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Topics - WhiteDevil

My shadows look weird and they are a few inches from the brush and also the lightning goes through the edge of the brushes.


This is the default map I only changed the textures of the brushes.
8 years ago
I don't know how to explain what's happening but here is a picture:

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This was a new map and nothing was changed. I hope someone can help me with this.
8 years ago
When i compile my map with the link option selected  i get the following errors:
Code Snippet
E:\Programs\steam\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Black Ops III\\bin\linker_modtools.exe -language english -modsource zm_test

Linking "zm_test" (usermaps\zm_test stable 2535281 v593):

^1ERROR: unable to load file 'sound/zone//'

^1ERROR: sound aliases failed to load

done: 0m51.88s

Linking "en_zm_test" (usermaps\zm_test stable 2535281 v593):

^1ERROR: unable to load file 'sound/zone//'

^1ERROR: sound aliases failed to load
done: 0m2.16s

This is a newly generated map.
Because of these errors when i go ingame the guns don't make sounds..
8 years ago
I was tired of copying image files to my mod image folder while working in Asset Manager with Materials. Therefor i created this little tool(It's made in c#) that does everything for you :)

It simply copies an .iwi file that you have edited to the desired mod folder.


Spoiler: click to open...

8 years ago
4 Functions for managing Animations on a script_model.

When using this script it's expected you already have the following things:
 - xmodel with bones.
 - xanim that can be played on the xmodel.
 - animtree that contains the xanims that can be played on the xmodel.
 - All of these (xmodel, xanim and animtree) should be included in your mod.

Spoiler: click to open...
  • @Name: play_anim_looped
  • @Summary: An looped animation will be played on an entity. That's currently not playing a animation.
  • @CalledOn: <entity>: A script_model with bones.
  • @MandatoryArg: <anim>: The animation that should be played(This name should be in your Animtree).
  • @Example: xmodelEntity play_anim_looped(%banana_peel);

  • @Name: stop_anim_looped
  • @Summary: An looped animation will be stopped.
  • @CalledOn: <entity>: A script_model with bones that is currently playing a looped animation.
  • @Example: xmodelEntity stop_anim_looped();

  • @Name: play_anim_once
  • @Summary: An animation will be played once on a entity.
  • @CalledOn: <entity>: A script_model with bones. That's currently not playing a animation.
  • @MandatoryArg: <anim>: The animation that should be played(This name should be in your Animtree).
  • @OptionalArg: <string>: The notify to send. When undefined a random value will be created(This value is returned by the function!);
  • @Return: <string>: The notify to send.
  • @Example: xmodelEntity play_anim_once(%banana_peel, "banana_peeling");

  • @Name: stop_anim_once
  • @Summary: An entity that's currently playing a one time animation will be stopped.
  • @CalledOn: <entity>: A script_model with bones that is currently playing a one time animation.
  • @Example: xmodelEntity stop_anim_once();


    1) Download the script:!rEcXxIRL!Hlzq9LDFxY27vo5QzhS-upvwReL0x08SKo8eJfqIsv8
    2) Copy the script to MODNAME/maps/_easyAnimation.gsc
    3) Open MODNAME/maps/_easyAnimation.gsc you just pasted, and go to line 5. Change  ANIMTREE to the animtree your are using
Code Snippet
//Define the animtree you are using.
#using_animtree( "ANIMTREE" );
    4) You can change the other settings if you want they are one line 12, 14 and 16.
Code Snippet
// Note: If you are publishing your map, you should set them all to false.
//Errors are shown by default, change it to false to suppress them.
level.show_anim_errors = true;
//Warnings are shown by default, change it to false to suppress them.
level.show_anim_warnings = true;
//Information is hidden by default, change it to true to show them.
level.show_anim_info = false;
    5) Don't forget to include it in your launcher!, make sure you checked the script like this:
Spoiler: click to open...

 1) Include _easyAnimation.gsc in your script, after that define your animtree again.

