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Messages - Chadric273

There is actually an easier way. GSC scripts have two functions built in call Hide and Unhide. What I ended up doing is I wrote the script in a way where at the start of the match, the objects utilize the Hide function to not be seen. Then, once the easter egg step is completed, I declare the Unhide function on the object and they instantly appear inplace. I've done this for destructible walls too where I'll Hide the debris from the wall being blown up, and then once the function deletes the wall from it exploding, then I'll unhide the debris and by the time the smoke clears from the projectile or grenade there is debris on the ground from the wall being destroyed.
12 months ago
That would be wonderful! I'd love to see how you did it.
12 months ago
The elemental pop almost sounds as if it is for the upgraded gun firing sounds. Do the guns sound fine when you fire them after pack a punching?
12 months ago
So I know it is possible to create drivable vehicles within asset editor. I played around with it a little bit and I am at a loss as to how to properly make a vehicle within asset editor that I can then drive within my zombie map. Does anyone know how to do this or have a tutorial I could follow? Thanks in advance!!
12 months ago
Were you ever able to figure this out? I have a custom weapon that works perfectly as a normal weapon and I am wondering how to turn it into a specialist weapon instead.
2 years ago
Hello. Basically I have a weapon already ported and functioning perfectly just like a normal weapon, but I am wondering about how to turn it into a specialist weapon? I want it to stay with the player and just have to recharge to use again just like annhilator. I look at the annhilator weapon script which is below:
Code Snippet
#insert scripts\shared\shared.gsh;
#insert scripts\shared\version.gsh;
#insert scripts\shared\abilities\_ability_util.gsh;

#using scripts\codescripts\struct;

#using scripts\shared\array_shared;
#using scripts\shared\callbacks_shared;
#using scripts\shared\clientfield_shared;
#using scripts\shared\flag_shared;
#using scripts\shared\hud_util_shared;
#using scripts\shared\system_shared;
#using scripts\shared\util_shared;

#using scripts\zm\_zm_audio;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_hero_weapon;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_spawner;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_utility;

#using scripts\shared\ai\zombie_utility;
#using scripts\shared\ai\systems\gib;

#define STR_ANNIHILATOR "hero_annihilator"

#namespace zm_weap_annihilator;

REGISTER_SYSTEM( "zm_weap_annihilator", &__init__, undefined )
function __init__()
    zm_spawner::register_zombie_death_event_callback( &check_annihilator_death );
    zm_hero_weapon::register_hero_weapon( STR_ANNIHILATOR );
    level.weaponAnnihilator = GetWeapon( STR_ANNIHILATOR );

function check_annihilator_death( attacker )//self = zombie
    if ( isdefined( self.damageweapon ) && !( self.damageweapon === level.weaponNone ))
        if ( IS_EQUAL( self.damageweapon, level.weaponAnnihilator ) )
            self zombie_utility::gib_random_parts();        
            GibServerUtils::Annihilate( self );            

Can I just rename some of the items in this and associate it with the custom weapon's name and file name?
Any help would be much appreciated!
2 years ago
If anyone else is wondering this, I did manage to figure this out for infite dog spawns.
You need to place a trigger_multiple in your level that covers the entire area that the player will go into to trigger the infite dog spawning function. Give this trigger the kvp:
Targetname : InfiniteDogSpawn
Then in your zm_MAPNAME.gsc, at the top of the file, if this line is not found anywhere within your hashtags, put this:
Code Snippet
#using scripts\zm\_zm_ai_dogs;

Then in zm_MAPNAME.gsc, in your main function, put this at the bottom:
Code Snippet
thread infinite_dogspawn_area();

