just something i made for my mod i thot others can use tested and works co-op on one player or all
video must be mkv with no sound
step 1 put video in usermaps\ YOUR MOD\zone\video
step 2 add to zone
step 3 add this if not there to the top of the gsc your going to use step 4 add to your script where you want video to play
NOTE if you want it to play on all players example step 5 add to gsc and that is it will play video you put where "video name" is for the time you set where video time is and will stop on its own and sound you put "sound to play"
credits JariK for lua savestate files leobiglia for 3d models Ghost for making the lua menu i use for character screen noobforlunch for geting me the menu and helping me set it up for what i needed
this is going to be same as waw one but way better with way more stuff if it works out the way i want like
grappling and more full universe 11 roster : bosses full universe 8 roster : player
it is public on steam workshop updeted 6/9/2023
and after 2 years i fixed a game breaking bug so now time to port every thing from waw and add the new added a unlock system for the bosses to be playables if you beat them
this is a itemDef to use your keyboard input in any menu and save the input
in your menu where onopen is put this in your raw folder make a new folder named allmods in that folder make a new cfg name it allmods put this in that this will make it so the keybord input will save and can be loaded back up every time the mod loads allmods_keybord_input_saved is what will be loaded on mod start and the dvarString you need to show typed text else where
with this add this to mod csv
this is just a image button i did since there was not one in the game
you can use exp material and set the pic from gsc and chang it when ever you want or just use background for a single pic can use on any action , mouseEnter and mouseexit for pick up in gsc can also set dvar on a player setdvar dvar_1 "1"; change them to what you want
or you can do like i did and have the pic change on mouse enter and exit
onopen set main pic
the pic switches and when clicked munu will send a scriptMenuResponse for that close menu and on mouseEnter will play a sound all this is set up in gsc like this
4 years in the makeing of dragon ball super map dragon ball z map hit a memory limit to all my testers over the years could not have done it without the consent coop testing big thanks
i had 5 ingame cutscene but can't keep but 3 kales transformation is gon and you win will do 2nd ver with them in and others out
credits always there to help scripting menu anima models OFFtheWALL__ BluntStuffy HitmanVere redspace200
testers WyeOnline ZProject115 Lightning132 MLGBLOKE Captain-Drix MajorPwnege1 if i did not add your credits pm me
warning do not play with 4 players it's possible but with the amount of stuff going on has risk of problems
its simple beat the bosses before the pillar reaches the floor or game over you don't spectate you go to the bleachers instead until next round there are 4 perks in all three are custom don't fall off the map or get thrown out by a boss and yes they can grab you and pick you up the player not a model go to dragon ball settings and set buttons or you can't use a custom perk
instant transmission perk set a location with the button you set in dragon ball settings press it again to go back to the firts spot it was presed same image in perk shader will show on you hud when you set a spot and goway after use no limit of uses
ki cola increase ki charge rate by 50%
50% off of ki usedge
you need over 1000 ki to go ultra instinct no wall gus DPS increases with super saiyan level
key pad codes
4126 fov slider
2378 3dfx
if you find others you will not be able to use its contents its is for the testers who helped and dev stuff for me if you helped me test and do not have your codes pm me here or discord #AllMoDs0800 to all who have a code they will only work for you they are coded in the menu not gsc csc or cfg
I need a maper for thats good at clipping I have some rock models that need clipping I do it myself but when I try to adjust the size of the clip when it's at a angle it messes up bad this is the last big thing I have to do before I can release my Tournament of power map if you like to help pm me
your game will show on lan and net i was runing every thing frome same folder here in vid so that means that your game will be broadcast over the internet and anyone you give the consol link to can join your sever and if you do everything correctly and they don't have your mod they can download it directly just from joining your server you do not have to send them a download link how many people you can host and how fast the clients download speed depends on your internet for best results run this on a whole nother computer you're not going to play the game on and make sure you have a lan connection not Wi-Fi one thing I did not cover there's too many routers out there for me to
