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Topics - KDXDARK

April 1st joke - topic locked ;)

The map is based on the city where i live, i really love remaking this map that took me like 1 year to make it (lazy bitch), the map is big, but it have very good detail(i think)

MW2/MW3/BO2/BO3 weapons
Harry bo21 Perks v5.0(Banana colada included)
Special round( :troll: )
Changed a few sounds(i hope you like it)
MOTD Wolves/hell retriever
And more stuff


The download link is on my personal page

6 years ago
For some reason the notifications bar isnt working properly, is behind of all...

7 years ago
Hi all, my name is Julian but you may know me as D4RK/KDXDARK/DARKLEGION, i been in the zombies community since 2010 and entered ugx in 2011.

I created this topic to say goodbye to everyone, you may wonder "why?"

I had to go back to 2009 where i changed school, and there a big problem started for me, my "classmates" they werent good people with me, so for straight 5 years i had to deal with them, and "the director and teachers" of the school ignored me, this caused to make me stay in home all the day and a lot of problems with my personality. then i found this place and i was feeling so good here, a lot of good time i spend here.

Now that i am 20 years old, i see more things that i couldnt see before, i lost those 6 years of my life in that hell.

I am not longer interested on custom zombies, so i decided to leave the community for a long period of time.

I am trying so very hard to do the right things now, and i want to recover my life to a good point.

I know i am not a great modder/mapper but i always tried to do the best i can and i want to thank all the people that help all this years, sometimes i was a pain in the ass, sorry.

My future is uncertain now.... Goodbye my friends <3

(sorry if im not clear with my words)
8 years ago
Because the CODXP start today, they put all the titles -50% on steam

grab that bo3 for mod tools m8  :gusta:
8 years ago

The map is based on the city where i live, i really love remaking this map that took me like 1 year to make it (lazy bitch), the map is big, but it have very good detail(i think)


MW2/MW3/BO2/BO3 weapons
Harry bo21 Perks v5.0(Banana colada included)
Special round( :troll: )
Changed a few sounds(i hope you like it)
MOTD Wolves/hell retriever
And more stuff


Credit list
From my heart i want to thank to this people who help me a lot while making this map, i really appreciate all the support and help they give me, i learn a lot of things while making this map that will help me to become a better person in the future. Thank you guys <3
-Harry Bo21
(it doesnt matter the order of the list, all this people is special for me)
If i forgot somebody please tell me

8 years ago
for some reason my game dont load a xanim and it give me this error: Error: Could not load xanim "bh_rotors".

the anim is included, also added on generic_human.atr and vehicles.atr

what i am doing wrong?
8 years ago

For some reason after the player is revived the game give him the hell retriever(when he dont have it) and i cant take it away. i try adding a script that hitman give me everywhere but it doesnt work.

Code Snippet
harrybo21_return_loadout( stuff, ignore_perks )
self takeAllWeapons();

for ( i = 0; i < stuff.perk_inventory.size; i++ )
skip = false;
if ( isDefined( ignore_perks ) && ignore_perks.size > 0 )
for ( p = 0; p < ignore_perks.size; p++ )
if ( stuff.perk_inventory[ i ] == ignore_perks[ p ] )
skip = true;
if ( skip )

self thread maps\_zombiemode_perks::harrybo21_perks_give_perk( stuff.perk_inventory[ i ] );
self.inventory = stuff.inventory;
weapon_max = self.inventory.size;
if ( !self hasPerk( "specialty_extraammo" ) )
weapon_max = 2;

for ( i = 0; i < weapon_max; i++ )
if ( stuff.inventory[ i ] != "none" )
self giveWeapon( stuff.inventory[ i ] );
self setWeaponAmmoClip( stuff.inventory[ i ], stuff.weap_ammo[ self.inventory[ i ] ][ "clip" ] );
self setWeaponAmmoStock( stuff.inventory[ i ], stuff.weap_ammo[ self.inventory[ i ] ][ "stock" ] );
for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
if ( isDefined( stuff.action_inventory[ i ] ) && stuff.action_inventory[ i ] != "none" )
self maps\_harrybo21_utilities::harrybo21_give_gun( stuff.action_inventory[ i ] );
self.lastActiveWeapon = stuff.lastActiveWeapon;
if ( !self hasWeapon( self.lastActiveWeapon ) )
self.lastActiveWeapon = self.inventory[ 0 ];

self switchToWeapon( self.lastActiveWeapon );

