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Topics - PlutoBro

I was wondering if anyone could help me with a rather annoying issue. Basically any script_brushmodel in my map is completely invisible in the game. (this breaks my debris, doors, mini eastereggs or anything that needs a script_brushmodel.

I can't remember what I did that might cause this so I was wondering if anyone would be able to walk me through fixing this.
Whats weird is if I run near the script_brushmodels, rarely they will flash and appear normally for about half a second, so they are effeminately there, just invisible.

Screenshot of invisible brush with impact:

Its a very map breaking bug, because I dont want to release with invisible debris. Hopefully someone knows a fix..?

EDIT: Heres a gif just for an extra point of view:
8 years ago
This is a weird issue, I have been looking for ever but I could never really think of a name for this. I have been trying to fix this for about 3 days now, and when this did happen, I undid everything I did in radiant, even tried going to an old part and all and I have not been able to fix this. This isn't the first time this happened, this actually happened on another map I released.

Now I just got this new computer because my previous one crashed and it was cheaper to get this one than fixing my other one so I have had to redownload and resetup everything, and I am unsure if it is a problem or a setting.

(Above vid is unlisted so you may need to manually launch the link) (<--- Is a gif)

I really am stumped on how to fix this, and as you can see if I cant fix it then either I release it with a phantom map intercepting with the play area or I scrap this map and work on a new one

Radiant screenshot:
In-game screenshot:

I plan to spend some time on this map with proper cave systems and maybe (if I watch alot of youtube tutorials and ask from the best) I want to have some cool mini eastereggs to mess around with.

I don't wanna scrap it because I have wanted to build a minecraft style map, and I have spent ages getting the brush sizes right and the textures to fit properly.

Any help at all is appreciated
- PlutoBro
9 years ago
So I have been sitting here for the past hour or so admiring how far the mystery box has come... Just thinking that in the early development of zombies on nacht, it had no glowing question marks...

It never lowered the weapon, it just slammed shut... And then you look at the black ops 3 mystery box and how much of a beast the giant/eisendrache box looks.

So here's my question to you: What is your favourite mystery box model. Don't forget you have:

Waw box (Most of us are fond of this ;])

Black ops 1 box (Not much of a change from waw, but still less glitchy)

Black ops 2 nuketown, tranzit, die rise, buried mystery box (Spins in the air when moving/landing - This was amazing)

Mob of the dead box (My personal favourite, its fucking beast! The spikes, fireness, the sounds.. Ohhhh)

Origins box (That box that made the guns display the opposite to the other boxes, and made A LOT of noise)

Advanced Warfare's 3D printer (this is sorta a mystery box, so I thought I would add it in)

Shadow's of evil's tenticle fetish box (Tentacles.. Tentacles EVERYWHERE!)

The giant/eisendrache's box (The beast looking box with blue fx spewing from it :ooo)

I'm curious as to the different favours in the community! My personal is the Mob of the Dead mystery box! I LOVE IT!
9 years ago
So when I was making my map, I reset a few things, some of those were the zone_source stuff. And when I came onto my map I found that my dogs were doing some impossible moves, I was quiet surprised and wanted to give them some money for the show, but unfortunately I soon realized this is a serious issue and that I need to fix it. So I was talking to "HarryBo21" and he basically pointed out somethings that would cause this...

How to fix Yoga Hellhounds!

First, you're going to need to understand any reference to rootfolder/etc.. is referencing your world at war mod tools file location... Example: those with the steam world at war download would need to locate to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Call of Duty World at War\, Call of duty world at war is the root folder, containing the mod files.

Now we have that out of the way, let's begin.

Step 1: Locate to Root/zone_source folder. Yours should look identical to this.

Step 2: Locate your "zombiemode_dogs" file and edit with notepad++ (notepad if not installed)
NOTE: If your hellhounds are broken, yours probably will NOT look like this, it will most likely contain a few lines of something else.:

Step 3: Replace the current "zombiemode_dogs"

There is a tutorial which removes the dogs to free up fx, but this breaks for future map development. If you followed the tutorial there should be a zombiemode_dogs_backup somewhere in there. Delete your current zombiemode_dogs and rename zombiemode_dogs_backup to zombiemode_dogs. If you do not have a backup, press the download button at the bottom of the page, it will supply a download with the original zombiemode_dogs.

