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Topics - XEcW22

Hey Guys some personal family stuff has come up and I probably won't be back on my computer for about a month or two. After that I will be back and working hard on this map ;)

Hey guys, today im going to be showing off my W.I.P map Camp Vollmantelgeschoss (Full Metal Jacket). I had another map going with this same idea, but really wasn't loving it so i just deleted it and started from scratch. I only really started mapping 5 or so days ago band im really liking the feel from it so far so decided to post a W.I.P :P. So far i only have about half the map actually done very basically and no weapons or scripting done, but I know exactly where im headed for the other 8 or so rooms im going to be mapping out and how im doing the EE. Plus NateSmithZombies will be helping me out so that will be even better :D.

Pics so Far
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The story for this map is :
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You are a German scientist (Edward Richtofen) going to check up on you newest test facility Camp Vollmantelgeschoss (Full Metal Jacket) with Dr. Maxes. The purpose of this facility was to test the effects of Element 115 on test subjects, after the success of the Mexican test subject and multiple other successes on various other test subjects. When you arrive all is well, tests are going as planned and data is being collected like there is no tomorrow, accept things probably would have been better if there WAS no tomorrow. During the middle of the night a researcher who was looking to start a research group of his own, took as much data and research documents as possible and let all the test subjects loose to cover his tracks. After possily the longest night of your life you are over joyed to see 3 solders sent in to research the camp arrive. They are Corporal "Tank" Dempsey, Sergeant Nikolai Belinski, and Captain Takeo Masaki. Together they must find a way to stop the 115 resignation machine that is sending 115 throughout the facility and bring this whole nightmare to an end.

So far for this map i have the following features planned:
  • A Major EE including a big Generator and some buried cipher text
  • Harry Bo21's BO2 mod If his computer doesn't derp and wipe everything again lol, Or just some ported BO1 - BO2 Gun's
  • A ton of rooms, including a massive underground area
And More to Come :D

Again, I have Nate and a full plan of what i want to do, but I have little scripting experience. I plan/hope for this to release before the BO3 mod tools hit. No date Confirmed though.
Will keep you updated ;)
In game images coming within a week or so  :P
EDIT: well I guess BO3 mod tools closed alpha is going down in march, so for the before BO3 mod tools date, that is pretty much gone. I will try for mid April to early June but that's just a guess and not official at all ;).
9 years ago
Welcome to Kri, the second map by SacredSlayer. Or should I say, welcome to nostalgia boys!!!!
Let me start of by saying I really did have a ton of fun playing this map. I know it's not the biggest map to ever hit UGX mods, but I do believe it deserves some credit. Now, maybe it's just me but I get a huge feeling of nostalgia every time I play this, it really hits me with that classic zombies feel. But this map lacks in a couple MAJOR features that take little to absolutely no time to add in now a days. For example it only has the WAW perks and no solo quick revive, which could have easily been fixed with Script Placer Z in a matter of seconds. Although he did have a double PAP and a couple of MP weapons added in I really think the lack of custom features hurt this map big time. Also the WAW gun's stats were edited to make them a little different. Although they were OK at the beginning, they got boring after a little while. This map did have a buy-able ending that added a bit of a more "custom feel' to the map, but that and the double PAP were the only custom things I found in here. I didn't see any custom textures or models or anything like that so it is pretty standard in that sense.

Next, fun scale. This map was surprisingly pretty fun for WAW assets only. I had a pretty good time with friends and not as much solo, but still was fun solo nevertheless. This map can have it's moments where it is just boring and you really aren't feeling it for this map but the double PAP really keeps it fun and helps you keep going. Also this map is SUPER SMALL. I mean smaller then NDU small, and no super good areas to train and only a few to camp make this map a decent challenge solo. Co-Op it's fairly easier but still a challenge to the inexperienced players out there. The double PAP does help to make it a tad easier, but on the late 20s early 30s it gets to be a super challenge.

And Next, level of detail. This map has some decent detail, defiantly not Treyarch level detail, but you can tell the mapper spent at least a little time making this map look good. The lighting is very well done and there is some cool models, decals, crap laying on the ground, etc. in the map. The detail could get better, but overall it's pretty solid. Here is a couple pics from inside the map showing you some detail
Spoiler: click to open...

And Finally, Replayability. This map does have some things that add to it's replayability, like the double PAP, but the most replayability from this map comes from it's nostalgia. It really brings me back to the old custom zombies days and gives me that feeling of "classic zombies". I feel like the replayability would have gone up if the mapper added some more perks in (at least solo quick revive), but im defiantly going to be playing this map quite a few more times before im done with it.

So, the final tally is:
Level of Detail: 5/10
Custom Content: 4/10
Fun Scale: 5/10
Replayability: 5/10

Overall Score:19/40

Final notes: Although this map scored pretty low, it still is a fun map and deserves to be played. I had the most fun Co-Op and appreciate the time the mapper put into the map. Defiantly recommend you guy's try it out and show the map and it's maker some love ;)

Map link:,10269.0.html
9 years ago
So i had a map iv'e been working on laying out some basic foundation and just getting ready for some detailing, but now when I click to launch it in radiant I get this
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I tried to look into the error but i really have no idea. It's in the map_source folder
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and was working fine a couple days ago. Any help would be appreciated as I really don't want to restart all over again. :P
9 years ago
So Iv'e only been here since January 1, but I totally forgot to officially introduce myself to the community :-\. Hope to be meeting and getting to know you guys :D Looking foreword to reviewing, making, and helping people make some custom zombie maps. See you guys around!!
9 years ago

       First of all, let me start off by saying for a first map, the detail is unbelievable! For a first map this is really REALLY good. This would be a great map for a third or fourth map, this a Numero UNO. Anyway let me talk about detail, which is amazing for a first map. The textures, models, environment, and backround music all blend together to a tee! It feels great, everything looks and feels amazing! I feel like it is one of the best atmospheres of all custom maps, and at least in the top 10 best atmospheres on all zombie maps iv'e ever played.

