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Topics - buttkicker845

    Brothers in Arms MOD

    Abstract: Normandy, France 1944.
    The Allies have landed on the beaches in Normandy and are pushing their way into Nazi Occupied France. There is a long way to go before the Allies reach the heart of Germany. There will be multiple German Artillery Batteries and Supply Trucks that will need to be eliminated and German Intelligence that will need to be collected. Will you help the Allied Forces liberate Nazi Occupied France or help the Germans secure their foothold against the invading forces?

    Background: The Brothers in Arms series is a FPS Strategy game where you take the command of a squad-leader in WW2, released by Ubisoft in 2005. This is one of my favorite game series of all time. This is a MOD adaption of the squad-based action multiplayer scenarios of the first 2 games in the series.

    • Command your squad in the heat of battle
    • Fight against AI in Solo or against friends in Co-op
    • Fight for both Allies and Axis
    • Multiple objective scenarios
                   -Destroy/Protect the Supply Truck
                   -Destroy/Protect the Anti-Aircraft Guns
                   -Secure/Escape with the Documents
    • Multiple levels to fight
                   -Carentan, France
                   -Burgundy, France


    Spoiler: click to open...

    Ubisoft- Original Game Development
    Activision - Development of CoD WaW and supporting MOD Tools
    asus891110 - Original Level Design
    BluntStuffy - Menu response tutorial
    DidUknowiPwn - Spawn weapon via script tutorial
    long cut loser - multiplayer testing
    Please let me know if you feel forgotten on this list!

    Please go into the Control settings and set the key bindings for "Command Squad" and "Squad Fall In" under the Interact menu!

    Use these keys to command your squad
    Press "Command Squad" to bring up the command ring and [Action] to confirm the move location
    Press "Squad Fall In" to have your squad fall you directly

    Update 1.1:
    - Fix for Player to Player damage, each time a Player damaged another Player no longer is counted as a kill
    - Removed Friendly Player to Player damage, Friendly Players can no longer damage each other

    Known Issues:
    Menu buttons don't flash after level restart

    Older Versions:
    Spoiler: click to open...
    Update 1.0:
    6 years ago
    Is there a way to determine if a pathnode is inside of a specific zone? i tried using isTouching but apparently pathnodes never return true on isTouching. Is there a way to get the different vertices of a info_goal so i can use those to manually determine if a pathonode is inside of the zone?
    7 years ago
    History of script:   
    This is a script that i started writing over a year ago, i got side tracked and forgot about it. I recently saw someone on the forum request something similar and gave me the idea to just go ahead and finish the script.

    Description of the script:
    Its a simple script that makes it so the players have to find and pick up keys before they are allowed to open the door. there can be unlimited doors and each one can have a different number of keys required. the door can also still require points to open if you so choose

    it also DOESN'T require you to use a trigger for the keys saving you half of the script entities that would normally be used for having keys to pick up

    The script can be customized 4 different ways in order to make it work how you wish
             - These modifications include if the key location will be randomly selected in the world
             - how many keys should be kept in the world
             - the distance the player must be from the key in order to pick it up
             - the default value for how many keys each door requires to open, this can be overridden for each door by placing script_vector on your door trigger

    There are instructions included in the file but i will place them here as well for ease of access:
               Step 1: make a normal door, if you dont know how to make a door go to
                Optional Step: if you dont want your door to cost anything then either delete the kvp zombie_cost or set it equal to 0
                            Note: if you delete the zombie_cost kvp you will need to do the optional step in the script section!
                Optional Step: To Specify how many keys the current door will require give it the kvp
    Code Snippet
    an integer value such as 2
               Step 2: once youre door is made select the trigger and change the targetname kvp to
    Code Snippet
                Step 3: place script model or script brush and give it the kvp
    Code Snippet
                Step 1: open your mapname.gsc and place the line before _zombiemode::main();
    Code Snippet
    level thread maps\key_door::init();
                Optional Step: open up_zombiemode_blockers_new.gsc and find the section that looks like this, around line 136
    Code Snippet
    if(isDefined(self.script_noteworthy) && self.script_noteworthy == "electric_door")
    flag_wait( "electricity_on" );
    and replace it with this
    Code Snippet
    if(isDefined(self.script_noteworthy) && self.script_noteworthy == "electric_door")
    flag_wait( "electricity_on" );
    else if(isDefined(self.targetname) && self.targetname == "key_door" && (!isDefined(self.zombie_cost) || self.zombie_cost <= 0))