/* if ( isDefined( stuff.grenade ) )
self harrybo21_set_grenade( stuff.grenade, stuff.weap_ammo[ stuff.grenade ][ "clip" ] );
self harrybo21_set_grenade( "fraggrenade", 0 );

if ( isDefined( stuff.alt_grenade ) )
self harrybo21_set_alt_grenade( stuff.alt_grenade, stuff.weap_ammo[ stuff.alt_grenade ][ "clip" ] );
self.alt_grenade = undefined; */

//I add this thanks to hitman
if ( !self hasweapon( "zombie_tomahawk" ) )
self takeweapon( "zombie_tomahawk" );
else if ( self hasweapon( "zombie_tomahawk_flourish" ) )
self takeweapon( "zombie_tomahawk_flourish" );
else if ( self hasweapon( "zombie_tomahawk_upgraded" ) )
self takeweapon( "zombie_tomahawk_upgraded" );

Code Snippet
self notify ( "player_revived", self );
self reviveplayer();

self.stats[ "revives" ] = self.revives;

self harrybo21_return_loadout( self.loadout, self.loadout.perk_inventory );

self thread maps\_laststand::say_revived_vo();
self.revivetrigger delete();
self.revivetrigger = undefined; = self.maxhealth;
self AllowStand( true );
self AllowCrouch( true );
self AllowProne( true );
self AllowSprint( true );
self SetStance( "stand" );
self DisableInvulnerability();
self EnableWeaponCycling();
self _enableOffhandWeapons();
self freezecontrols( false );
self.being_revived = false;
self.ignoreme = false;
self.revived = true;
wait .1;
if ( isDefined( self.whos_who_active ) )
self VisionSetNaked( "zombie_whos_who", 1 );
self VisionSetNaked( level.zombie_vars[ "vision_file" ], 1 );
setClientSysState( "lsm", "0", self );
iPrintLnBold( "^1Last stand - loadout returned" );
if ( !self hasweapon( "zombie_tomahawk" ) )
self takeweapon( "zombie_tomahawk" );
else if ( self hasweapon( "zombie_tomahawk_flourish" ) )
self takeweapon( "zombie_tomahawk_flourish" );
else if ( self hasweapon( "zombie_tomahawk_upgraded" ) )
self takeweapon( "zombie_tomahawk_upgraded" );

I am using harrybo21 perks(last version) and nate wolves
8 years ago
Hi, for some reason my weapon box isnt moving, i am using the sniperbolt ones.

i try this solution and it dont work:,11120.msg123753.html#msg123753

i am using harry perks that use a edited version of _zombiemode_weapons.gsc but i never have problem with that before. so i think it cant be the problem
8 years ago

yesterday i got trolled by treyarch so bad... :D
8 years ago
Hi for some reason my hintstring doesnt update. I already use this treminaor tutorial but for some reason it dont show me the string while in game.

somebody can help me to fix this?
9 years ago
I am having this problem with zombies and traverse, for some reason normal zombies dont use the jump down or the wallhope traverse.

1 year ago in the YAW contest i added this normal zombies with the traverse and they work perfectly, but now when i try to made them they dont reach the traverse.

9 years ago
so i use the skinoverride to make the pap model for my map, and for some reason when i test them ingame it only show me the hands of the player, and dont show me the model of the weapon, i already got the images files includead the weapon file and all that stuff, somebody know how to fix this error?
9 years ago
For some reason when i use the flag_set function on my script i start to get a infinit loop killing thread, i already add a wait on the script and it keep happening, somebody know why?
9 years ago
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