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Topics - Bigbeard2000

I seen to be having a problem with eye glowing continuing after death. I followed the tutorial foudn here: 

Here is the relevant code found within my 
_zombiemode_spawners.gsc file:
Code Snippet
// When a Zombie spawns, set his eyes to glowing.
if( IsDefined( level.zombie_eye_glow ) && !level.zombie_eye_glow )

if( !IsDefined( self ) )

linkTag = "J_Eyeball_LE";
fxModel = "tag_origin";
fxTag = "tag_origin";

// SRS 9/2/2008: only using one particle now per Barry's request;
//  modified to be able to turn particle off
self.fx_eye_glow = Spawn( "script_model", self GetTagOrigin( linkTag ) );
self.fx_eye_glow.angles = self GetTagAngles( linkTag );
self.fx_eye_glow SetModel( fxModel );
self.fx_eye_glow LinkTo( self, linkTag );

// TEMP for testing
//self.fx_eye_glow thread maps\_debug::drawTagForever( fxTag );

PlayFxOnTag( level._effect["eye_glow"], self.fx_eye_glow, fxTag );

// Called when either the Zombie dies or if his head gets blown off
if( IsDefined( self.fx_eye_glow ) )
self.fx_eye_glow Delete();
The glowing eyes just stay there even after the zombie despawns. It's a rather old issue that I have, so I thought I would get around to fixing it.
5 years ago
I am getting a weird error message in my console after I build my map.

Console Text
******* script runtime error *******
undefined is not an array, string, or vector: (file 'common_scripts/utility.gsc', line 463)
  while( !level.flag )
Error: called from:
(file 'maps/_zombiemode_firstroom_sealer.gsc', line 92)
Error: called from:
(file 'maps/_zombiemode_firstroom_sealer.gsc', line 7)
  thread sealDoors();
Error: called from:
(file 'maps/house.gsc', line 122)
  maps\_zombiemode_firstroom_sealer::main(); // inits first room challenge
Error: started from:
(file 'maps/house.gsc', line 9)
For some reason it looks like level.flag isn't initialized, but I don't know how this would be possible considered that it should be initialized within the official scripts, as opposed to my own.  I assume this means that
Code Snippet
flag_init() // found within raw\commom_scripts\utility.gsc
is never called for some reason.  I am trying to revive an old map of mine so I am a little rusty.
5 years ago
I recently got a new pc and I was wondering how to transfer one specific map, so that I can continue developing the map,  of mine to my new pc. I don't now which files I need to transfer or what dependancies my map might have. On a side note I would also like to know how to fully backup a map & all of its files in case something goes wrong.
5 years ago
For the past 2 years of working on my map, I have never been able to solve this one constant error. For some reason a get an error that states: "AI (Entity #, origin # # #, couldn't find path to goal)". What makes this so weird is the fact that it doesn't seem to affect game play as they find all of the players just fine, with no exception. I have no idea what could possibly be causing this, I have spent 200+ hours trying to solve this stupid bug. I would prefer to have no errors in my final map. I have tried having the zombies spawn on a path node, I have used ai_shownodes 1 (with no problems/red x's and with red arrows coming from each window), I have moved the spawners up and down with no luck. This error comes from each one of my spawners. Even though it doesn't appear to make a difference, something must be causing it. The other weird part it is only happens 60-80% off the time, as in not every zombie spawned has this error. I have my zones set up properly and do most of my testing in the first room (to eliminate variation). The spawners are inside of the zone's volume (if that means anything). I would be very grateful if someone has any ideas.

I have attached a few images below of different spawners in the first room

Spoiler: click to open...

6 years ago
I would like to apologize if a similar question is already posted.

I want to add a pack a punched Springfield to my map. I don't need I much I just want it to do more damage and maybe faster reloading. I don't care if the textures and sounds are the same as the regular Springfield.

Again, sorry if has been asked a million times before.

Thank you very much for your time!
6 years ago
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