Then at the bottom of your zm_MAPNAME.gsc, place this:
Code Snippet
function infinite_dogspawn_area()
        spawndogs = GetEnt("InfiniteDogSpawn", "targetname");
        spawndogs waittill("trigger", player);
        if(player IsTouching(spawndogs))
        wait 0.05;
NOTE: this will cause infite dogs to spawn anywhere in the map where there are any players and not only in the area with the trigger_multiple. The moment all players have left the area with the trigger_multiple, then the infinte dog spawning will end. It might not be a bad idea to somehow make it obvious within the map the area that triggers infinte dog spawns, but that is only a suggestion.
NOTE: this code is set up in a way where you can only have one trigger_multiple in your map. Two ways around this...draw every spot that you wish to be the areas which will trigger the spawning. Select all the areas at the same time and right click and do "trigger-->multiple". This will make all the areas be "one entity". The second way around this is to modify the could so you use a GetEntArry and then do a "foreach" function.
Happy map making!
2 years ago
Hello. I followed this tutorial on modme for bank style doors where each player can deposit points in 250 pt increments to open an expensive door. The tutorial worked perfectly, except for one issue. It says to set the door in radiant up the same way you would a normal door minus a few key changes. I put the script_flag kvp in order to activate the next zone like you would on a normal door. Unfortunately, with the way the bank door is scripted, it does not register the script_flag and it does not activate the next door. Does anyone know how to go about fixing this?
Here is the tutoria I followed:
I appreciate any and all help! :)
Anyone who may also be wondering about this, go to this link to the original creator's YouTube video on it and then look in the comments section for his updated version. I managed to reach the original creator through the comments and he was kind enough to update the script. I have tested on solo and it works for sure on solo, but I have yet to test it coop. Here is the video link:
2 years ago
As the title states, I basically am wondering how to enable/disable infinite zombie spawning. My example is basically while a player is standing in a specific trigger_multiple, I want zombies to spawn infinitely. Once the player leaves the trigger_multiple, I want the infinite zombie spawning to return to normal spawning. Any ideas?
3 years ago
Hello all. So I know how to script an script_model or script_brushmodel to move however I please, but I can not figure out how to get the PaP to move. I tried giving the prefab a targetname and then refer to that in the scripts using GetEnt. I have also attempted to use GetEnt by setting up a script_string KVP on the PaP prefab and then calling it out in scripts. Both methods did not work. It seems like the KVP's of targetname and script_string are not working to call out the PaP in my scripts with GetEnt. So, does anyone know how to move use GetEnt on the PaP prefab or simply how to move the PaP so it lowers down to a lower position? Thanks in advance!

Code Snippet
function PaPelevator()
    upstairsTrigger = GetEnt("PaPelev_topLevel","targetname");
    upstairsLeftDoor = GetEnt("PaPdoor_topLeft","targetname");
    upstairsRightDoor = GetEnt("PaPdoor_topRight","targentame");

    upstairsTrigger SetHintString("Power must be turned on.");
    upstairsTrigger SetCursorHint( "HINT_NOICON" );

    level flag::wait_till( "power_on" );

    upstairsTrigger SetHintString("Requires activiation from the lower level panel.");

    elevatorPlatform = GetEnt("PaPelev_platform","targetname");
    PaP = GetEnt("PaP","targetname");
    Cargo1 = GetEnt("PaPelev_cargo1","targetname");
    Cargo2 = GetEnt("PaPelev_cargo2","targetname");
    Cargo3 = GetEnt("PaPelev_cargo3","targetname");
    Cargo4 = GetEnt("PaPelev_cargo4","targetname");

    elevatorPlatform MoveZ(-100, 5);
    PaP MoveZ(-100, 5);
    Cargo1 MoveZ(-100, 5);
    Cargo2 MoveZ(-100, 5);
    Cargo3 MoveZ(-100, 5);
    Cargo4 MoveZ(-100, 5);
This is what I have written. The cargo elements work perfectly. The PaP does not however.
4 years ago
Hey guys! Is there a line of code that makes it so the script waits until the next round starts before it runs the rest of the script?
5 years ago
Not sure if this will benefit anyone who may view this thread in the future, but if you are wondering how to do what I asked about as well, I did manage to write a chunk of code that basically checks to see if you are holding F every second the code runs. The "use button" is referencing whatever button you press to basically do anything (buy perks, buy weapons off the wall, etc.).

Code Snippet
for(i = 5; i > 0; i--) //For i = 5 you can change the five to how ever many seconds you want the player to hold F for.
if(player UseButtonPressed()) //UseButtonPressed is referencing whatever button you have to press to buy doors, perks, and so on. For my controls that button is F.
player DisableWeapons();
wait 1;
player EnableWeapons();
NOTE: you may have to change lines of this code to adjust it to what you want the script to do and to make it work correctly with your script. If you have any questions about this chunk of code don't be afraid to ask! (:
5 years ago
Hey guys! So, I tried looking on this link for a built-in function but I could not find anything (link: What line of code would I write to have it so the player has to hold F for 5 seconds before it allows th rest of the script to run? I know how to do it for pressing F once, but I do not know how to write it so that you have to hold F for 5 seconds. Any help with this would be much appreciated!

On a second note, how do I go about making it so that while the player is holding F , a "progress bar" appears that fills up to show you how much longer you have to hold F for?

5 years ago
Hello! I was windering how do I go about playing a sound in my level so that way it plays lovally on an object. Example: as I walk up to a generator I can hear that the generator is running.
5 years ago
Hello all!

I was wondering how would i go about coding an object so that it can not be seen in level initially but spawn in later after an easter egg step. My main question is how do I make an object spawn in the level through code at an origon of my choice or at the location of a script struct.
5 years ago
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