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Messages - Roach

Hello there, I had uploaded this to the UGX Discord but felt like I could also make a thread since this was more of a proof of concept than anything else, and I wanted to provide the scripts to anyone who wanted to import this boss into your own maps!
Features: click to show...
  • Resident Evil Darkside Chronicles Tyrant ported into Der Riese (+ Your own map, some GSC scripting knowledge required)
  • Custom model with custom armature
  • Custom animations
  • Configurable GSC script for things like base health, additional health per player, additional health per round, etc.

  • Spawns outside of the map, custom animation for vaulting barricades
  • The game does not count him as a zombie, and rounds will advance independently of his presence on the map.
  • Multiple attacks which can friendly fire zombies in different ways.
  • Enrages at half health or when only one zombie is left in the map, starting to run.
  • Immune to instakill, nukes, and the wunderwaffe (though the latter two will stagger him)
  • Staggers to grenades, and weak to knives, entirely immune to bullets unless its a headshot.
  • If downed, will award 2500 points to the player who downed him, the Tyrant will stay down for 3 rounds (configurable)
Known Issues: click to show...
This is my first major project after self teaching myself GSC scripting, and making a test map with the electric zombie tutorial GSC script, so there are some issues.
  • The Tyrant is supposed to try to break down barricades like zombies do, only it will take down all 6 barriers simultaneously, this does not function and the Tyrant will just T-pose where it spawns and won't move until the path its supposed to take has no barriers at all.
  • Tyrant has no animations for climbing up or down, and as it has a custom armature, it will just t-pose while floating up or down, I don't really have a solution for this, since the model and animations came from a WII rail shooter game.
  • I've sometimes hit the entity cap while playing with him but I'm not sure why that would be since he doesn't create objects.

Proof of Concept mod (Der Riese with the Tyrant boss integrated)

Isolated Uncompiled Scripts
(Installable into your own map with some GSC knowledge!)

4 months ago
So I decided to do something incredibly cursed and (as far as I'm aware) unprecedented
I ported a model into WaW that has an entirely custom skeleton, with entirely custom models
and I made an animscript, animtree, and aitype for it
That's all fine and well, but the animations don't properly move the AI throughout the world, and also the GSC code I wrote (as a complete beginner) doesn't seem to be working, I've familiarized myself with waittill, notify, etc, and there are no runtime errors, and there are probably a lot more active people here on the forum than on the UGX discord which is where I've been most active myself.
Any help would be more than greatly appreciated!
The below video is what I have so far, the enemy gets stuck behind the barricade since the game relies on notes to tear the boards off
SOLVED: just had to change which bone had the movement

1 year ago
I have a suggestion for Gungame if it hasn't been done already.

On FIVE, due to the gamemode giving you your gun back immediately after the thief takes it, you should make the player have the weapon they used previously, so basically the thief makes you go back a gun, requiring you to gain more points to get the gun you had before.
8 years ago
also, did it ever return to a normal state where the zombies could see you, or did it get stuck like this?

It got stuck like that.
8 years ago
I found a pretty bad bug/glitch.
On Call of the Dead I was playing Sharpshooter, and I picked up a death machine while reloading; however I had Electric Cherry.

The result was after being shocked, the zombies notargetted me.

EDIT: Also before taking this screenshot, Electric Cherry made Romero disappear while playing the "get teddy in box" girl laughing sound effect. But I couldn't screenshot it.
8 years ago
Oh, and also (I can't edit my posts for some reason, I think its the moderator thingy) can you make it so that ecstatic elixir doesn't work on George Romero in Call of the Dead, it really makes the map so easy its not even funny.

Or alternatively make it deal exactly 1 damage, so that George enrages at least.
8 years ago
not a glitch, its intended as it can mess with what gungame allows, gungame isnt meant to go on forever, so just avoid getting trapped until its over

Yeah but its nice to be able to finish the map, don'tcha think?
8 years ago
There's a glitch with Gun-Game on Moon, it doesn't let you use the Hacker, which is mandatory unless you want to get trapped on one side of the map due to the excavators.

Can you either let us use the hacker or somehow disable the excavators :please:
8 years ago
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