
Call of Duty: Black Ops 1 => Help Desk => Mapping => Topic started by: itzz_7sn on June 12, 2022, 12:16:52 pm

Title: trap
Post by: itzz_7sn on June 12, 2022, 12:16:52 pm
so i was trying to make an electric trap using this script (_zombiemode_traps.gsc) and every thing seems to be working fine except for the "zapper" fx, although the damage fx and other sounds are working, i figure is something to do with (script_string) because i don't completely sure what it used for or how to use it.
edit: turns out you must add in your "clientscripts\" file, under this line
Code Snippet
level thread clientscripts\_zombiemode::init_perk_machines_fx();
add this line
Code Snippet
level thread trap_fx_monitor( "struct_targetname", "script_string", "trap_type" );
Code Snippet
level thread trap_fx_monitor( "elec_trap", "e1", "electric" );
then it should work as intended  :+1:
Title: Re: trap
Post by: klevi on July 04, 2022, 03:56:19 pm
Yeah, i have had this problem before too, i fixed it by taking the same effect from the cod waw one. Make sure you have cod waw mod tools installed, go to raw/fx and search there for electric or something, it should have a similar or the same name as the bo1 one. Then paste it in your bo1/raw/fx folder, or somewhere you want, include the new effect and just replace the line in your script with the one from the new effect. Except from that, you might as well rip it from der riese traps by using a tool or something without the need of the mod tools installed.