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Messages - treminaor

I just wanted to drop a comment saying I was happy to read about everyone's memories and experiences for UGX-Mods so far in this thread. I look back on my time in this community very fondly and I miss everyone I used to talk to regularly. Hope everyone is doing well and I'm happy we are still here to provide a space for people to discuss & release maps and mods for COD.
Here's to 10 years with one of the best and smartest people I've ever had the pleasure of working with. If it weren't for Delta, UGX-Mods probably wouldn't be online anymore :)
2 years ago
This thread is due to be updated in few days with a new version of the tool. Stay tuned.
Mic drop. 2014 to 2021, I love it.
4 years ago
Hey there trem,

How you doin'?
It's weird, but I suddenly remembered all the stuff I used to do with WaW and this site.

@tomikaze Don't know if you're still active, but I keep remembering you all of a sudden as well.

Hey! Sorry I forgot to reply to this. Long time no see! Great to see you around again. I still talk to @tomikaze every once and a while, reminisce about the good ole days.
4 years ago
Hi everyone - it's been a long, long time. The last time I published an announcement on UGX-Mods was nearly 3 years ago in late 2017.

Since 2017 I have:
  • Started a family - my son will be 2 years old this year.
  • Started a full time programming job
  • Finished my university degree - Bachelor's of Computer Science
There really wasn't any time in that for hobbies anymore. In fact there wasn't even time to play games or be active in the community anymore.

One of the things which got left behind was our first BO3 modding project - UGX Mod BO3. It has been in the same broken alpha state since
late 2016.. 4 years ago.

I would have guessed people moved on by now and didn't care, but I still get notifications every month from comments asking if we will fix the
bugs with this mod. This is truely remarkable to me and I really did not expect a continued demand for the mod, especially 4 years later.
Unfortunately for me, my schedule is still way too busy and I don't have the free time (or motiviation) to fix whatever is wrong.

In light of this, UGX have made the decision to open-source UGX Mod WaW and BO3 so that anyone
who has the skills can not only fix whatever bugs are present in the current alpha release, but also
make any improvements or changes they want to the mod. You can find the source code on GitHub:

The repo is the uncompiled version of the mod which should allow you to compile it yourself if set up properly.
Please let me know if there are any issues with the repo. If you fix any bugs please create a pull request and I will merge your changes into the
master branch and update the version on Steam Workshop :)

Bye again for now, hopefully for not as long this time...
- trem
5 years ago
Still love it how many years later? Thanks so much guys!
Thank you!
5 years ago
Welcome! 2020 or 2015 the methods havn't changed. I suggest you check out the extensive documentation we have on modding:

There is a whole section on how to use Radiant:
And here is how you install all of the tools which includes Radiant:

Looks like some of the websites that hosted the tools don't exist anymore. The filefront and gamefront links seem to still work. We never hosted the files ourselves because they consume too much bandwidth for our servers. If any of the links for a patch are down please let me know and I have my own local copies stored away for safekeeping that I can share with you.

Happy modding!
5 years ago
this is frustrating, i've been trying to use the map manager, but its not working, saying i need either the network thing, or the firewall is messing with it, i checked both possibilities, but neither are the problem, i have no idea whats happening
(Image removed from quote.)
this is the message that comes up, and i've had the site open while trying to open the map manager but its not working
I can assure you the Map Manager is still operational, but the internet connection will only work if it is allowed through ALL firewalls on the machine. Sometimes people have both a 3rd party firewall (norton, avast, mcaffee, etc) AND the windows firewall active at the same time. it needs to be allowed through all of them.

It is definitely a picky program which is why we aimed to replace it with the UGX Launcher, but development has been at a standstill for quite a while unfortunately with no ETA.
5 years ago
This map looks pretty awesome from the screenshots, I'm getting back into playing WaW maps lately and this looks worth checking out. I saw you mentioned your hintstrings arent updating, this is a common issue in WaW and can be fixed using this guide
6 years ago
I'm so happy to finally have the changes we've been working in for years go live on the production side. Alex has been working his ass off to get this ready for everyone and we're really lucky to have him here at UGX. I hope everyone enjoys the changes and please let us know if you run into issues. 
6 years ago
The application doesn't even work.  As soon as I make a brand new Alias with the app, it then makes up some error as to not let me do anything.  And then it wont even save or anything.
I suggest starting with a working soundalias file and adding new entries. If you didn't notice from the first post the program was not developed very far and some features are experimental or untested. The most time was spent on editing existing alias files and even that has bugs.

I hoped that people could at least use the tool to read existing files and figure out what the values are supposed to do.
7 years ago
bruh this was made over 5 years ago.
Some of the topic sections on the site auto-lock after 90 days or so to prevent replies like this from ressurecting dead threads, but we chose not to do that for the review section because it doesn't really matter how old the topic gets, replies can still be relevant. 
7 years ago

Mod ded.
pls rez.
i would love to but my free time is basically nonexistant at this point. as far as the ugx team we are trying to focus more on the website and UGXL right now.
7 years ago
I am currently trying to implement this feature but the link to: doesn't work anymore.

I checked it and I think you only forgot to change the version number from 1.3 to 1.4?
The link works fine, you just have to right click and choose "Save as" because your browser doesn't know how to handle a .iwd file.

And yes, I probably just forgot to update the header in the file. 
7 years ago
welcome back to the party >:D
7 years ago
congrats on the release guys, I know you've had this in the works for quite some time and I'm happy to see it finished :)
7 years ago
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