Example Script
Code Snippet
#include common_scripts\utility; 
#include maps\_utility;
#include maps\_zombiemode_utility;
#include maps\_loadout;

//Inludes _easyAnimation.gsc
#include maps\_easyAnimation;
//Your animtree
#using_animtree( "cube" );
//This animtree contains the animation used below: %viewmodel_cube_rotate

//Get the script model
cube = GetEnt("cube", "targetname");

//Plays a looped Animation on the script model
cube play_anim_looped( %viewmodel_cube_rotate );
//The looped animation will be stopped.
cube stop_anim_looped();

//Plays a Animation only once on the script model
cube play_anim_once( %viewmodel_cube_rotate );

  • It doesn't matter wether your xanim is looped or not in asset manager it only plays once when play_anim_once is used.
  • Animation that are not looped in asset manager don't loop when play_anim_looped is used...

Having problems with including your xanim / animtree? Read this!
Spoiler: click to open...
Follow the following steps.
  • In asset manager export the XANIM with the following settings:
    • Use Bones = true
    • Type = Relative
    • Looping = true / false (depends on what you want)
  • Create / modify an existing animtree
    • Go to raw/animtrees and create/modify the desired animtree and add your xanim to it.
  • in your mod.csv add the created animtree and xanim. The XANIM must be included before the animtree! else it wont work...
    • xanim,XANIMNAME
    • rawfile,animtrees/ANIMTREENAME.atr

I hope this will help some people!  :) If you use this script don't forget to add me to the credits  ;)
8 years ago

I have created a Default Map with the UGX script placer 2.0.1. After that i only changed the materials of the wall to concrete and added a sun. I did not move anything.

When i compile my map no errors show up and everything goes fine. But my map looks like this ingame:
8 years ago

I'm trying to get a billboard sprite to work in effect editor, but my material isn't show up i have no idea why..

These are my Asset Manager settings for the material:

The image that i use for this is .dds image size(512x512).

When i add a new segment in EffectEd and load my material in the visuals nothing happends, not even if i change the size scale..
8 years ago

My name is Jeroen and i'm from the netherlands. I started with modding 3 years ago or something. I really love making mods for call of duty and i'm soo hyped for bo3 mod tools :D(if they ever release it). I'm not that good at making maps because i don't have the patience :P, i like the scripting part more :).

In irl i work for a company that creates web applications.

If you have any questions feel free to ask!

8 years ago
I have done some modifications on the original zombie counter made by Tom_Bmx.
This is how it looks:

This is how it looks in-game(video):
! No longer available
How to add it to your MOD
1). Download the .gsc file:!XIsgjLzJ!O0CLnhxrst924RxYcLTmHkvvHG96v6t5zloz03shw7M
2). Place the .gsc file in your CODWAWROOT/mods/MODNAME/maps
3). Open your MODNAME.gsc and find this line:
Code Snippet
and change it to this:
Code Snippet
level thread maps\_zombieCounter::main();

4) Copy CODWAWROOT/raw/maps/_zombiemode.gsc to CODWAWROOT/mods/MODNAME/maps/_zombiemode.gsc
5) Open CODWAWROOT/mods/MODNAME/maps/_zombiemode.gsc and find this function:
Code Snippet
scroll down until you find this:
Code Snippet
level.zombie_total = max;
mixed_spawns = 0;       // Number of mixed spawns this round.  Currently means number of dogs in a mixed round
change it to this:
Code Snippet
level.zombies_spawn_this_round = max;
level.zombie_total = max;
mixed_spawns = 0;       // Number of mixed spawns this round.  Currently means number of dogs in a mixed round

6)  Copy CODWAWROOT/raw/maps/_zombiemode_dogs.gsc to CODWAWROOT/mods/MODNAME/maps/_zombiemode_dogs.gsc
7)  Open CODWAWROOT/mods/MODNAME/maps/_zombiemode_dogs.gsc and find this function:
Code Snippet
scroll down until you find this:
Code Snippet
level.zombie_total = max;
change it to this:
Code Snippet
level.zombies_spawn_this_round = max;
level.zombie_total = max;

Include everything in the launcher:

And you're done... ;D
---- Update
 * The progress bar can't get longer than the progress bar itself
 * It now works in the dog rounds.
8 years ago
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