                Note: if you did the optional step to remove zombie_cost you will have to complete this step otherwise your door will still cost 1000 points

    If you use this please give me credit and please report any bugs or problems you may encounter

    Images in game:
    Spoiler: click to open...
    Text for picking up key

    Notification to all players when key has been picked up

    Text on door when door is locked, is dynamic for how many keys are still needed to be found to open

    Text on door when door can be unlocked

    Source code in case the link ever becomes broken:
    Spoiler: click to open...
    Code Snippet
    ///////// Written by buttkicker845///////////////
    ///////// Date Created: 2/7/2015/////////////////
    ///////// Date Modified: 7/7/2016////////////////

    Discription of features:
    The point of this script is for doors that require
    the player to find a specified number of keys before
    being able to open the door.

    How to set up key entry door:

    Step 1: make a door like normal, if you dont know how to make a normal door visit the UGX wiki at: [url][/url]

    Step 2: once your door is made, select the trigger on the door and change the targetname kvp from zombie_door to key_door

    Step 3: right click on the 2D window and select script
    if you have a model for your key, then select model

    if you made your key out of a brush or multiple brushes then select the brush/es and then select script and then select brush

    Step 4: once you have your key placed in the world select it and press N to bring up the entity window, in here you will give your key the kvp of targetname of door_key

    Optional Step: while the door trigger is still selected and the entity window is open give the trigger the kvp of script_vector to specify how many keys must be found to open the door

    That is it for radiant!


    Step 1: open up mods/modname/maps if the folder doesnt exist create it, and place this script in there

    Step 2: open up your mapname.gsc, if you dont know where it is located then look in either raw/maps or in mods/modname/maps depending on the script placer you used

    Step 3: search for the line maps\_zombiemode::main();

    Step 4: right above the maps\_zombiemode::main(); line place the line maps\key_door::init();

    Optional Modifications to the door functionality!

    Step 1: find the function names init() and change the level.variables you would like to modify

    Step 2: the useRandomKeyLocations will randomly delete key locations in order to have the keys be in different locations each game

    Step 3: the numberOfKeysInWorld will modify how many keys will remain in the world after the useRandomKeyLocations is used, only effects if useRandomKeyLocations is true

    Step 4: the numberOfKeysRequiredGlobal specifies how many keys are required to open all doors in the world, this can be overridden by using the kvp script_vector on the door trigger

    Optional Step!

    The door can still have a specified cost like normal doors or
    they can free after unlocking the door using the keys that were found
    A free door can be achieved by either setting teh zombie_cost kvp to 0 or
    by using this script modification to _zombiemode_blockers_new on line 136 or by searching for : if(isDefined(self.script_noteworthy) && self.script_noteworthy == "electric_door")

    if(isDefined(self.script_noteworthy) && self.script_noteworthy == "electric_door")
    flag_wait( "electricity_on" );
    else if(isDefined(self.targetname) && self.targetname == "key_door" && (!isDefined(self.zombie_cost) || self.zombie_cost <= 0))


    Thats it! If you fallowed the steps correctly you should now have doors that will require the players to find keys before they can open the door


    #include common_scripts\utility;
    #include maps\_zombiemode_utility;
    #include maps\_utility;
    //you can modify these variables
    level.useRandomKeyLocations = true;// this will randomly spawn the keys in the world based on the locations placed in radiant, (set true of false)
    level.numberOfKeysInWorld = 2; // number of keys that will be in the game, the number of keys placed in radiant must be equal to or greater than this number!
    level.numberOfKeysRequiredGlobal = 1; // number of keys required to open a door, can be overridden by the kvp script_vector on the door trigger
    level.distanceFromKey = 75; // the distance from the key a player has to be in order to pick it up

    //dont modify these variables!
    level.keysFound = 0;// it is required to count how many keys the players have found this game
    level.maxNumberOfKeysRequired = level.numberOfKeysRequiredGlobal; //the max amount of keys that is required by any door in the world
    level thread main();

    //gets all the keys in the world
    keys = getEntArray("door_key", "targetname");

