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Messages - Eternal_Fire

No, Kowloon was an mp dlc map (one of the greatest mp maps in bo1)

Wasn't the most loved by the community, although with the new movement system in bo3 i reckon Kowloon would be perfect
9 years ago
That does sound like a great idea! CS:GO has a lot of different skins for certain guns and having a machine give you a random skin for the gun would be awesome.

Would each gun have to have the same exact skins, or would it be possible to tell what gun the player is getting the random skin for and it picks from that list of skins?

Yeah i was thinking that some skins could give guns specialties, example: Dragon Lore; shoots fire shots or Howl; Has a secondary fire that lets out a yelping scream that blows the heads off of zombies ;)
9 years ago
yup then it will break again or i will say that and just be wrong lol, im just trying to figure this shit out man ..  :poker:

He gave you a solution and you ignored it :poker:

So remove the find_flesh KVP from the struct like I said. I have to assume this is the problem since you won't post a pic. ::)
9 years ago
Thank you guys so much for the help! Script is now working, just need to add in fx/anims/model and it should be golden :D
9 years ago
ok, the print is working already when i tried it?

Code Snippet
#include maps\_utility;
#include common_scripts\utility;

level thread onPlayerConnect();

level waittill( "connecting", player );

player thread onPlayerSpawned();

self endon( "disconnect" );

self waittill( "spawned_player" );

self thread weapon_check();
self waittill("weapon_fired");
iprintln("weapon fired"); //getting no print?
Weapon = self getcurrentweapon();
if(weapon == "zombie_shotgun")
self thread gravity_spikes_main();
else if(weapon == "gravity_spikes_upgraded")
// self thread gravity_spikes_upgraded_main();

if (self isonground())
iprintln("Ground Activate");
self SetVelocity( (AnglesToUp(self.angles + (6,0,0))) * 1000);
wait 0.1;
self thread SpikeRadiusDamage();
else if (!self isonground())
iprintln("OffGround Activate");
self SetVelocity( (AnglesToUp(self.angles + (600,0,0))) * -1);

if(!self isonground())
while(self IsOnGround())
iprintln("Radius dmg");
RadiusDamage(self.origin, 500, 1000, 600);
self thread weapon_check();

zombiemode below :
Code Snippet

thats weird... I just tried to do it again by copying and pasting everything you did and it still doesnt print?? Is there something wrong with my map then?
9 years ago
Hang around for 20 minutes, ill be home by then, ill see if i can figure it out ;)

Thanks Man :)
9 years ago
can you show us? Preferably not as a picture coz i cant see em here lol

Code Snippet
level thread DLC3_threadCalls();


//level thread maps\_sliding::SlidingInit();
level thread maps\ugx_easy_fx::fx_start();

level.zone_manager_init_func = ::dlc3_zone_init;
level thread DLC3_threadCalls2();
9 years ago
Did you even call it in _load::main() or _zombiemode::main()?

Yeah, had it called there from the start, I'm really not sure why it isnt working  :-\
9 years ago
lol not saying its "wrong" just saying you prob dont "need" the on spawned

lol chill out man, i mis-spoke, i get that

Did i come off angry? XD sorry man, I was just a bit confused
9 years ago
lol yes i see my mistake now

even still tho i cant see why youd need both, for what your doing on connect should be plenty, but yes dumb comment lol

But thats what DUKIPWN wrote. Am i only supposed to use 1 of the functions? Is that why its not working :3
9 years ago
A few issues again:

1. gravity_spikes_upgraded_main() isn't a defined function, so you will get an undefined function error.
2. Your while loop in SpikeRadiusDamage() has no wait in it and this will give you an infinite loop error.
3. Logically it doesn't make sense for your while loop to even be there, basically if the player is on the ground then it just keeps doing a radius damage forever.
4. You do not need to recursively call weapon_check() if its already on a loop

1. It is defined, i just didnt include it in the script i was showing because it is the same as gravity_spikes_main() because i havent worked on it yet.

2/3/4 I made it so it would do the radius damage then it would thread weapon check which would then wait til the player fired again and loop around... thought that would work...

Double Post Merge: October 18, 2015, 08:26:08 am
How did you even "copy" this wrong?  :D

Code Snippet
level waittill( "connecting", player );

player thread onPlayerSpawned();

Yours -

Code Snippet
self endon( "disconnect" );

self waittill( "spawned_player" );

self thread weapon_check();

level waittill( "spawned_player" );
player thread onPlayerSpawned();

This is where i question my life.... Dunno how tf i copied wrong jeez XD

EDIT: Hang on... Those are 2 different functions -.- of course they aren't the same
9 years ago
One of my favourite maps in CS :D glad its being made for waw. Hit me up if you would like some csgo guns.
9 years ago
Code Snippet
#include maps\_utility;
#include common_scripts\utility;

level thread onPlayerConnect();

level waittill( "connecting", player );

player thread onPlayerSpawned();

self endon( "disconnect" );

self waittill( "spawned_player" );

Use this as the base of the script. Currently the way you're doing it is extremely wrong and will cause issues.

So i replaced my base with this and now it isnt working?

Code Snippet
#include maps\_utility;
#include common_scripts\utility;

level thread onPlayerConnect();

level waittill( "connecting", player );

player thread onPlayerSpawned();

self endon( "disconnect" );

self waittill( "spawned_player" );

self thread weapon_check();
self waittill("weapon_fired");
iprintln("weapon fired"); //getting no print?
Weapon = self getcurrentweapon();
if(weapon == "zombie_shotgun")
self thread gravity_spikes_main();
else if(weapon == "gravity_spikes_upgraded")
self thread gravity_spikes_upgraded_main();

if (self isonground())
iprintln("Ground Activate");
self SetVelocity( (AnglesToUp(self.angles + (6,0,0))) * 1000);
wait 0.1;
self thread SpikeRadiusDamage();
else if (!self isonground())
iprintln("OffGround Activate");
self SetVelocity( (AnglesToUp(self.angles + (600,0,0))) * -1);

if(!self isonground())
while(self IsOnGround())
iprintln("Radius dmg");
RadiusDamage(self.origin, 500, 1000, 600);
self thread weapon_check();
9 years ago
What about a function that makes bullets lock onto the closest zombie?
9 years ago
That's quite odd, cause looking at it there should be no issue with putting the wait there.  :/
I would recommend putting an iprintln right after the wait and another right at the beginning of SpikeRadiusDamage() just to see where the issue occurs.

Also, now that I've read through your script I can see a couple other issues as well:
Code Snippet
self endon( "disconnect" );
This won't do anything since its in the init function and not called on a player. You should move that into the beginning of the weapon_check() function.

Secondly I see a little bit of a logic error, if the player isn't on the ground after the wait then it won't do the damage, so you could replace the wait with a while loop that waits until the player is on the ground.

Also I don't really get what your doing with the setVelocity - but if that works then whatever lol

Yeah thanks for the disconnect help, forgot that i hadnt defined self. Ech the script logic, just realised XD thanks. Yeah im just messing around with the velocity atm seeing what fits best. Thank you for the help :)
9 years ago
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