all credit goes to the mapper CodMapper and Seelow for making me want to know how he did it.
this blurs your vision and changes your stance while the level starts for 30 seconds should be timed with fx and some sound.
instructions 1) copy and paste under in your mapname gsc
2) in zombiemode.gsc in ugxmod in mod folder directly under the entry round_start() around line 1757 (use notepad++) copy and paste where it says this will start the round start,your vision, and ugx smoothly otherwise rounds count up while your downed.
Paste the following into a blank .gsc. include it into your mod/mapname /maps folder and rename startcrash.gsc
/* 1) include the entry at the very bottom of these instructions a blank gsc and rename the gsc rotate copy and paste under in your mapname gsc
include the rotate gsc in your mod /yourmapname /maps folder
2) for a single object make brush right click with it selected and make it a script brush model give it these kvps kvp
For multiple parts around a "fake center"
make all brushes for your moving piece
make another brush 8 by 8 square
place in the exact "fake" center of where you want all your brushes for whatever your making to rotate around
click only the (8 by 8) brush and select texture origin
with this origin brush(8 by 8) selected select the rest of the objects you want to rotate
right click and make a script brushmodel
click one part of it and give it these kvps (it will automatically give the kvps to the rest of the brushes that you made a script brush model at the same time
. (only 1)
*/ This is the rotate.gsc. I have no idea where it came from originally
1) radiant.. make pipe or box select it right click script brushmodel in radiant kvps pipes with a cap on the ends need to be selected and right click entity, ungroup( this ungroups funcgroup/capped cylinders) before they can be made script brushmodels 2) add: under in your mapname gsc like this 3) copy and paste raw/maps/_pipes.gsc to your mod/mapname/map folder. 4) in ugxeasyfx.gsc user additions section //paste: 5) in Launcher/ modbuilder fastfile mod .csv add: check pipes.gsc in modbuilder compile level this includes a few fx and you might hit a limit with ugx some custom fx and the jukebox combined
post if you have problems
11 years ago
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