    //if the level.useRandomKeyLocations is true the script will randomly spawn delete keys in the world, this is to keep the players guessing
    //create two arrays in order to keep track of the keys that will be left in the world and to modify the array of keys without messing with the original array
    keysKept = [];
    temp = [];

    //makes deep copy of keys array for minipulation of keys array
    for(i = 0; i < keys.size; i++)
    temp[i] = keys[i];

    //finds random keys up to the number of keys set by level.numberOfKeysInWorld
    for(i = 0; i < level.numberOfKeysInWorld; i++)
    location = getRandomLocation(temp);
    keysKept[keysKept.size] = location;
    temp = array_remove(temp,location);

    //removes the rest of the keys in the world
    for(i = 0; i < temp.size; i++)
    temp[i] delete();
    //recollects the keys after the extras have been deleted
    keys = getEntArray("door_key", "targetname");
    for(i = level.numberOfKeysInWorld; i < keys.size; i++)
    keys[i] delete();
    //threads the key_init funciton on each key in the world
    for(i = 0; i < keys.size; i++)
    keys[i] thread key_init();

    //collects all the doors in the world and threads the door_init function on them
    keyDoors = getEntArray("key_door", "targetname");
    for(i = 0; i < keyDoors.size; i++)
    keyDoors[i] thread key_door_init();

    keysRequiredCount = level.numberOfKeysRequiredGlobal;
    //checks if the door trigger overrides the global key requirement
    keysRequiredCount = self.script_vector;

    //if the keys required for this door is
    if(keysRequiredCount > level.numberOfKeysInWorld)
    keysRequiredCount = level.numberOfKeysInWorld;
    println("Key_Door at location: " + self.origin + " requires more keys to open than there are in the world");

    //if this door requires more keys than the current max amount required update the current max amount required
    if(level.maxNumberOfKeysRequired < keysRequiredCount)
    level.maxNumberOfKeysRequired = keysRequiredCount;

    //set the trigger hintstring and remove the hand icon
    self.keysRequiredCount = keysRequiredCount;

    self thread setDoorHint();

    self waittill("trigger",player);
    //if there are enough keys found to opent this door, then unlock it
    if(self.keysRequiredCount <= level.keysFound)
    self notify("door_opened");
    //now that the door is unlocked make it act like a normal door
    self thread maps\_zombiemode_blockers_new::door_init();

    self endon("door_opened");
    //runs until the door has been opened
    self SetCursorHint( "HINT_NOICON" );
    //creates the remain amount of keys that need to be found in order to unlock the door
    cost = self.keysRequiredCount - level.keysFound;

    //if the player has enough keys they can unlock the door
    if(cost <= 0)
    self setHintString("Press and hold &&1 to unlock the door");

    //otherwise display how many more must be found to unlock the door
    self setHintString("Keys required to unlock door: [" + cost + "]");

    //threads the functions that will set the hint string for the key as well as wait for the player to pick up the key
    self thread setKeyHint();
    self thread keyWaitForTrigger();

    dist = level.distanceFromKey;

    //runs as long as the current key is defined in the world
    players = getPlayers();
    //itterates through all the players and checks if they are valid and if they are close enough to pick up the key
    for(i = 0; i < players.size; i++)
    if(distance(self.origin, players[i].origin) < dist)
    //displays a message on screen for the player to press and hold use to pick up the key
    self thread printDisplay(self, players[i], "Press and hold [{+activate}] to pick up key", dist);

    //waits for a player to be close enough to the key and to be pressing the use button to pick the key up
    //sets the distance for the check to the global distance
    dist = level.distanceFromKey;

    //runs as long as the key is defined
    players = getPlayers();
    for(i = 0; i < players.size; i++)
    //checks if the current is player is a valid player and if they are close enough to the key and if they are currently pressing the use button
    if(is_player_valid(players[i]) && distance(self.origin, players[i].origin) < dist && players[i] useButtonPressed())
    //deletes the current key
    self delete();

    //increase the amount of keys found by all players

    //notify all other players that a key was found

    //if the players have found enough keys to open all doors then its safe to delete the rest
    if(level.keysFound >= level.maxNumberOfKeysRequired)

    //displays a message at the top left of the screen letting all players know a player found a key
    players = getPlayers();
    for(i = 0; i < players.size; i++)
    players[i] iPrintln(pickUpPlayer.playername + " has found a key!");

