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self SetClientDvars( "cg_deadChatWithDead", "1",
"cg_deadChatWithTeam", "1",
"cg_deadHearTeamLiving", "1",
"cg_deadHearAllLiving", "1",
"cg_everyoneHearsEveryone", "1",
"compass", "0",
"hud_showStance", "0",
"cg_thirdPerson", "0",
"cg_fov", "65",
"cg_thirdPersonAngle", "0",
"cg_firstpersontracerchance", "0.4",
"cg_tracerlength", "60",
"cg_tracerspeed", "5500",
"cg_tracerwidth", "1",
"sm_sunsamplesizenear", "1", // if you want add it!
"ammoCounterHide", "0",
"miniscoreboardhide", "0",
"r_glow_allowed", "1",
"ui_hud_hardcore", "0" );
//"ai_corpsecount", "10",
self SetDepthOfField( 0, 0, 512, 4000, 4, 0 );
This is a really great map. I have watched a YouTuber named Mr Dalek JD played this, and he was blown away when he sees the outside of the spawn room. So when I have played it, it was still beautiful despise of what graphics I was running on my laptop. And now I do have really good frame rates on that map (around 60fps on the lowest resolution, 30fps on native 720p). It performs very well as much on how beautiful the map looks. And I can tell there's some fallout references in it as well.
Although there's this one time when I had tried to jump out of the zombie grasp (with quick revive), I had been down and the zombie hit me one more time and it killed my character before the zombies were supposed to break away.
Nice update CNN ! Cool to see your updating your map , a lot of mappers keep their map non-updated100 respect now aha
Well hey, it's a beautiful map regardless. The best maps are the ones that are meticulously crafted rather than the ones with the most weapon ports and the most perks, because at the end of the day, zombies is a cinematic gamemode (as much as I hate the phrase "cinematic," 30FPS is not "cinematic" CAPCOM). Hell, the lightning that strikes on dog rounds is a rather small detail in the grand scheme of things, but it's so important thematically: It gives me goosebumps every time it happens. You've managed to create an absolutely stunning map that adheres to the core zombies experience and sets an awe-inspiring setting, all without the crutch of T4M. That's a feat in itself, and I praise you for it.