warning warning for people to connect to you going to have to give your main router's IP address for them to put in their console in waw setup a VPN or setup a static IP on your main router google info specific to your router for this info you will use the VPN IP address or the static IP address for the stuff below that does not specify your PC's IP if you cannot do either one of these do not and I repeat do not give that Ip that you have to use to people you do not trust a hundred percent and I mean a hundred percent if you cannot do one of the top two suggestions my advice pay for the cheapest VPN you can forward suggested ports according to VPNs ip and I would not follow this tutorial any further if you continue with this tutorial and you cannot do one of the 2 tgings you will endanger all of your Internet devices in anything connected which runs the risk of losing personal data if the wrong person gets the IP address and if you can or if you can't do the top two things never post the IP stuff on any website links or anything give it to the person directly and by directly I mean by text message private messages or any other source were no one else but you and then are going to see it so I will say this again if you cannot do one of the top two things I suggested do not continue if you do it's at your own risk
things you will need to do
#1: a 2nd drive on your pc to get best out of your sever must be big enough for you to copy your steam Call of Duty World at War note: if you install mod Tools in your steam directory of World at War drag the whole world at war folder to your desktop redownload waw to your Steam folder after its dun move to 2nd drive in a folder named cod5 go in your steam settings and enable a secondary location for your games so it reads the new location directed to the folder you just made move your original copy back where in steam folder. cod5 folder will have all exe and so on in it dont make a folder in cod5 folder to put stuff in so in cod5 folder will be fresh steam copy of waw
#2: make new folder in drive with cod5 folder named sever_mods inside this folder make 2 new folders named mods 2nd folder usermaps what ever mod your are runing in mp put in both folders the appdata copy of the mod
make a new folder in same drive as cod5 foler name it servers make 2 new folder in that foler. name 1 main , 2nd mods and go to cod5 folder copy pb folder past in servers folder note: every mod you are running must be same in all folders same copy but dont put a mod in this mod foler this is just for consal log files & server log files will make text files with info
make a new folder in same drive as cod5 foler name it server go to cod5 folder copy pb and main folder past in server folder go in main folder deleate video folder do same in cod5 folder not sever and severs folder and not same folder pb folder runs punkbuster on your sever if its set to 1 and sever.gsc that runs on the sever gos in main folder I had you put another location so you have a backup #3: forward these ports in your router 28900 to 28970 - TCP and UDP 20500 to 20510 - TCP and UDP 20600 to 20610 - TCP and UDP 27900 - TCP and UDP local port is 28960 forward two pc's IP server is running on port 28960 is master port for control and admin port rcon login #4: make a new gsc name it servers note the ip part with your ip only put in your appdata copy and sever_mods folder and in main folder past this in
set dedicated "2" // 0 = Listen, 1 = LAN, 2 = Internet
//set fs_localAppData "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Call of Duty World at War" wait // MasterServers seta sv_gamespy "1" seta sv_master1 "codmaster.activision.com" seta sv_master2 "" seta sv_master3 "" seta sv_master4 "" seta sv_master5 "" //pb_sv_enable set sv_allowdownload "1" seta sv_wwwDownload "1" seta sv_wwwBaseURL "link you get from ngrok " seta sv_wwwDlDisconnected "0" // Server name set sv_hostname "mod name to show on sever " set logfile "1" // 0 = NO log, 1 = log file enabled. set g_log "games_mp.log" // Name of log file, default is games_mp.log. set g_logsync "2" // 0 = No log, 1 = buffered, 2 = continuous, 3 = append. set sv_log_damage "1" // Network options. set net_ip // Set your servers IP address. go to Google serch what's my IP set net_port "28960" // Set your port number, (default 28960). set com_hunkMegs "1024" set net_noipx "1" // Allow ONLY tcp/ip protocol, player/server communications.