    //deletes all the remaining keys in the world once the players have found enough keys to  open all doors
    keys = getEntArray("door_key", "targetname");
    for(i = 0; i < keys.size; i++)
    if(keys[i] != undefined)
    keys[i] delete();

    //will create a hud element for the player with the text that is passed in the parameter, will display the hud element as long as the player is close enough to see it
    //if the thread is called again stops the previous running thread
    player notify("setting_hint");
    player endon("setting_hint");

    //if either the ent to display the message for or the player is undefined then stop the thread
    if(!isDefined(ent) || !isDefined(player))

    //if there isnt a message passed then present a warning instead of the message
    message = "hint string for enity " + ent.targetname + " is not defined in printDisplay";

    //if the destance for how close the player must be isnt set then use default distance
    dist = 100;

    //if the hud element isnt defined then create a new one and set its position in the middle of the screen
    player.trigText = NewClientHudElem( player );
    player.trigText.alignX = "center";
    player.trigText.alignY = "middle";
    player.trigText.horzAlign = "center";
    player.trigText.vertAlign = "middle";
    player.trigText.y += 100;
    player.trigText.foreground = true;
    player.trigText.fontScale = 1.5;
    player.trigText.alpha = 1;
    player.trigText.color = ( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 );

    //if the element is defined then set the text to the message passed

    player.trigText SetText( message );

    //if the entity passed is a trigger of some kind then set the hint cursor to nothing
    if(isDefined(ent.classname) && isSubStr(ent.classname, "trigger"))
    ent SetCursorHint( "HINT_NOICON" );

    //keep the hud element as long as the entity is defined, the player is valid and as long as the player is close enough
    while(isDefined(ent) && isDefined(player) && is_player_valid(player) && distance(ent.origin, player.origin) < dist)

    //if the hud element is still defined destroy it from the screen
    player.trigText destroy();
    }//end printDisplay

    //will return a random value in from the array passed

    //if the array is empty dont return anything
    if(array.size <= 0)
    return undefined;

    //remove all undefined values in the array
    array = array_removeundefined(array);

    //return the random value
    return array[randomInt(array.size)];
    }//end getRandomLocation

    8 years ago

    Does anyone know what causes this?
    8 years ago
    i want to add a fade to a menu button based on a the value of a dvar, so like when(dvarint(displayAllies) == 0) there would be a fade on the menu button making it look like it cant be pressed.  is this possible to do?
    8 years ago
    does anyone know if there is a way to disable the friendly player icons that show up when playing coop? im guessing its some kind of dvar but i have no idea what it is. thank you in advance for any advice or help :)
    8 years ago
    ive been trying to set the music state on my map depending on what objective is currently active. but from looking around 3archs scripts and soundaliases files i cant seem to figure out what types of sounds are played with setMusicState. is it just normal sound aliases? or is sounds specifically set up to be music?
    8 years ago
    im trying to open a menu file once each player is spawned that will allow them to pick specific weapons to be spawned with. but the menu file will not open.
    this is what i have
    Code Snippet
    self endon("disconnect");
    self waittill( "spawned_player" );
    self SetClientDvars( "cg_deadChatWithDead", "1",
    "cg_deadChatWithTeam", "1",
    "cg_deadHearTeamLiving", "1",
    "cg_deadHearAllLiving", "1",
    "compass", "0",
    "hud_showStance", "1",
    "cg_thirdPerson", "0",
    "cg_fov", "65",
    "friendlyfire_enabled", "0",
    "scr_player_healthregentime" ,"99999",
    "g_friendlyfireDist", "0",
    "g_friendlyNameDist" , "0");
    self set_weapons();
    self thread onPlayerRespawn();

    if(!isDefined(self.spawnedOnTeam) || !self.spawnedOnTeam)
                    self openMenuNoMouse("test_menu");//open the weapon choice menu
    weapon = undefined;
    startWeapon = undefined;