If you didn't follow the "singles" tutorial, press the download button at the bottom of the page, and replace your zombiemode_dogs with my zombiemode_dogs in your zone_source.

zombiemode_dogs download file:

This was my first tutorial, encouraged by HarryBo21! I really hoped it helped those with those darn flexible dogs. We need to thicken them up with some fresh xmodel fixing. If this didn't fix your zombiemode_dogs yoga issue, I really hope you sort it out, this is the way I fixed mine, and some other people fixed theirs so this SHOULD fix yours.

- PlutoBro

9 years ago
Happy Easter,

So before I start, this error looks to be an old error, since results on google showed from up to about 4-5 years ago, and yet none of them answered... This is killing me since I am really trying my hardest to release an update for my map, yet I have no answer to this, I have tried everything in my power and knowledge to fix this, and now I am turning to you.

So this above script compile error started showing up about 2 days ago. I had updated and changed quite a bit on my map, updating Harry's perks, rebuilding parts of my map... And all I remember is this error, I went to the unedited file and found the line the error was on and was dumbfounded to find nothing. I have never touched the file because I have never had a need to... I really need help, and I hope someone has answers to this, I am upset to not be able to find anything to fix this, not one single thing...  :'(

(Yes I can supply map files or anything needed in cooperation)
9 years ago
The 115 Displacement 1.1.0

There is a known pathing issue with the map, involving the 3 pink barriers near the juggernog area. If you are doing the soulboxes it is suggested to do the one upstairs first to prevent the pathing issue messing up the timeout of the soulboxes, as I was unable to disable the timeout!

The story is as follows:
The entire map is not as it is supposed to be, every element from the perks, weapons and even the flowers have been displaced by the element widely known as 115. You can pay the escape fee or live long enough for your fate to be given entirely to the undead.

Spoiler: click to open...
Black ops and black ops 2 perks
Dog rounds (Everyone loves these)
Teleporters (Der Riese)
Custom Pack a punch camo
Black ops 2 starting pistol (M1911)
AK74u from Black ops 2 added thanks to HarryBo21
Buffed pack a punched raygun (Normal raygun as soulbox reward)
BluntStuffy's Soul Boxes!
HarryBo21's perks pack 4.0.1

Spoiler: click to open...
Tom_BMX (Great posts, buyable ending)
ZOMB1E-KLLR (Youtube video tutorials)
Harry Bo21 (ALL of the perks, astounding help, superb work)
ImThe115Cure (Ideas for the map)
BluntStuffy (Soul boxes, of course)
MakeCents (Fixing a dreaded ModderHelp crash!)

A tonne of youtube tutorials from a lot of different people
Minor and major help from UGX forums
A lot of help from Zombie Modding
Sorry if I missed anyone, a lot of people helped me![/color]

This is my second map! I have been working on this sucker since January!

Patches and fixes in 1.1.0:
Spoiler: click to open...
List of 1.1.0 patches and fixes:
- updated Harry's perks to 4.0.1
- Fixed wall clipping next to quick revive (wall had no-clip. You could walk through it)
- Added a texture behind weapons to better destinguish their locations (easier to see)
- Patched some files, this fixed ALL of the missing weapons!
- Re-designed staminup area
- Added more ammo to pack-a-punched raygun
- Removed finishers misfortune (pack-a-punched beginners luck)
- The pack-a-punch is no longer a hall.
- Re-alligned all barriers in the map (better looking, shouldnt get stuck anymore)
- Fixed pathings inside solid (these were due to last minute detail additions)
- Added type 100 wallbuy
- Increased staminup speed and run duration.
- Moved Bowie knife location
- Removed 4 perk limit
- Corrected most of the lighting
- Thankyou to MakeCents for amazing help
- First door reduced price ($2000 - $1000)
- Second door increased ($750 - $1750)
- Fixed the trigger brush at the third door being very fussy of player position. (control pannel for easier access)
- Relocated the zombie counter to the top right.
- Mustang and sally obtainable by packapunching either M1911 or Beginners Luck.
- Powerups now have a more saturated green to them
- Soul box reward no longer takes up all weapon slots.
- Max ammo fills up current weapon clip (Scobalula's tutorial)
- Added Black Ops 2 M1911 (thanks to HarryBo21)
- Replaced starting gun zombie_colt with the black ops 2 m1911
- Added Beginners Luck (waw Colt M1911) into the mystery box [This is a way to obtain 2 different Mustang and Sallys]
- Another box location!

Fix in 1.1.0 build 2:
- Removed debug
Size of download: 390mb! (+282 for the video.bik)

Project discontiuned 12 July 16

9 years ago
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