// Server Network Mode. // 0 = Listen, 1 = LAN, 2 = Internet. set loc_warnings "0" // Server password set g_password "" // blank means NO password // Rconpassword set rcon_password "1234" // set for admin controll // Maximum Clients //set sv_privateclients "" set sv_maxclients "32" // Drop inactive players. set sv_timeout "30" set g_inactivity "0" set g_inactivityspectator "0" set sv_reconnectlimit "3" set sv_pure "1" set g_banIPs "" set g_no_script_spam "1" // Max Ping set sv_maxping "350" set sv_allowAnonymous "0" set g_antilag "1" set g_smoothClients "1" set g_compassShowEnemies "0" set scr_drawfriend "1" // Rate set sv_maxRate "25000" // Automatic Team Balance set scr_teambalance "0" // In-Game Voice Chat set sv_voice "0" set voice_global "0" set g_voiceChatTalkingDuration "500" set voice_deadChat "0" set sv_voiceQuality "3" set voice_localEcho "0" // Dead players chat with the living? set g_deadChat "0" // Who dead people can spectate set scr_game_spectatetype "1" // Gravity set g_gravity "800" // Base Move Speed set g_speed "190" // Number of dropped weapons before recycling set g_maxDroppedWeapons "16" // Hardcore set scr_hardcore "0" // OldSchool set scr_oldschool "0" // Friendly Fire? set scr_team_fftype "0" // Red Crosshairs while over enemy set g_redCrosshairs "1" // Draw Friends set scr_drawfriend "1" // Revive players set scr_player_allowrevive "1" set g_revive "0" set revive_time_taken "2" // Announcer set scr_allowannouncer "1" // TDM set scr_tdm_globalbattlechatterprobability "0" set scr_tdm_numlives "0" set scr_tdm_playerrespawndelay "0" set scr_tdm_roundlimit "1" set scr_tdm_scorelimit "750" set scr_tdm_timelimit "10" set scr_tdm_waverespawndelay "0" // Map_rotation set fs_game "mods/??????????" ///?? = mod devmap name set g_gametype "tdm" set sv_mapRotation "gametype tdm map ?????????" ///?? = mod devmap name
look it over put your info in where you will see where
#5: make a shortcut of the cod5 folders codwawmp.exe move to desktop right click it where target is go to end of what is there and hit spacebar 1 time past this in
where ???? are put same ip from sever.gsc aka go to google serch what is my ip
#6: make shortcut form sream copy of codwawmp.exe to desttop name it game play or somthing rename the one frome cod5 folder sever righr click steam copy of codwawmp.exe and in at end of target pu this +set net_port 28961 must be a space betwean what there and what you add
#7: now your ready to test click the sever exe you made box will pop up this is your sever all info shows in this window and is dumped to severs folder will se this at end part of window
IP specified on command line, setting to: ???????:28960 Advertising on ????????:28960 ?????? = your pc ip this means you did every thing right and your sever is live and running and friends can join your sever by puting this in there consol
/connect xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:28960xxx = same ip from sever.gsc aka go to google serch what is my ip you can look up how to set a static IP on Main router so people don't have your real one and still only give the connect part to people you trust sorry can't do any tutorials on port forwarding and setting static IP too many routers out there now click the short cut from stem dont load your mod find your mod in net games or lan game click to join your sever in your sever box you will see that you joined and files your are getting if you get in game all is good to go last part to add client mod download part which will be an internet page to generate from your own computer that anyone in the world can access if they have the web link
still get rcon tool you can skip this whole part here if you're going to give the people that are going to join you to download link but it be faster for them if you set this up so they can directly download it through Call of Duty from your PC this will trick waw into thinking it's connected to its download server the stuff below will also work for hosting your own built internet page for everybody for anything over the Internet only downside is you have to use there URL
there are 2 programs in here miniweb.exe this makes a local internet page out of what is in the htdocs folder in the htdocs there are 2 folder put your mod in both appdata copy if you add sever,gsc take all your info out this is what the client is going to download if they don't have your mod and your give them stuff to join
2nd is ngrok this make your local miniweb site brodecast to the world wide web for anyone with the link can access it the purpose of doing this is so the dl speed for joining client will be increased depending on your internet speed if you do not set this up the game will default to your server folder and download from there I have very great internet and if it defaults to that folder the download speed for the client will take over an hour doing this trick I figured out my client download speed is 3 megabytes per second
open miniweb it will show a ip and a port wil look somthing like this put this in web browser on same network as your pc it should show the content of htdocs folder what is the mods and usermaps folder in eack should be a folder of your mod appdata copy
now open ngrok type this in hit enter ngrok http 8000