    self takeAllWeapons();
    { = "allies";
    self giveWeapon( "m1garand" );
    self giveWeapon( "fraggrenade" );
    startWeapon = "m1garand";
    rand = randomInt(2);
    if(rand == 0)
    weapon = "bar";
    weapon = "thompson";
    if( == "allies")
    self giveWeapon( "m1garand" );
    self giveWeapon( "fraggrenade" );
    startWeapon = "m1garand";
    rand = randomInt(2);
    if(rand == 0)
    weapon = "bar";
    weapon = "thompson";
    self giveWeapon( "kar98k" );
    self giveWeapon( "stielhandgranate" );
    startWeapon = "kar98k";
    rand = randomInt(3);
    if(rand == 0)
    weapon = "mp40";
    else if( rand == 1)
    weapon = "stg44";
    weapon = "fg42_scoped";
    //sets the secondary weapon for the current player
    self giveWeapon( weapon );
    // Switches the player's weapon once he spawns in
    self switchToWeapon( startWeapon );
    self giveWeapon("m8_white_smoke");
    self giveweapon("rocket_barrage");
    self setactionslot(4,"weapon","rocket_barrage");
    self giveMaxAmmo( "rocket_barrage" );
    the rest of the function runs perfectly fine but the menu file never opens. and i dont get any errors about not prechaching the menu file or not including it in a fastfile
    does anyone know why it not opening?
    8 years ago
    im trying to make a SP mod part of which includes the player having a certain amount of lives before failing the mission, the only problem is the level automatically restarts when the player dies. does anyone know how to keep the game from restarting immediately after death?
    so far ive tried editing the Callback_playerKilled in globalCallbacks but even if i remove all the missionFailed() lines it stills ends the mission after death
    9 years ago
    is it possible to increase the Rate of Fire(rof) of an ally AI's weapon similar to the way that double tap root-beer increasing the  Rate of Fire of the players weapon? and i mean this via script and not by simply editing the weapon file that is given to the AI

    thank you in advance for any help or suggestions :)
    9 years ago
    how do you make an AI move to a specific location? ive tried using the method setGoalPos(); but they dont seem to go to the location. is there something specific that needs to be done in order to make them go to the location?
    this is the code i have, this gets called on the AI once they are spawned
    Code Snippet
            players = get_players();
    self setGoalPos(players[0].origin);
    iPrintln("owner position at " + players[0].origin);

    9 years ago
    i know that this site is for modding zombiemode but im hoping that someone can help me, im trying to make a mod where each player in MP has a small team of AI that fallows them around the map but the problem im having is that i cant figure out how to spawn an AI,  i know its possible since MP has dogs which are AI. ive looked throught the script for the dogs but when ever i try to spawn an AI the same way they did the dogs but no AI spawn.

    thanks in advance for any help! :)
    9 years ago
    i'm making a moon style intro where you start out in one zone stay there until you get overwhelmed and then run to the teleporter and the game actually begins. i got the spawning to work but my problem is with riser zombies they just spawn at the spawner instead of rising from the ground. i know the risers are working properly because when i started working on this i just set the intro_zone to be the starting zone and the risers worked correctly
    Code Snippet

    introSpawners = getEntArray("intro_spawner","targetname");
    level thread award_grenades_for_survivors();
            while(level.teleport_count < level.players_playing)
    spawn_point = introSpawners[RandomInt( introSpawners.size )];

    this is the script i'm using to spawn the zombies in the intro zone.
    if anyone can tell me why the risers arent spawning correctly it would be greatly appreciated! thanks for any help in advance :)
    9 years ago
    so i have an fx that has a light entity in it that im using as a flashlight. i have it to where it plays the fx on the player but whenever the player turns the fx is still pointing in the same direction. is it possible to change the direction of the fx with the player?

    this is the code im using at the moment, its only set up for player 1 at the moment as i want to get the flashlight working properly before worrying about getting it on all 4 players

    Code Snippet
    players = getPlayers();
    flashlight_model = Spawn("script_model", players[0].origin + (2.5 , 5 , 56));
    flashlight_model SetModel("tag_origin");
    PlayFxOnTag(level._effect["light4"], flashlight_model, "tag_origin");
    flashlight_model LinkTo(players[0]);

    9 years ago
    for about a week now ive been trying to teach myself how to animate models. ive looked through the animation files for the single player maps, ive read multiple tutorials, and looked through the forum and i still cant get any of my animations to play. ive even tried using some of the script from the berl1 map that animates the birds that fly around but nothing works. it either doesnt move or the map loads and then freezes on the black screen after clicking to start the game after the level is finished loading. can anyone please teach me how to properly animate models?
    9 years ago
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