
Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 => Tutorial Desk => Scripting => Topic started by: death_reaper0 on January 08, 2018, 08:16:22 am

Title: [tutorial] Teleportation Zombie Mini Boss
Post by: death_reaper0 on January 08, 2018, 08:16:22 am
this is a script i made for a zombie that would randomly spawn in place of a normal zombie and teleport after every few seconds a few meters away from where it was. nothing too spectacular but it can throw people off guard if one spawns in the middle of a horde.

for this tutorial i will be using the model called "c_54i_cqb_fullbody" for the zombie, if you want a different one change this at any point in the tutorial to your own model.

first go into your maps zone file and add

Code Snippet

then go into your mapname.gsc and add
Code Snippet
#precache("xmodel", "c_54i_cqb_fullbody");
above main

then place this

Code Snippet
	level.teleport_zombie_reap_dist = 190;				//teleporting distance
level.teleport_zombie_reap_time_min = 3; //minimum time to teleport
level.teleport_zombie_reap_time_max = 3; //max time to teleport (time to teleport random between min and min + max)
level.teleport_zombie_reap_health_multiplier = 3; //health modifier, this many times more health than a normal zombie
level.teleport_zombie_reap_percent = 15; //spawn rate percent, this many out of 100 will become teleporters
level thread reap_special_zombies();


Code Snippet
	level.pathdist_type = PATHDIST_ORIGINAL;

then place this at the bottom of mapname.gsc

Code Snippet
function reap_special_zombies()
zombies = getaispeciesarray( "axis", "all" );
for( i = 0; i < zombies.size; i++ )
if( !isDefined( zombies[i].reap_special_zombies ) )
zombies[i].reap_special_zombies = true;
if(randomint(100) < level.teleport_zombie_reap_percent)
zombies[i] thread reap_special_zombie_teleporter();
wait 0.1;

function reap_special_zombie_teleporter()
self endon( "death" );
self.is_teleport_zombie = true;
self.force_gib = false;
self.gibbed = true;
self.maxhealth = self.maxhealth*level.teleport_zombie_reap_health_multiplier; =*level.teleport_zombie_reap_health_multiplier;
self.is_on_fire = true;
self.no_gib = 1;
self.head_gibbed = true;
self.needs_run_update = true;
self.allowpain = false;
self.ignore_nuke = true;
self.is_boss = true;
self detach( self.headModel, "" );
self detach( self.hatModel, "" );
self setmodel( "c_54i_cqb_fullbody" );
wait randomint(level.teleport_zombie_reap_time_min)+level.teleport_zombie_reap_time_max;
front = AnglesToForward(self.angles);
dist_pos = self.origin + VectorScale( front, level.teleport_zombie_reap_dist );
if( bullettracepassed( self.origin + (0, 0, 10), dist_pos + (0, 0, 10), false, undefined ) &&
(IsDefined(self.in_the_ground) && self.in_the_ground == false || !IsDefined(self.in_the_ground)))
if( IsVehicle( self ) )
self clientfield::set( "tesla_shock_eyes_fx_veh", 1 );
self clientfield::set( "tesla_shock_eyes_fx", 1 );
self PlaySound( "zmb_elec_jib_zombie" );
wait .2;
self hide();
wait .2;
self forceteleport(dist_pos);
wait .2;
self show();
wait .2;
if( IsVehicle( self ) )
self clientfield::set( "tesla_shock_eyes_fx_veh", 0 );
self clientfield::set( "tesla_shock_eyes_fx", 0 );

that should be it, if you have any questions or issues let me know
Title: Re: [tutorial] Teleportation Zombie Mini Boss
Post by: Psh on January 09, 2018, 07:31:49 pm
Anything to add variety, sounds to me like that blue zombie from the ZCT mod :gusta:
Title: Re: [tutorial] Teleportation Zombie Mini Boss
Post by: Ping998 on January 10, 2018, 09:18:29 pm
Anything to add variety, sounds to me like that blue zombie from the ZCT mod :gusta:

Exactly what I was thinking. They've returned... :alone:
Title: Re: [tutorial] Teleportation Zombie Mini Boss
Post by: novadex on January 29, 2018, 08:01:37 pm
 This is really cool, but in testing i found it messes up Dog rounds. Some dogs become zombies walking backwards on all fours. lol
Title: Re: [tutorial] Teleportation Zombie Mini Boss
Post by: death_reaper0 on January 31, 2018, 01:01:40 pm
This is really cool, but in testing i found it messes up Dog rounds. Some dogs become zombies walking backwards on all fours. lol
i dont use dog rounds in my mod so i didnt know, should of thought of it though, i'll fix this tomorrow
Title: Re: [tutorial] Teleportation Zombie Mini Boss
Post by: novadex on January 31, 2018, 11:31:42 pm
 Another thing ive noticed after playing with these guys further is their teleportation function is not limted to a player volume ( teleporting outside zones and even though monster clipping ). stairs and floors/levels they can even temporally teleport  in the air, skipping past traversals and nodes.

 I really think these guys are valuable, this is a really good idea, nice work, and thanks for looking into fixing them up. 

Title: Re: [tutorial] Teleportation Zombie Mini Boss
Post by: Ping998 on June 11, 2018, 07:01:20 pm
Hey for some reason the fx and sounds don't work for me?

Any suggestions for a fix? :)