this make your files access from anywhere on the internet if they have the link
this will go in your server.gsc the ones with your ip info not one people are downloading look for this seta sv_wwwBaseURL "link you get from ngrok " put link you get in will look like this seta sv_wwwBaseURL "]http://b59cce4c.ngrok.io " this will teal the game to download the mod from this website for clients that don't have it depending on your internet speed may want to reduce the amount of clients that can connect to you look for this set sv_maxclients "28" i can have 28 with no prob
you have to update the dl link in your server.gsc file every time you relaunch these files this part svwwwbaseurl "??????" or if time runs out on ngrock both of these programs and your server have to be running ngrok is free so it willonly stay up 7 hours 30 minutes
thats it all dun I'll say this again set a static IP on your main router some people don't have your real one and everywhere I say to put your main router's IP replace with the static IP if you have a VPN setup use your VPN IP depending on your VPN you may need to forward your ports different Google
this is rcon login tool for admin right over your sever if someone is acting up in your server do not ban them with punkbuster it will ban them on all punkbuster games I was told for whatever time Is that in your server file or in rcon tool you loh in rcon with pw you set in sever gsc here set rcon_password "1234" // set for admin controll port is 28960 ip is your pc ip that showed in sever window
last thing to run the best server ever run it on another computer that you're not going to be playing the game on and have it on lan not wi fi if you need help pm me
this will be my 2nd map I've been working on this mod on and off for about 8 months my idea for this mod it will be just like the tournament of power I will add every model that was in the show when you first start your pick which Universe you want to play with no player will be able to pick the same universe when you first start your pick which Universe you want to play with when you die you will lose a character once you lose all your characters you're out the tournament last two players will have to fight each other plus the zombies Last Man Standing wins and the center timer will be counting down as well every so many quarters you lose a character from your universe
the reason why I'm posting this I needed something to grab path nodes to a set point with no problem this dont work good no mater what i use it on ingame i loos fps
GetAllNodes works fine but get_array_of_closest dus not work good at all or getNodeArray() didnt ever get it to work for what i need so i made a diff script based off a default cod one works like a charm
can use this with path_node grabber in game will show grabbed path nodes count and origin of the number 7 node "iPrintLn(" array 2 nodes origin " + new_nods[7].origin);" when you shoot your gun this can allso help you find bad paths if nods are not spaced out good for zombies
a good count is 23 and up if in a open space with 400 being how far you look if lower might need to look at help if you no you got bad nodes and zombies dont do right in a spot in your map now you can check the nodes ingame as you walk
update physically see your path node layout in game shoot 1 time to play fx on all grabbed path nodes shoot 2nd time to delete fx and script model and repeat
add you own nun looping fx where ??????? is and you get fx on your path nodes they delete when you shoot 2nd time or use way point just add pick here //self.target_scan = "????????"; un comment all take fx off
I've been working on this on and off for over a year last thing I have left to do is get the projectile entity better so the damage is taken when the bullet or projectile hits the other player better than the way I have it now
I finally figured out how to get the entity of every projectile shot for each client now I can take damage based on where the projectile hits the player like headshots , torso to shoulders and torso and down
it took me awhile but I finally figured out how to Precache your own named menus and buy name I mean the menu file itself and the menu name so that means you can make as many in-game menu files as you want and not have to use Activision created menus
you will see this loadMenu { "ui/_yourmenu.menu" } /// your .menu #1 loadMenu { "ui/_yourmenu2.menu" } /// your .menu #2 add as maney as needed
step 3 add this to mod csv
Spoiler: click to open...
note if you are building your mod and you get a error about duplicate menu take any menufile,ui menufile,ui_mp files out of mod csv you added the error will teal you what one " they will still get added because of the ingame.txt" depending on the menu you use the error will give you the menu name not the file name
bugs the option that has subtitle settings in it is not there "ingame only" the option to bind a key for talking and text in it is not there "ingame only"
todo I will pull the menu files that run the above things and add them in
when you name your menus names, name them the same thing as the file with out the _
so lets say my menu file is _allmodsstore.menu
menu name in file needs to look like this
Spoiler: click to open...
