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Messages - blackops6516

Alright, Out of all the features that were added to custom maps, I think this is the least important one.  :D
If you really are an OG player you would notice that these features are not in standard custom maps:
- Juggernaut health is actually 160 instead of 250 in the _zombiemode_perks gsc script.
- Solo laststand is missing for Quick Revive
- Double Tap version 1 only has increased fire rate
- Maybe more?
Is the 3 hit system more important than this? :D
Yes Sherlock ofcourse you played those maps, otherwise you won't complain right?
What's most funny is that you are complaing about this for years... years...! :D
You know you can change this for any custom map you have downloaded?
The answer is really simple:
  • Open the script
  • Set start maxhealth to 150
  • Save
  • Play the map

And yes I still think you're a noob, and very special. :troll:
thank you are so nice to me like :)Mabey I am noob if it makes you feel better.
​We Are Friends ok bestie
​Or Mabey I LIKE getting you mad I dont know friend
​my bestie
Witch file do go to lol bestie
smasher248 edit: changed 5 duplicate posts to one cause this moron did it again
2 years ago
Did you know that the 3 hits system is also dead? Since bo4 we have the armor system. It takes multiple hits before you die.
Should I also complain about maps not having this system?
The zombie story died after bo4. If there was no new zombie game does it mean everyone should remove the Juggernaut perk and vending machine because it was absent in bo4?
Your reasons are bullshit.
Stop complaining and play bo3 custom zombies instead.
We like OG zombies because it was cool and dangerous.
Bo3 turned into a noobie friendly game with more health, Juggernaut, Widow's Wine en Double Tap II.
well buddy yes its dead but also understand you like 2 hits because zombies was to bug back then. are really stupid or what I played 2 hits maps before this way before even know 3 hits was thing  this how know your special.
before start comment I was og world at war zombies player  and yes bo4 add 4 hits and all that i get that but if call of duty keep the same hit system then there would of never been ideas for zombies but you dont understand that. 3 hits doesnt change thing for player its not noob system.
and also have to know people said they want 3 hits before i even know they change it.
i even have few makes i like with 2 hits yes its hard but mabey be more nicer but it then complaining to me :)
read all my message it seems like your nice to me :) thanks
smasher248 edit - removed the 4 quote duplication and 4 the duplicate posts, merged into one still incoherent post
2 years ago
no it would make sense because 2 hits are dead now. if where talking about 2030 zombies it should have 3 hits lol.
2 years ago
i think it was map you made that i want 3 hits on
2 years ago
3 hits is gone be on here because that would be fun to see.
2 years ago
If I am aware of these errors, even so I am glad that you played the map and that you liked it, as soon as I recover from being sick I will solve it! Cheers!
so this map has 3 hits ?
2 years ago
Ive made now that player can have 6 perks ;)
so this going to be 3 hit map like black ops 3 zombies just wondering ?
2 years ago
i dont if u will put them back on the link
5 years ago
hi im looking for kino  remake some day
6 years ago
is there a 3 hit down with out jugg if there is awesome 
6 years ago
when is the  next map coming out for custom zombies on codwaw kino 
6 years ago
can you add 3 hit down with out jugg if you can awesome :))
6 years ago
can you fix 3 hit down  with out jugg because if you go down with quick revive  wen it revive you and 2 hits wen you get up and it stay like that :(
6 years ago
de you add 3 hit down with out jugg if you de awesome :) ?
8 years ago
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