       Next Custom content: Again for a first map, amazing! With a major EE, and secondary EE for some Wonder Weapons, buildables, and custom PAP camo, this map is loaded from top to bottom with tons of cool and fun custom content that will keep this map fun and different every time you get on it. Only thing I really didn't love 100% was the weapons, they were decent but felt stale after a while. Another thing I would like to point out is that this map is CHALLENGING!! It is a challenge right from the get-go and was a challenge all the way through. For newer players this is going to be a tough pill to swallow as I have completed all EE on all Treyarch maps and still this map was tough for me, defiantly a good challenge though as when I died partway through the EE I still felt like going at it a second time.

       This leads me right into my next point, Replayability. This map has some really great replay value and has a great flow which always brings me back with a new energy to play this map again. It has a great feel and plays good while it it has a  top of the line zombie feel and for me. BUT the weapons aren't 100% on key and frankly kind of stale which brings it down a little. But overall, is bringing me back for some more.

       For Fun-Scale, It is really good! For experienced players  ;). As for newer players/noobs it is horrible. This goes back to the difficulty thing, it's tough man!! If you can't clutch your way out of a corner or two, this map is really not fun at all as you'll be dying on round 8 or 10 if you don't get a Ray Gun and and a good AR on your first couple box pulls. Perks are hard to come by, which also adds to the challenge. But as an seasoned zombie player, this map is a blast! I really enjoyed it and with a couple friends this is just a all-round great time. Sitting down and slaying some un-dead on this beautiful map is a great time.

Overall Rating for Das Herrenhaus:
Level of Detail: 9/10
Custom Content: 8/10
Fun Scale: 9/10
Replayability: 9/10

Overall Score: 35/40


Final notes:
With a great feel, flow, environment, and textures this a great map and is defiantly worth a download. Play with some friends, play by your self, go for a high round, or go for the EE, this map is a blast either way you put it and is a great piece of custom-mappery :D
9 years ago
Hey guys, im pretty new here and was trying to learn some basic scripting with It isn't really making any sense and I was thinking that with the way i learn things the only way for me to get a little knowledge in scripting to to write a little basic script of my own. I was wondering if anyone was willing to help walk me through it and give me little tips and tricks as i go along in real time as im writing the script. I could also work on making scripted functions happen radiant and maybe someone could help me with that too. It would be something as simple as a button to turn a couple lights on( im pretty sure that script is out there somewhere, but I would like to change it up and write my own version to help me learn)or something else basic, but something as little as that will help me to get the hang of things and help me to write some scripts of my own. ;)

If anyone would like to help PM me or comment, Thanks :D
9 years ago

Hey Guys, Today i am posting my map, Bunker 115, with the co-op fixed, screen images, and the annoying text that said it was a beta in the middle of the screen is removed. Bunker 115 is a remastered version of a map my good friend (elichvatal) did a while ago called "Bunker". He gave me the .map and basically I added the UGX Mod 1.1 and a couple small layout changes. The story of the map is the same as his

Bunker is a Small German Base where studies were made on element 115. But when zombies overtook the lab where scientists were studying them a zombie outbreak began. Surrounded in a German Field in the middle of nowhere, four scientists who have gotten left behind are forced to stay behind and fight off the Nazi Zombies. With plenty of element 115 left behind the four scientists have teleported guns from the future to help them fight off the zombies. Bunker is a pretty tight quarters map with a few good training areas and tons of modern guns."

Here is a few pics of the map
Spoiler: click to open...




No Dogs
UGX Mod 1.1
Decent Detailing
Scavenger Wall Buy

UGX team and everyone who helped make the UGX 1.1 Mod.
UGX Terminaor-Tuts and tools
elichvatal-Original .map file

Enjoy :D
9 years ago
Hey guys, anything running UGX MOD 1.1 doesn't have the start game button and i cant figure it out.
Any help is appreciated.
9 years ago
V 2.1 has fixed the Weapon Bob and controller glitches.

Hey Guys, Today i am posting my map, Bunker 115, with the co-op fixed, screen images, and the annoying text that said it was a beta in the middle of the screen is removed. Bunker 115 is a remastered version of a map my good friend (elichvatal) did a while ago called "Bunker". He gave me the .map and basically I added the UGX Mod 1.1 and a couple small layout changes. The story of the map is the same as his

Bunker is a Small German Base where studies were made on element 115. But when zombies overtook the lab where scientists were studying them a zombie outbreak began. Surrounded in a German Field in the middle of nowhere, four scientists who have gotten left behind are forced to stay behind and fight off the Nazi Zombies. With plenty of element 115 left behind the four scientists have teleported guns from the future to help them fight off the zombies. Bunker is a pretty tight quarters map with a few good training areas and tons of modern guns."

Here is a few pics of the map
Spoiler: click to open...



No Dogs
UGX Mod 1.1
Decent Detailing
Scavenger Wall Buy

UGX team and everyone who helped make the UGX 1.1 Mod.
UGX Terminaor-Tuts and tools
elichvatal-Original .map file
Scobalula - Weapon Bob fix

Enjoy :D
9 years ago
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