
Call of Duty 5: World at War => Help Desk => Modding => Topic started by: maxthekiler12 on May 29, 2020, 07:18:25 pm

Title: harrys bo21 perks v5.2.0 error
Post by: maxthekiler12 on May 29, 2020, 07:18:25 pm
I download the harrys bo21 perks and when I start my map I get this error:
server script script compile animation animation fx_zoom_tomb_packapunch_pc7_anim undefined in anim tree pack_a_punch_machine SetAnim (
% fxanim_zom_tomb_packapunch_pc7_anim);
(see the console for details)
in the console says this:
******* Server script compile error *******
Error: animation 'fxanim_zom_tomb_packapunch_pc7_anim' not defined in anim tree 'pack_a_punch': (file 'maps / _zombiemode_pack_a_punch.gsc', line 231)
 pack_a_punch_machine SetAnim (% fxanim_zom_tomb_packapunch_pc7_anim);
please help, i dont know what to do im new at this.
Title: Re: harrys bo21 perks v5.2.0 error
Post by: gympie6 on May 30, 2020, 11:56:07 pm
You shouldn't be using his perks because it's broken.
But I am gonna help you fix the problem.

Copy generic_human to your mod. That can be found in animtrees:
C:Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Call of Duty World at War\raw\animtrees

you can add that animation somewhere in body
Build the mod and done.
Title: Re: harrys bo21 perks v5.2.0 error
Post by: Ahvay on May 31, 2020, 03:02:12 am