
Call of Duty 5: World at War => Downloadable Items for Mappers => Custom Maps, Mods & Tools => Scripts => Topic started by: DeletedUser on May 23, 2015, 01:01:08 am

Title: Random perk scripts
Post by: DeletedUser on May 23, 2015, 01:01:08 am
Random perk scripts

What is this for

I will be updating this forum post with any random perk scripts i come up with so keep checking back for new scripts
If you want me to make a perk script for you just post a comment below of what you want and ill try to make it a reality

Perk disabler

Script level: Beginner
This will allow for the modder to disable certain perks

in mapname.gsc add this
Code Snippet

Code Snippet

now copy paste this at the bottom of mapname.gsc
Code Snippet
        //change to your perks names and remove / comment out unused perks
        level.enabledPerks = [];
level.enabledPerks["specialty_armorvest"] = true; //Enable Juggernog
level.enabledPerks["specialty_quickrevive"] = true; //Enable Quick Revive
level.enabledPerks["specialty_rof"] = true; //Enable Double Tap 1.0
level.enabledPerks["specialty_fastreload"] = true; //Enable Speed Cola

level.enabledPerks["specialty_twoprimaries"] = true; //Enable Mule Kick
level.enabledPerks["specialty_bulletaccuracy"] = true; //Enable Deadshot Daiquiri
level.enabledPerks["specialty_longersprint"] = true; //Enable Stamin Up
level.enabledPerks["specialty_explosivedamage"] = true; //Enable PHD Flopper

level.enabledPerks["specialty_specialgrenade"] = true; //Enable Tombstone Soda
level.enabledPerks["specialty_bulletdamage"] = true; //Enable Double Tap 2.0
level.enabledPerks["specialty_shades"] = true; //Enable Whos Whos
level.enabledPerks["specialty_quieter"] = true; //Enable Electric Cherry
level.enabledPerks["specialty_ordinance"] = true; //Enable Vulture Aid

        level.disableHint = "This perk has been disabled"; //dont change

(please note the next step will need to be done for any other scripts that have perks in)
now open _zombiemode_perks.gsc and find the function vending_trigger_think() copy paste this
Code Snippet
self SetHintString(level.disableHint);

after this
Code Snippet
//self thread turn_cola_off();
perk = self.script_noteworthy;
self SetCursorHint( "HINT_NOICON" );
self UseTriggerRequireLookAt();

Black Ops style perk limit

This is a normal perk limit but instead of just hiding the trigger from the player it makes a deny sound

open up _zombiemode_perks.gsc and find the function vending_trigger_think()
and add this
Code Snippet
if(IsDefined(player.perk_hud) && player.perk_hud.size >= 4) //you can change 4 to amount of perks you want to limit
self PlaySound("deny");

after this
Code Snippet
if(player isThrowingGrenade())
wait .1;
Title: how to put the perk sounds in the map
Post by: jasonpage260 on May 24, 2015, 01:46:50 pm
hi i have been having problems with the whoswho perk sound i have been trying to get the whoswho sound working but its not working for me  but i even try taking out the sound and put the sound back in but its still not working and if i put sound,vending_sfx,, in the builder do every thing i get over 1600 sfx sounds can u help...
Title: Re: how to put the perk sounds in the map
Post by: DeletedUser on May 25, 2015, 12:33:18 am
hi i have been having problems with the whoswho perk sound i have been trying to get the whoswho sound working but its not working for me  but i even try taking out the sound and put the sound back in but its still not working and if i put sound,vending_sfx,, in the builder do every thing i get over 1600 sfx sounds can u help...
(this forum post is not for my perk  system that one has been removed i would recommend removing my perk system fro myour mod)

if you are on about my perk system that has been removed from UGX (by me) and i will not be continuing support for it sorry

and i guess its my perk system since you have vending_sfx
and if i put sound,vending_sfx,, in the builder