );
wait( level.elevator_transition_time );
thread top_door_open();
level.elevator_trigger SetHintString( "Elevator is cooling down." );
wait( level.elevator_cooldown_time );


function elevator_rise( height, speed )
level.elevator_model movez (height - (height * 2), speed);
level.elevator_model waittill ("movedone");

function elevator_fall( height, speed )
level.elevator_model movez (height, speed);
level.elevator_model waittill ("movedone");

function bottom_door_open()
level.elevator_bottom_door_model movex (130, 1);

function bottom_door_close()
level.elevator_bottom_door_model movex (130 - (130 * 2), 1);

function top_door_open()
level.elevator_top_door_model movex (130, 1);

function top_door_close()
level.elevator_top_door_model movex (130 - (130 * 2), 1);

function wait_for_power()
level.elevator_trigger_outside_top SetHintString( &"ZOMBIE_NEED_POWER" );
level flag::wait_till( "power_on" );
level.elevator_trigger_outside_top SetHintString( "" );
8 years ago
How to script a flashback/jump scare. Need it to flash up for a second or two then return to normal but can't for the life of me figure out just how to do it. Any help would be brilliant and you will be credited in final release of the map.
8 years ago
Can you upload a screen shot of the room with any lighting or probes on show in radiant. If you have a probe is the box touching all walls, roof and floor?
8 years ago
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