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Messages - IDontEvenKnow

Hey Guys,

I am suddenly getting exit code -1073740791 on my Cod2Map, what's up with it? Google doesn't tell me anything I've tried rolling back NVIDIA drivers like they say but it still fails. Validated, same thing, so what do?
8 years ago
im sorry to say this but im a novice i know little to nothing of this, can you make it like as simple as possible? im a newbie but i just want to know this for the future

Add me on steam ill walk you through it when I get home from work or during lunch
8 years ago
So how would i implement SoundPos = GetEnt("MusicOrigin","targetname");
SoundPos playsound("awesome"); to my map?

Just have a function in your map that calls PlaySound to an alias you've made, then call it from your main function
8 years ago
I don't know if we can change box code, but look in the _zm_mysterybox file for anything that plays sounds and change it to your alias.
8 years ago
Make it scriptable, give it a target name of police, then just do something like

Code Snippet
Light = getent("targetname","pig"); //lol
Light.angles = x.x.x;

is my probable wrong code.
8 years ago
that made 0 sense atleast give us an insight of what void and all that stuff means

It makes perfect sense to anyone with a reasonable amount of programming knowledge.

void <entity> PlaySound(<aliasname>)

void - Returns nothing
<entity> - Use this on an entity, such as a player, script model or script brushmodel etc
PlaySound - A game function called PlaySound (duh)
<aliasname> - the name of the alias you want to play.

It's not that bad.

My specific guide on it.
8 years ago
Code Snippet
8 years ago
Hello UGX. I'm not that good at scripting but I was wondering if anyone could be kind enough to script me an Easter Egg for my map. If you accept I will DM you all the steps and information regarding the easter egg. I will give credit and recommend you to someone if necessary. Thanks in advance  ;D

Would be nice to list the steps here, but OK...
8 years ago

Add me if you have any questions, I'm more than willing to share the knowledge I have of scripting.
8 years ago
What have you changed in your map? Added custom models? Scripts? Sounds?
8 years ago
Have you copied that file to your local scripts folder and added a scriptparsetree reference?
8 years ago
void <entity> PlaySound(<aliasname>)
8 years ago
Hello, I want to spawn a Margwa on certain rounds.
below Xylozi mentioned that the AIType needs to be loaded before I can use SpawnActor.
What is the code to load an AIType? I tried just the spawnactor function with a script_struct to provide origin and angle but nothing happened. Does the origin have to be on the ground? Or would that spawn the margwa in the ground?

Is it possible to create a script_struct with a script_noteworthy of margwa_location?

I don't think they gave us anything to do with margwa's but my guess is you'd need to do aitype,*margwa ai namer* in your zone file.
8 years ago
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