Hi guys, after working with the Waw Mod tools for a while, I decided to give the Bo3 tools a go and so far I like it a lot better. I wanted to start this thread to raise some insight on two errors that I get on a consistent basis. I haven't seen much on these errors as far as the forums go.
As far as I've found, the pathnoding on Bo3 is much different for zombies than in Waw. There's no pathnoding process at all really, which is great cause it was so tedious in Waw. The first few times I got this error it was because some of the pathways I made for my zombies spawns were too narrow or just disconnected from the map, easy fix. However, I'm getting this error on a spot of my map that doesn't even contain a zombies spawner or any complexity at all to the layout, it's simply one wall in one room of my map with a flat floor thats giving me this error. I tried making the brushes detail instead of structural but it did nothing. It should be noted that my map is fairly large in size.
This one I think has to do with having too many brushes inside one another. I find it weird though because it comes and goes at random points while I'm mapping, even after making sure that I'm building without using any intersecting points.
I'm just hoping that some of the more informed mappers on here could give me some insight here and maybe future mappers could reference this as well. Also I'm hoping someone can tell me that I can read an error file or something to see where these errors are occuring exactly.
- CaryOld
Double Post Merge: March 27, 2022, 08:46:45 am
I was able to get the Max nodes error to disappear after deleting the portion of my map that I built directly before getting the error. After that victory, I left that part of the map alone and started to build again on a different portion of my map the error came back. I'm starting to think that I may have exceeded a possible brush limit? I made everything but my floors. ceilings, and stairs detail brushes but no change.
After running into the error again, I left what I had just built in place and deleted an area of my map that previously gave me problems, and now the max nodes error is gone but I'm now getting the max leafs error. Maybe my mapping skills aren't what they should be but I've always been cautious to avoid having brushes intersecting with one another.
My map info is attatched in the image below