menuDef { name "allmodsstore"
step 4 optional make a new menu file with this name
Spoiler: click to open...
put this in it [noae][noae][noae][noae][/noae][/noae][/noae][/noae] put file in raw/ui
add this to mod csv
Spoiler: click to open...
line 317 you will see this
Spoiler: click to open...
forecolor 0 0 0 0 \
that is hiding the little bar that shows up when your mouse cursor is over a menu option change zeros to ones to make it show again
the advantages of having my setup_common #1 you can track which menu option your mouse is over in GSC with checking this dvar "vile_on_1" #2 the whole entire screen is gridded out so you can add a menu button anywhere from top to bottom 20 buttons and from left to right 500 or more give or take #3 added to button binds that can be hidden CHOICE_BIND3 set to show on dvar sub_menu = 2 and CHOICE_BIND4 set to show on dvar sub_menu = 3
just a menu with one sub menu and itemDef I made myself that makes it so any image you put there becomes a button regardless of shape and size and you can have it do things when your mouse touches it leaves off of it and when you click it like MenuResponse "??????"; to pick up in gsc see menu for use or to make a keypad with a combination code like I did for my map
Spoiler: click to open...
// allmods 81 total buttons error after that #include "ui/menudef.h" #include "ui/allmods_setup_common.menu" menuDef { name "SAME NAME AS FILE WITH OUT _" fullScreen 0 rect 0 0 640 480 HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_FULLSCREEN VERTICAL_ALIGN_FULLSCREEN // Size and position of the menu focusColor COLOR_FOCUSED // Menu focus color for text and items style WINDOW_STYLE_SHADER background "??????" visible when (dvarInt("sub_menu") == 1); onOpen { setdvar sub_menu "1"; // CAN TAKE OUT AND SET ON CLIENT
} ///////////pick show when mouse is on CHOICE_BUTTON_VIS \\ localVarInt( ui_highlight ) == BUTTON # ////////////// itemDef { name "AllMoDs_Menu_1_pic" rect -30 -170 100 100 HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER forecolor 1 1 1 1 //ALLMoDs\\ style WINDOW_STYLE_SHADER background "?????" visible when (localVarInt( ui_highlight ) == 1 && dvarInt("sub_menu") == 1);
} ///////////////////text/////////////////// itemDef { name "AllMoDs_Menu_3_text" rect 0 -400 0 0 HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER VERTICAL_ALIGN_BOTTOM textscale 0.5 textstyle ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWEDMORE textfont UI_FONT_OBJECTIVE textalign ITEM_ALIGN_CENTER forecolor 1 1 1 1 exp text ("text her or a dver") visible when (dvarInt("sub_menu") == 1 ); } CHOICE_BUTTON_VIS( 1, "to submenu 1", setdvar sub_menu "2", when(dvarInt("sub_menu") == 1 ); ) CHOICE_BUTTON_VIS( 1, "back to main menu", setdvar sub_menu "1", when(dvarInt("sub_menu") == 2 ); ) //CHOICE_BUTTON_VIS( BUTTON #, "button text can have collor", action LIKE SET DVARS OR MenuResponse "????", WHEN TO AHOW; ) }
replace all ????? with proper stuff will add more soon
if you use this or my method in anyway please give proper credit it took me awhile to get the .menu file to communicate with GSC this way and track what button your mouse is on in gsc & more
decided to make a public release of this with every gobblegum in it I'm just doing the factory and the gobblegum selection as close to Black Ops 3 so I can get it I did not do the in-game machine there's only one variable for each gum you have to pick up to know if the person has it so adding it to your machine will be no problem
it's can be used across multiple Maps if the same setup is used unchanged in multiple Maps you will have the same Goblin gum and same liquid divinium so if you play one map with this setup and go to another you'll have the same thing you had on last no matter what map you play with this setup
things still to add Everything Has No Limit I'm going to set a 250 cap on everything
pause menu screen display to show what five gum you picked will also have a set up for Easter egg stuff to be displayed as well if you like
the ingame gum meter
touch up some s to make it easier to add this to your machine
all install info in download folder will add more set notes in soon